Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Angel Whitehouse Street
1831 – 34. Thomas Ainsworth
1837 – 48. Richard White
1849 to 1851. Mary White
1851 – 66. John Colston Palmer
1868 – 69. G. Bird
1871 – 79. Samuel Bryant
1881 – 82. Henry Cambridge
1883 – 89. Albert Stone
1891 – 1928. James Stevens
1931. Shadrack Baker
1933 – 43. Hester Crotty
1943 – 53. Bert West
The tenancy of Bert West commenced on the 6th December 1943, the rent was £35 per annum and the landlord was the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited

Census 1841.
Richard White 30, licensed victualler, not born in county
Mary White 29, not born in county
Thomas White 3, born in county
Mary Jane White 2, born in county
Ann Miller 20, servant, not born in county
Census 1851.
John C. Palmer 37, head married, licensed victualler, Shirehampton Gloucestershire
Mary Palmer 38, wife married, Lapford Devon
Frederick R. White 14, son in law, apprentice cooper, Bedminster
Thomas William White 13, son in law, assistant in business, Bedminster
Mary Jane White 12, daughter in law, Bedminster
Census 1861.
John Colston Palmer 47, husband married, publican, Shirehampton Gloucestershire
Mary Palmer 49, wife married, Lapford Devon
Frederick White 24, step son unmarried, cooper, Bedminster Bristol
Thomas White 23, step son unmarried, shipwright, Bedminster Bristol
Mary Jane White 22, step daughter unmarried, Bedminster Bristol
Census 1871.
Samuel Bryant 67, head married, ship’s carpenter, Somersetshire St. George’s
Mary Bryant 63, wife married, Somersetshire St.George’s
Census 1881.
Henry Cambridge 48, head married, publican, Backwell Somerset
Mary Ann Cambridge 48, wife married, Backwell Somerset
William Cambridge 19, son unmarried, baker, Backwell Somerset
Richard Cambridge 18, son unmarried, pupil teacher, Backwell Somerset
Florence Cambridge 15, daughter, dressmaker, Backwell Somerset
Census 1891.
James Stevens 24, head single, publican, Bristol Bedminster
Ellen Stevens 16, niece single, barmaid, Bristol
Census 1901.
James Stevens 34, head widower, licensed victualler, Bristol
James R. Stevens 6, son, Bristol
Arthur C, Stevens 4, son, Bristol
Sarah Pocock 21, servant single, domestic servant, Manchester
Census 1911.
James Stevens 41, head widower, licensed victualler, Bristol
Reginald Stevens 16, son single, butcher, Bristol
Arthur Stevens 14, son, ‘at home’ assisting in the butchers, Bristol
George Stevens 52, visitor married, boiler maker, Bristol
Eliza Harris 48, servant widow, domestic servant, Bristol
Ernest W. Allen 29, boarder single, butcher, Bristol