Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Kingsdown Wine Vaults Kingsdown Parade
1867 Peter Leach
1868 – 69 S. J. Booth
1871 – 77 John White
1877 – 79 William Millman
1881 – 1911 Emily Millman
1914 George Norman
1917 – 21 Mary Jane Norman
1925 Alice Jane Bayntun
1928 – 31 Sydney Whitewood
1933 – 44 Lionel Nash
1950 – 53 Ada Nash
1960 V. C. Harrison
1975 Miss E. T. Harrison
Previously occupied by Solomon Fry, bed & mattress maker, the Kingsdown Wine Vaults has also been known variously as the Star, Booth’s Hotel and White’s Hotel.

Census 1871.
John White 75, head married, publican, Sturminster Dorset
Julia White 58, wife married, Bristol
Charles William Craymer 24, head married, accountant, Bristol
Julia Craymer 23, wife married, Bristol
Lilly J. E. Craymer 3, daughter, Bristol
Violet M. Craymer 2, daughter, Bristol
Julia Taylor 19, servant unmarried, barmaid, Newport Monmouthshire
Louisa Taylor 16, servant unmarried, barmaid, Wales
Census 1881.
Emily Millman 32, head widow, beerhouse keeper, Bristol
Ellen Barber 19, niece unmarried, barmaid, Bristol
Census 1891.
Emily Millman 42, head widow, tavern keeper, Bristol
Mary Wiliams 52, servant widow, general servant, Bristol
Census 1901.
Emily Millman 51, head widow, beer retailer, Bristol
Census 1911.
Emily Millman 63, head widow, wine vaults keeper, Bristol
Emma Hussey 62, sister in law married, Bristol