Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Golden Fleece Avon Buildings, Lower Bristol Road
1841 – 59. John Druce
1859 – 64. Charity E. Druce
1871 – 76. Joseph Reynolds
1881. Elija Ashman
1884 – 91. Robert Grant
1892 to 1901. George C. King
1905. William R. Lidyard
1911 – 12. Herbert W. Hawker
1913 – 16. James Price
1919. James Barton
1923 – 47. Arthur Thomas Spear
1950. C. W. Brooks
Originally just the corner house, the Golden Fleece was extended into the house next door around 1892

Census 1841.
John Druce 55, beer seller, born in county
Elizabeth Druce 55, born in county
Jane Druce 15, born in county
Census 1851.
John Duce 68, head married, beer house keeper, Frome Somerset
Charity Druce 57, wife married, Lancashire Liverpool
George Druce 7, son scholar, Twerton Somerset
Census 1861.
Charity E. Druce 69, head widow, beer house keeper, Lancashire Liverpool
Sarah A. Freeman 17, servant unmarried, domestic servant, Somerset Twerton
Census 1871.
Joseph George Reynolds 26, head married, beer retailer, Somerset Twerton
Alice Reynolds 26, wife married, beer retailer’s wife, Somerset Twerton
Agnes Reynolds 6, daughter scholar, Somerset Twerton
Walter George Reynolds 4, son scholar, Somerset Twerton
Census 1881.
Elija J. Ashman 22, head married, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Cardiff
Eliza F. Ashman 19, wife married, Somerset Bath Odd Down
Census 1891.
Robert George Grant 39, head married, general labourer, Larkhall Bath Somerset
Sarah Grant 38, wife married, Avon Street Bath Somerset
George Grant 10, son scholar, Twerton Bath Somerset
Robert Grant 8, son scholar, Twerton Bath Somerset
Beatrice Grant 7, daughter scholar, Twerton Bath Somerset
William Grant 5, son scholar, Twerton Bath Somerset
Thomas Grant 13 months, son, Twerton Bath Somerset
Census 1901.
George C. King 42, head married, licensed victualler, Somerset Kelston
Eliza King 36, wife married, Sydney Australia (New South Wales)
Elsie King 13, daughter, Somerset Saltford
Sydney G. King 6, son, Somerset Twerton
Alice Hiscox 17, servant single, general domestic servant, Somerset Keynsham
Census 1911.
Herbert Hawker 40, head married, licensed victualler, Netherbury Dorset
Louisa Georgina Hawker 30, wife married, Colchester Essex
Reginald Herbert Hawker 4, son, Bath Somerset
Louis Harold Hawker 2, son, Bath Somerset
In 1901 the King family put the Golden Fleece up for auction, it was sold to Berryman & Burnell Ltd., the Charlton Brewery, Shepton Mallet for the sum of £4,200. What follows is a schedule of the brewing plant, trade fixtures, fittings, stock in trade and other effects dated July 20th 1901.
The brewing copper with masonry and settings as fixed
Pair of 12 steps and deal staging to copper
Copper wort pump and pipe to underback
Deal cover in two parts for copper
Oval oak wash tun with iron girders and woodwork supporting same, with large metal tap and wooden false bottom
Underback with copper well
Cooler No.1 with three iron girders carrying same and two metal taps
‘Lawrences’ 3 barrel refrigerator with inlet supply pipe and tap from main and the outlet pipe, with short length of rubber pipe to drain
Copper bottom hop strainer
Barm back with horsing for same
Khive tub and 5 brewing utensils
10 foot length of 1¼ inch rubber hose
Collecting and fermenting vessel No.1 with outlet tap and horsing as fixed
Collecting and fermenting vessel No.2 with outlet tap and horsing as fixed
Copper brewing thermometer
Two gas brackets
Towel roller
Iron screw hop press
Jenny wheel and chain
The matchboard partition with door and cover forming hop room
Spirit Store.
Horsing for spirit casks
7 long nozzle wine taps
Saccharometer in mahogany case and back
Hydrometer in mahogany case
Tin filling can and funnel
Sample glass
Front Cellar.
Sundry cellar tools
Three tier shelves
Extra engine taps
Copper wort pump
Beer Cellar.
Double gas bracket
Frame cask horsing
Horsing to 7 store pieces
Pair of 8 tread steps
Length of rubber hose, and union for filling store pieces
Seive and sundry cellar tools
Storepiece No.1, 1200 gallons
Storepiece No.2, 693 gallons
Storepiece No.3, 360 gallons
Storepiece No.4, 380 gallons
Storepiece No.5, 500 gallons
Storepiece No.6, 360 gallons
Storepiece No.7, 160 gallons
Storepiece No.8, 650 gallons
Cold liquor pump as fixed
Sundry tubs
X table
Not required by the new owners, the brewing plant at the Golden Fleece was sold at auction on 4th March 1902, and fetched a total of £32 : 8s : 2d
6 motion beer engine with piping and taps to cellars
The mahogany top painted oak panelled counter with return ends, door and flap and iron foot rails as fixed
The stained glass sash with panelled door and partition forming jug & bottle entrance
The formation of the spirit shelves with silvered glass panels at back
The painted and glazed dwarf partition with door in front of counter as fitted with a mahogany seat on either side
Two-light gas pendant with two consumers
3 gas pendants with two consumers
The seating as fixed
Wire blind as lettered and four brass guard bars
Three roller blinds and fittings
8 day dial
11 spitoons
Beer warmer and stand
Turned leg drinking table
Spring and strap to door
Patent cork drawer
Set of six china spirit barrels with taps
Two engraved glass spirit barrels with taps
Brass bound pewter drip
Set of 5 pewter spirit measures and funnels
Three pewter beer measures and tin funnel
Barm board
All cups, glasses, measures and other trade utensils
Glass Room.
Linoleum as close laid and brass step plate
Gas fire as fitted
Chimney glass in gilt frame
Brass gas pendant
Deal centre table with a cloth cover
12 elbow smoking chairs
Curtain pole and fixings
Venetian blind
Wire blind as lettered
Oilcloth as laid
Gas bracket
Portable American cooking stove as fixed
Towel roller
Front Sitting Room.
Curtain pole and fixings
Venetian blinds
Bordered Brussels carpet
Gas bracket and globe
Gas fire and fixings
Bathroom And Landing.
Oilcloth as close laid
Oil baize to two flights of stairs
Two gas brackets
Towel rail
Painted hanging cupboard
Back Bedroom.
Oilcloth as laid
Gas bracket
Roller blind
Spare Bedroom.
Oilcloth as close laid
Two gas brackets and one globe
Curtain pole and fixings
Venetian blind
Corner cupboard
Tap Room.
Venetian blind
Oilcloth to top landing
Gas bracket
Front Bedroom.
Linoleum as closed laid
Gas bracket and globe
Venetian blind
What follows is the specification of work required to be done in providing urinal and W.C. accommodation at the Golden Fleece Inn Twerton Bath, for Messrs. Berryman Burnell & Co. Ltd. March 1902.
Masons’ Work etc.
Floors … Take up the existing floors of passages, yard, and W.C., excavate the earth as may be required, spread over the surface a coating of lime concrete 4 inches thick properly consolidated and lay thereon to form the floor of urinal and W.C. With 2 inches thick of cement concrete, comprised of one part by measure of White Bros. best London Portland Cement and two thirds of washed coarse sand or gravel, properly graded for drainage to the gulley traps. The floor of passage to be laid with the old paving.
Urinal … Increase the width of opening of urinal and make good jamb and arch thereto. Lay the gutters with 6 inch vitrified channel brick to empty into 6 inch gulley traps with stoneware grating and properly connect same to existing drain. Cement the back and ends of urinal and coat with pitch and applied whilst hot.
W.C. … Take out the existing W.C. Pan and appurtenances, and fit up W.C. with Farmiloe & Sons No.4145 “Birta” wash down closets (price list 5/-) with strap complete, set in brickwork and properly connected to existing drain. Provide and fix a two gallon syphon cistern of approved quality fixed on iron brackets, with 1½ inch sewer pipe connected to the cistern and pan. The cistern to be fitted with ½ inch overflow pipe to deliver through walls. Put galvanised iron chain pull.
Cellar … Build steps to cellar in brickwork on a foundation of stone and mortar masonry and secure thereto two 5 inch x 3 inch oak runners fitted with three ¾ inch iron screw bolts complete. Lay a 6 inch agricultural pipe drain across passage from cellar to bar in the same course as the existing pipes, to take the new pipes from cellar to beer engine in bar. Raise the existing doorway into cellar to a height of 5 feet 6 inches, insert lintel and make good disturbed work.
Carpenters’ Work etc.
Roof … Construct roof over the W.C. and urinal as shown by the plan with 4½ inch x 3 inch wall plates, 3 inch x 2 inch rebated and chamfered rafters to secure glass, with 6 inch x 3 inch cill to carry framing for louvres. The rafters to upper part of roof to be of like dimensions and to be lathed and plastered underneath. The lower part of roof to be glazed with “Hartley’s” rolled plate glass ¼ inch thick. The upper part of roof to be covered with best quality Bangor slates nailed to 1½ inch x ¾ inch red deal battens and flashed with 4 lbs milled lead. The louvres to be of rough rolled plate glass 4 inches wide let into grooves of studding. Put 4 inch cast iron guttering to eaves, fitted with 2 inch stack piping outlet and shoe complete to deliver over or into drain.
Doors … Enclose the W.C. With 1 inch ledged door, fitted and hung to 4 inch x 3 inch rebated and beaded frame. Put new 2 inch framed and ledged door, fitted and hung to 4½ inch x 3 inch frame with T hinge and secured with two 9 inch barrel bolts and strong hasp staple and padlock.
Seat etc … Put new 1 inch deal shaped seat and riser secured with screws to 3 inch x 2 inch bearers and fitted with 1 inch deal clamped flap, hung with 2½ inch steel butts to 1 inch beaded framing. The end of urinal to be formed with 4 inch x 3 inch oak post and 1 inch matched boarding secured to 1 inch ledge.
Plumbers’ Work.
Lay on the water to cistern in W.C. And urinal with ½ inch galvanised iron piping and fitted with stop tap. The urinal to be fitted with 1 inch copper pipe spreader and ½ inch regulating tap complete.
Painters’ Work.
The whole of the woodwork to be knotted primed and painted three coats and the ironwork also to be painted 3 coats. The whole to be finished in colours as directed.
Whitewashing … Stop and properly limewash the walls of passage, yard, urinal and W.C.
The work to be executed in an efficient manner with materials of the best description of their respective kinds, and to the entire satisfaction of the architect.