Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Ring Of Bells Widcombe Parade
1841. James Fisher
1851 – 61. Robert T. Starks
1864. John Mayell
1871 – 72. Edward Pratt
1976. Frank Oxley
1881 – 91. Anne Wilkins
1894 – 1914. James Dury
1916 – 19. Harry Wheeler
1923 – 31. John Woodham
1935 – 37. Thomas M. Claridge
1947. Stanley George Burgess
1950 – 52. Frederick A. Button

Census 1841.
James Fisher 55, retailer of beer, born in county
Joseph Fisher 25, born in county
James Fisher 20
Sarah Priest 20, servant, not born in county
Census 1851.
Robert T. Starks 35, head married, inn keeper, Somerset Bath
Mary Ann Starks 35, wife married, Somerset Bath
Henry Fisher 10, stepson scholar, Somerset Bath
Joseph Fisher, lodger, annuitant, Somerset Bath
Mary Ann Mannings 18, servant, house servant, Somerset Wellow
Census 1861.
Robert T. Starks 45, head married, victualler, Somerset Bath
Mary A. Starks 45, wife married, Somerset Bath
Joseph Clark Fisher 45, relative unmarried, proprietor of houses, Somerset Bath
Eliza Steeds 15, servant unmarried, house servant, Somerset Coleford
Census 1871.
Edward Pratt 42, head married, licensed victualler, Somerset Bath
Elizabeth Pratt 41, wife married, Somerset Bath
Louisa Pratt 19, daughter unmarried, Somerset Bath
Albert Pratt 17, son unmarried, Somerset Bath
John Pratt 15, son, apprentice, Somerset Bath
Frederick pratt 12, son scholar, Somerset Bath
Mary Ann 11, daughter scholar, Somerset Bath
Ada Pratt 7, daughter scholar, Somerset Bath
Walter Pratt 3, son, Somerset Bath
Census 1881.
Anne Wilkins 53, head widow, licensed victualler, Wiltshire Bradford on Avon
Frederick Wilkins 24, son unmarried, brewer, Bristol
Emily Wilkins 18, daughter unmarried, attendant at bar, Somerset Bath
Annie Smith 28, daughter widow, no occupation, Somerset Bruton
Frederick Smith 2, grandson, Somerset Bruton
Annie Smith 1, grandaughter, Somerset Bruton
Census 1891.
Annie Wilkins 60, head widow, licensed victualler, Somersetshire
Fred Wilkins 34, son single, brewer, Somersetshire
Census 1901.
James Dury 55, head married, licensed victualler, Somerset Farmborough
Ellen J. Dury 57, wife married, Gloucestershire Clifton
Katherine Dury 20, daughter single, Somerset Bath
William H. Dury 18, son single, plumber’s apprentice, Somerset Bath
Winifred J. Dury 16, daughter single, Somerset Bath
Daisy L. Dury 14, daughter, Somerset Bath
Sidney J. Dury 11, son, Somerset Bath
Florence E. Dury 9, daughter, Somerset Bath