Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Traveller’s Rest Lower Dover Street

1856. John Copestick
1861 – 72. Henry Richard Snelgrove
1876. Ann Snelgrove
1881 – 84. George Maggs
1889 – 91. Arthur Deverell
1894 – 95. Clara A. Neate
1900. Thomas Gover
1901 – 11. Emily Sophia Whicher
1912. Miss Effie Whicher
1914 – 19. Harry Whicher
1923. Ethel Whicher
1931. Frederick Drewett
1934 to 1952. George Henry Yates
1952 to 1956. Charles Horace Yates
The pictures and information on this page were kindly provided by Simon Newton of Theodore, Australia. Simon is the Grandson of Charles Yates and Great Grandson of George Yates. The Traveller’s Rest is pictured here sometime between 1952 and 1955. In shirt sleeves is landlord Charles Yates and in the centre is customer Bill Leach, but the identity of the gent to the right is unknown. The Traveller’s Rest closed in September 1956.

Inside the Travellers’ Rest. Left to right. Charles Yates, his mother Maud Yates, future daughter in law Hilary Betts (with Patsy the dog) and son Ken Yates.

The last night at the Traveller’s Rest, Charles Yates with his mother Maude, wife Dorothy, daughter Eileen and customer Bill Leach.
Obituary of George Henry Yates
(Bath newspaper 1955)
George Henry Yates died November 5th 1955 at Bath Hospital.
Mr Yates, who came to the city in 1912, was, for many years, licensee of the Traveller’s Rest, 1 Lower Dover Street, Walcot. He was formerly employed by Cater, Stoffel & Fortt. At one time he was a member of the 17th County of London (Middlesex) Regiment. Mr Yates was the only son of the late Mr and Mrs George Yates, of London. He had been in poor health for two years. He leaves a widow and four children, three of whom are living at Bath. His daughter, Mrs M. E. Paradise, is living in Australia.

George and Maud Yates landlord & landlady
1934 – 1952
Obituary of Charles Horace Yates
(Bath newspaper 1958)
Charles Horace Yates, BEM died at Claverton Down Hospital.
The death of Mr Charles. H. (Tubby) Yates, of 29 Stirtingale Road, Bath who for some years, was landlord of the Traveller’s Rest, Walcot, which was acquired for £1 (from Georges Brewery) by the Bath Corporation under a slum clearance scheme and has now ceased to exist as a public house. The shutters went up on the Traveller’s Rest in September 1956. Trade had slackened over the previous five years with so many customers leaving the district under the Snow Hill re-development scheme, but with new flats going up in the area, it had begun to pick up. Eventually it was acquired under a compulsory purchase order. Mr Yates had been at the establishment since March 1934, when his Mother and Father took it over. He is survived by his wife Dorothy.
Census 1861.
Henry Richard Snelgrove 50, head married, beer house keeper, Somerset Frome
Ann Snelgrove 52, wife married, Somerset Batheaston
Kate Perry 3, grandaughter scholar, Somerset Bathwick
Aaron Bowsher 42, lodger unmarried, coachman, Berkshire East Garston
Arthur Haysman 28, lodger married, traveller, Australia British subject
Herbert Merlin 30, lodger unmarried, traveller menagerie, Nottinghamshire Plumtree
James King 35, lodger unmarried, traveller menagerie, Gloucestershire Bristol
Census 1871.
Henry Richard Snelgrove 60, head married, beer house keeper, Bath Somerset
Ann Snelgrove 62, wife married, Batheaston Somerset
Kate Perry 13, grandchild, assistant, Bath Somerset
Emily Perry 11, grandchild, assistant, Bath Somerset
Census 1881.
George Maggs 50, head married, beer seller, Somerset Bath
Emma Maggs 50, wife married, Somerset Bath
George Maggs 17, son unmarried, chimney sweep, Somerset Bath
Census 1891.
Arthur Deverell 36, head married, Somersetshire Twerton on Avon
Selina Deverell 35, wife married, Somersetshire Twerton on Avon
Lillian A. Deverell 11, daughter, Huntingdonshire Bugden
William Hiscock 45, lodger single, labourer general, unknown
Maurice Page 45, lodger single, labourer general, Somersetshire Bath
John Lucas 47, lodger single, Gloucestershire Cold Ashton
Census 1901.
Emily S. Whicher 44, head widow, living on own means, Devizes Wiltshire
Ethel E. Whicher 19, daughter single, barmaid, Devizes Wiltshire
Harry Whicher 15, son, butcher, Devizes Wiltshire
Charles Whicher 13, son, stable boy, Devizes Wiltshire
William Whicher 9, son, Bath Somerset
Census 1911.
Emily Sophia Whicher 54, head widow, inn keeper, Devizes Wiltshire
Ethel Emily Whicher 29, daughter single, theatre bar attendant, Devizes Wiltshire
William Robert Whicher 19, son single, porter, Bath