Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Westgate Hotel New Westgate Buildings
1822. Charles Chambers
1830. Robert Griffin
1844. Henry Mundy
1850. George Matthews
1856. Charles Henry Pritchard
1861 – 64. Harriett Skuse
1871 – 76. Sarah Ramsey
1881 – 91. William Parfitt
1894. Lucy Parfitt
1895. Lucy Holmes
1900 – 19. Richard Hunt
1923. Cornelius Coughlan
1931 – 37. Agnes Merritt
With the County Wine Vaults also in view, the Westgate is pictured here around the time of the first world war, the name above the door is R. Hunt.

Census 1841.
Henry Mundy 40, publican, not born in county
Hannah Mundy 40, not born in county
Edward Mundy 15, born in county
William Mundy 10, born in county
Henry Mundy 7, born in county
Mary Bennett 20, servant, born in county
Thomas Haut 15, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
John Parker 28, head married, fly master, Shepton Mallett
Ann Parker 29, wife married, Castle Coombe Wiltshire
Census 1861.
Harriett Skuse 52, head widow, beerhouse keeper, Warwickshire Fenny Compton
Emma Gullifer 17, servant unmarried, general servant, Somerset Culverton
Henry Tawson 26, boarder widower, Brewer’s labourer, Gloucestershire Dorsington
James Parfitt 22, boarder unmarried, agricultural labourer, Somerset Culverton
Census 1871.
Sarah Ramsey 71, widow, publican, Keynsham Somerset
James Green 55, lodger unmarried, general dealer, Reading Berkshire
John Smith 40, lodger widower, labourer, Bath Somerset
Census 1881.
William Parfitt 36, head married, beerhouse keeper, Somerset Bath
Mary Parfitt 30, wife married, Somerset Bath
William H. Parfitt 4, son, Somerset Bath
Sarah Parfitt 9 months, daughter, Somerset Bath
Elizabeth Smith 16, servant unmarried, domestic servant, Somerset Bath
Census 1891.
William Parfitt 46, head married, licensed victualler, Bath Walcot
Lucy Annie Parfitt 26, wife married, Bath St.Peter & St.Paul
William H. Parfitt 14, son, Bath St.Peter & St.Paul
Henry J. Parfitt 8, son, Bath St.Peter & St.Paul
Frederick F. Parfitt 8, Bath St.Peter & St.Paul
Census 1901.
Richard Hunt 33, head married, licensed victualler, Devon Chudleigh
Mary Hunt 35, wife married, Staffordshire Brierley Hill
Blanche Joyner 18, niece single, barmaid, Staffordshire Brierley Hill