Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Colstons’s Arms Trenchard Street
1853. George Derrett
1861 – 65. Richard Cann
1871 – 78. Ann Cann
1879. Alfred Negg
1881 – 83. Lucy Radford
1885 – 86. Emma Louisa Couzens
1888. Agnes Blampied
1889 – 92. Alfred Walker
1894 – 1901. John Derrick
1904. Sarah Arthon
1906 – 31. Sarah Maria Withers
1935 – 38. Arthur Hall
1944. William Clark
1950. Albert Turner
1953. Frederick Tratt
1956. C. G. Radnidge
At the bottom of Lodge Street opposite the stage door of Colston Hall which opened in 1867, the Colston’s Arms closed in the 1960s and has since been converted into flats. This picture was taken in the 1950s.

Census 1861.
Richard Cann 45, head married, grocer and beer house keeper, Devon Colebrook
Ann Cann 34, wife married, Somerset Burnham
Sarah Cann 9, daughter scholar, Bristol
Census 1871.
Ann Cann 45, head widow, retired publican, Somerset Burnham
Sarah Cann 19, daughter unmarried, publican’s daughter, Bristol
William Nott 18, nephew unmarried, merchant’s clerk, Bristol
Census 1881.
Lucy Radford 29, head unmarried, publican, Devon Willand
Jesse Radford 24, sister unmarried, Devon Willand
James Brand 30, visitor unmarried, soldier, Middlesex Islington
James Champion 47, visitor unmarried, sergeant major, pensioner (army) Middlesex Hammersmith
William Dempsey 41, visitor married, tragedian, Ireland
Emma Dempsey 40, visitor married, Surrey Lambeth
Joseph Dempsey 16, visitor unmarried, Surrey Lambeth
Agnes Wilson 7, visitor, actress, Nottingham
Frank Manning 20, visitor unmarried, comedian, Middlesex Islington
Census 1891.
Alfred Walker 28, head married, lithographer, Bristol
Mary Walker 26, wife married, Bristol
Francis Walker 7, son, Bristol
Annie Sandy 18, servant single, general domestic servant, Glamorganshire Cardiff
Census 1901.
John Alfred Derrick 32, head married, publican, London City
Henrietta Derrick 33, wife married, Nailsea Somerset
Gladys F. H. Derrick 1, daughter, Bristol
Census 1911.
Francis Withers 49, head married, plumber, Bristol
Sarah Maria Withers 47, wife married, licensed victualler, Bristol
George Percy 23, visitor single, commercial traveller (baker & confectioners’ sundries) Bristol