Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Full Moon Broad Street
1775 to 1791. John Powell
1791 to 1807. Jane Powell
1816 – 23. John Gifford
1826. S. Tanner
1828 – 33. John Smith
1834 to 1840. Abraham Snell
1841 – 42. George Meatyard
1844 – 53. Charles Phelps
1854 to 1855. Joseph Brooks
1856 to 1859. Charles Phelps
1859 to 1865. Amos Yemm
1866 to 1870. Edwin Staddon Sellick
1870 – 72. Charles Lewis
1874 – 75. Edwin Staddon Sellick
1876 to 1878. John Howe
1879. John Tannahill
1880. Mary Tannahill
1881 to 1882. Alfred Porter
1883. Francis Lewin
1885 – 86. Lydia R. Lewin
1887 – 88. Mary Smith
1891 – 99. Frederick Gazzard
1901 – 06. Thomas Holder
1909. George Phelps
On the corner of Broad Street and Bell Lane, the Full Moon is pictured here in the 1890’s. Through St.John’s arch can be seen the City Wine & Spirit Vaults in Quay Street.

John Gifford is listed as … wholesale and retail dealer in wines, bottled beer, porter &c. Full Moon Tavern, Broad Street, and 39 College Street.
The Full Moon was home to several Masonic Lodges during the mid 19th century. Mathews’ Bristol Directory for 1831 lists the following:
Thistle, Rose, and Shamrock Lodge of Free Gardeners, held at the Full Moon Tavern, Broad Street, days of meeting, every fourth Tuesday evening.
Loyal Bristol City Lodge of Independent Odd Fellows. No.283 of the Manchester Unity, and No.1 Bristol District, held at the Full Moon Tavern, Broad Street. Days of meeting, every second Thursday. Lecture Nights, every alternate Thursday.
In a directory for 1839 … Mona Lodge of Ancient Druids, No. 10, every Thursday Evening; Arch Chapter as above every fourth Wednesday, commencing 19th Dec. 1838.
Directories for 1806, 1816, 1820, 1823 and 1828 have no mention of Masonic Lodges at the Full Moon.
The following information was provided by Martin Mitchell:
My gt.-gt.-gt.-grandfather John Powell came from Wales in about 1775 and took on the Full Moon, with his wife Jane née Evans. Their eight children were born there. John Powell died 24 Aug 1791, and was buried at St John the Baptist in the same grave as his infant daughter Ann who died a week earlier. His widow carried on the business, but died 2 Sep 1807, presumably relinquishing the business not long before her death. Parish Register entries apart, my info comes from a grandson of theirs (my gt.-gt.-uncle), a County Court Judge and sometime MP for Gloucester, John Joseph Powell (1816-1891).
Census 1841.
George Meatyard 40, publican, not born in county
Emma Meatyard 35, not born in county
Louisa Meatyard 14, born in county
Emma Meatyard 12, born in county
Fanny Meatyard 10, born in county
Ellen Meatyard 6, born in county
Caroline Meatyard 4, born in county
Charles Meatyard 2, born in county
Mary Williams 20, servant, not born in county
Henry Westcott 30, labourer, born in county
Mary Harcourt 20, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
Charles Phelps, head married, licensed victualler, Worcestershire Malvern
Catherine Phelps 57, wife married, Gloucestershire
Henry Phelps 9, son scholar, Bristol Christchurch
Charles Phelps 5, son, Bristol St.John
Mary Donovan 56, nurse unmarried, Scotland Peebles
Elizabeth Brice 29, servant unmarried, Bristol St.Michael
Census 1861.
Amos Yemm 31, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol
Eliza Yemm 34, wife married, Bristol
George A. Yemm 7, son, Bristol
S. A. Yemm 5, daughter, Bristol
Eliza Ashill 21, niece visitor, unmarried, Bristol
Mary Price 22, servant unmarried, house servant, Bristol
James Bessell 52, lodger unmarried, Bristol
Census 1871.
Edwin S. Sellick 48, head married, licensed victualler, Somerset Holford
Elizabeth Sellick 52, wife married, Somerset Bathford
Edwin Sellick 22, son married, carpenter, Surrey Dulwich
Herbert Sellick 17, son unmarried, jeweller, Berkshire Reading
Olive Sellick 13, daughter scholar, Somerset Kelve
Elizabeth A. Collins 29, servant unmarried, general servant, Gloucestershire Bristol
Census 1881.
Alfred Porter 28, head married, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Cromhall
Elizabeth Hawker Porter 28, wife married, Bristol
Ethel Porter 3, daughter, Bristol
Lennard Augustus Porter 2, son, Somerset Chew Stoke
Violet Porter 11 months, daughter, Somerset Chew Stoke
Annie Cotterell 29, servant widow, general servant, Gloucestershire Tormarton
Fannie Bricker 25, servant unmarried, nurse, Somerset Keinton Mandeville
Census 1891.
Frederick Gazzard 32, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol St.Philip’s
Elizabeth M. Gazzard 33, wife married, Somerset Backwell
Census 1901.
Thomas Holder 43, head married, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Hawkesbury
Emma Holder 47, wife married, Somerset Timberscombe
Albert E. Holder 19, son single, barman, Bristol
Emma J. Holder 11, daughter, school, Bristol
Edith S. Holder 9, daughter, school, Bristol
Sarah Cowlin 67, aunt single, Somerset Timberscombe
Alice Heath 18, servant single, general domestic servant, London