Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Greyhound Hotel Broadmead

1752 – 64. Thomas Jones
1775. John Snell
1785 – 92. George Cooper
1794. Martha Cooper
1800. Thomas Morgan
1816. Richard Godfrey
1820 – 22. William Pullen
1823 – 26. John Pritchard
1828. E. Lee
1830 – 40. George Slocombe
1841 – 44. Elizabeth Slocombe
1848. James Carter
1851 – 68. William Kean
1869 to 1872. Edwin Pickwick
1873 to 1880. Sarah Pickwick
1882 – 91. James Ballantyne
1892 – 97. James Vickery
1899 – 1928. Samuel Lennox
1931 – 44. Miss Bateman
1950. W. E. Stephens
1975. H. W. Boycott-Taylor
The Greyhound was a large coaching inn dating from 1620, originally two buildings the Birmingham Hotel (previously the Bell) and the smaller Greyhound, these merged to form one hotel named the Greyhound in the early 19th century. In 1958 a large part of the pub was converted into shops and the whole front re-built in replica. Today it serves as an entrance to the Galleries shopping centre and is no longer a pub.
Census 1841.
Elizabeth Slocombe 40, inn keeper, not born in county
Jane Lee 15, not born in county
Julia Springfield 12, not born in county
William Rowe 25, not born in county
George Lee 20, linen merchant, not born in county
Lionel Lee 15, accountant, not born in county
Jane Rue 25, servant, not born in county
Susan Pegly 20, servant, not born in county
Mary Pasmore 20, servant, born in county
Stephen Barum 20, servant, not born in county
Ann Cook 25, servant, not born in county
James Taylor 25, merchant, not born in county
Richard Bagnall 25, not born in county
Elijah Williams 40, nail maker, not born in county
Census 1861.
William Keen, head widower 56, hotel keeper, Upton Berkshire
Elizabeth Keen 22, daughter unmarried, housekeeper, Reading Berkshire
William Keen 21, son unmarried, warehouseman, Hungerford Berkshire
Mary Keen 19, daughter unmarried, assistant, Hungerford Berkshire
Lavinia G. Salter 20, servant unmarried, barmaid, Banbury Oxfordshire
George J. Neil 25, servant unmarried, porter, Puckington Somerset
Harriet Pugh 30, servant unmarried, kitchen maid, Bristol
Hannah Dudley 28, servant unmarried, chamber maid, Mark Somerset
Hester J. Gregory 18, servant unmarried, housemaid, Yatton Somerset
William Goodman 52, lodger married, commercial traveller in mustard & blue, St.Margaret Wiltshire