Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Haymarket Tavern Horsefair
1841 – 46. Catherine Haddicott
1847 to 1848. J. Seaborne
1849 – 72. Paul Perry (Pierre)
1874. James Dunn
1875. Sarah Whitrow
1876 to 1877. Elizabeth Daley
1878 – 1914. John Lewis
1917. William Beavis
1921 – 28. Margaret Beavis
1931 – 37. Gilbert Jocelyn
1938 – 44. Frederick Gowen
1946 – 50. William Samuel Roberts
1953. Donald Hamilton Paton
On the corner with Union Street, the building in the picture dates from around 1880, and was demolished in 1955 to be replaced with shops. Later the site of Barclay’s Bank.

Census 1841.
Catherine Haddicott 65, publican, born in county
Charles Ridd 29, draper, born in county
Mary Ridd 29, born in county
Charles Ridd 5, born in county
Mary Ridd 1½, born in county
Mary Lawrence 70, independent, born in county
Census 1851.
Paul Perry 50, head married, beer house keeper, Italy
Mary Ann Perry 48, wife married, Westbury
Dominick Mazzalouis 45, lodger married, figure maker, Italy
John Croome 66, lodger widower, labourer Rudgway Gloucestershire
George Cole 51, Lodger widower, gents servant, clifton Bristol
Census 1861.
Paul Perry 60, head married, beer house keeper, Italy Tuscany
Mary Perry 50, wife married, Westbury Gloucestershire
Ann Maria Perry 10, daughter, Bristol
Thomas Bending 18, boarder unmarried, cordwainer, Devon Honiton
John Horrigan 18, boarder unmarried, tailor, Ireland
Joseph Bartholy 64, boarder widower , traveller, Italy Lombardy
Census 1871.
Paul Pierre 70, head married, publican, Italy
Mary Ann Pierre 60, wife married, Westbury-on-Trym
Francis Heale 63, boarder unmarried, butcher, Bristol
James Burges 55, boarder widower, commercial traveller, Watley
Joseph David 41, boarder married, glazier, Russia Poland
Census 1881.
John Lewis 32, head married, licensed victualler, Carmarthen Wales
Agnes Selina Lewis 29, wife married, Bristol
Agnes Selina Lewis 9, daughter scholar, York
Rosina Eliza Lewis 6, daughter scholar, Bristol
John William. George Lewis 4, son, Bristol
Robert George T. Lewis 1, son, Bristol
George T. Ralph 55, father in law widower, clerk of haymarket, Bristol
George Ralph 17, brother in law, clerk to engineer, Bristol
Sarah Ann Ralph 16, sister in law, no occupation, Bristol
Emily Jane Ackford 15, general servant, Bristol
Census 1891.
John Lewis 43, head married, licensed victualler, South Wales Carmarthen
Agnes S. Lewis 38, wife married, assisting in busines, Bristol St.James
Agnes S. Lewis 19, daughter single, barmaid, Yorkshire Leeds
Roselina E. Lewis 16, daughter single, barmaid, Bristol St.James
John W. Lewis 14, son scholar, Bristol St.James
Robert G. Lewis 11, son scholar, Bristol St.James
Eliza Lotte Lewis 8, daughter scholar, Bristol St.James
Sarah A. Ralph 26, sister in law, Bristol St.James
Emily Alford 24, servant single, general domestic servant, Bristol St.Augustine’s
Census 1901.
John Lewis 52, head married, licensed victualler, Carmarthen Wales
Agnes Selina Lewis 48, wife married, Bristol
Rosina Eliza Lewis 26, daughter single, barmaid, Bristol
John W. Lewis 24, son single, barman, Bristol
Robert G. Lewis 21, son single, barman, Bristol
Eliza Lotte Lewis 19, daughter single, barmaid, Bristol
Martha Bennett 25, servant single, general domestic servant, Winford Somerset
Census 1911.
John Lewis 62, head married, licensed victualler, Carmarthen
Agnes S. Lewis 58, wife married, assistant in business, Bristol
Roseina E. Lewis 35, daughter single, assistant in business, Bristol
John William Lewis 32, son single, assistant in business, Bristol
Robert George Lewis 30, son single, assistant in business, Bristol
Elizabeth Lewis 27, daughter single, assistant in house, Bristol
Martha Bennett 35, single, barmaid, Somerset Winford
Emily Norley 21, servant single, domestic servant, Bristol