Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Plume Of Feathers Milk Street
1806 – 11. Ann Bevan
1816 – 48. Francis Tayler
1851. Mary Tayler
1853 – 54. Zillah Tayler
1856 – 65. Martha Grogan
1868. Richard Dunning
1869 to 1882. Edmund Chapman
1883. William Parsons
1885. J. Strangemore
1886 to 1888. William James Parsons
1889 – 94. James Kepple
1896. Alice Kepple
1897 to 1901. George Yetman
1901. Thomas Bayley
1904. G. Davey
1906. Richard Chapman
1909. Frank Tinney
No.1 Milk Street, on the corner with Barrs Street, converted into a shop before world war one, the Plume of Feathers was demolished in 1953 during the Broadmead re-development. This pub would now stand at the Horsefair entrance to Debenhams department store.

Census 1841.
Francis Tayler 74, spirit dealer, not born in county
Mary Tayler 34, not born in county
Clifford Tayler 2, born in county
Mary James 30, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
Mary Tayler 43, Widow, Spirit Dealer, Bitton
Zillah Tayler 18, Bristol
Francis Tayler 17, Cabinet Maker, Bristol
Henry Yayler 16, Hatter Bristol
Emily Tayler 15, Bristol
Clifford Tayler 12, Errand Boy Bristol
Edmund Tayler 11, Scholar Bristol
Anne Tayler 9, Scholar Bristol
Sidney Tayler 8, Scholar Bristol
Louisa Lewis 40, Servant Gloucester City
Census 1861.
Martha Grogan 54, head widow, wine & spirit dealer, Gloucestershire Kingsweston
Walter Grogan 24, son unmarried, newspaper reporter, Gloucestershire Bristol
Michael Grogan 20, son umarried, newspaper Clerk, Gloucestershire Bristol
Charles Grogan 15, son, scholar, Gloucestershire Bristol
Mary Huger ? 23, servant unmarried, house servant, Gloucestershire Bristol
Census 1871.
Edmund Chapman 27, head married, inn keeper, Devon Blacktorrington
Lucy C. Chapman 30, wife married, Devon St.Thomas
Sarah A. Davis 19, servant unmarried, general domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1881.
Edmund Chapman 49, head widow, licensed victualler, Blacktorrington, Devon
Hannah Mudon 45, housekeeper unmarried, housekeeper, Henbury Gloucester
Census 1891.
James Kepple 35, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol
Alice Kepple 34, wife married, Westbury-on-Trym
Emily Brooms 16, servant single, general servant, Shirehampton (probably Emily Rooms)
Census 1901.
Thomas Bayley 48, head married, publican, London
Beatrice Bayley 30, wife married, Devon