Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Prince Rupert Rupert Street
1867 – 69. L. Pierson
1871 – 75. Henry Mills Price
1876 to 1896. Octavius Counsell
1897 – 1901. Sarah Counsell
1904 – 06. Nellie Rawson
1909. Harry Hopkins
1911 – 17. Daniel Organ
1921 – 31. George Beasley

Prince Rupert of the Rhine
1619 – 1682

This picture shows the Prince Rupert around 1895, the pub was re-built not long after. Rupert Street was named to commemorate Prince Rupert; who in July 1643 during the civil war, captured Bristol for the Crown, only to surrender it back to Lord Fairfax and the parliamentarians, in September 1645.
This photograph was kindly provided by Mike Slucutt. Mike’s wife Margaret (nee Skuse) is the Great Granddaughter of Octavius and Sarah (nee Gazzard) Counsell. This is thought to be Octavius and Sarah stood outside the newly built Prince Rupert, circa 1896. The new pub survived until August 1932 when it was demolished to make way for road widening and the building of Electricity House.

Census 1871.
Henry Mills 36, head married, beer retailer, Bristol
Mary Jane Mills 30, wife married, Bristol
Census 1881.
Octavius Counsell 36, head married, publican, Stone Allerton Somerset
Sarah Ann Counsell 26, wife married, Bristol
Nellie Counsell 3 months, daughter, Bristol
Census 1891.
Octavius Counsell 46, head married, licensed victualler, Somerset Stone Allerton
Sarah Counsell 36, wife married, Bristol St.Philip’s
Nellie Counsell 10, daughter scholar, Bristol St.John’s
Kate Counsell 6, daughter scholar, Bristol St.John’s
Census 1901.
Sarah Counsell 47, head widow, licensed victualler, Bristol
Nelly Counsell 20, daughter single, Bristol
Kate Counsell 16, daughter single, Bristol
Census 1911.
Daniel Organ 38, beer retailer, Bristol
Sarah Ann Organ 31, wife, Bristol
Robert Daniel George Organ 4, son, Bristol
Kathleen Elizabeth Archer Organ 1, daughter, Swindon Wiltshire
Rose Gladys Gapper 19, servant, general domestic servant, Bristol