Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Royal Oak Trenchard Street

1852. Mary & Elizabeth Jackson
1860. O. Hartley
1861. W. Hartley
1861. to 1865 Bridget Hartley
1866. John Hanrahan
1867. Hilary Aicher
1868 – 1889. Eli Blatchford
1890 – 91. Emily Burnett (manageress)
1891 – 96. Henry Keating
1897 – 1901. Richard Fry
1904. Patrick O’Neill
1906. Samuel Parker
Detail from a drawing by Samuel Loxton circa 1900.
The sign further down the road is that of the Morning Star public house
Census 1861.
Bridget Hartley 62, head widow, beer house keeper, Ireland
Eliza Cahill 23, niece unmarried, visitor, Ireland
Census 1871.
Eli Blatchford 30, head married, beer house keeper, Kilmersdon Somerset
Eliza Blatchford 26, wife married, Somerset Dunkerton
Alfred G. Blatchford 3, son scholar, Bristol
Matilda Blatchford 1, daughter, Bristol
Robert Pringle 43, lodger unmarried, private soldier 106 regiment, Newcastle on Tyne
Census 1881.
Eli Blatchford 40, head married, beer house keeper, Somerset Kilmersdon
Eliza Blatchford 36, wife married, Somerset North Leighton
Alfred G. Blatchford 13, son, Bristol
Matilda M. Blatchford 11, daughter, Bristol
Rosina Blatchford 8, daughter, Bristol
William Blatchford 5, son, Bristol
Henry Blatchford 3, son, Bristol
Census 1891.
Emily Burnett 32, head married, manageress of public house, Bristol St.Stephen’s
Census 1901.
Richard Fry 47, head married, beer retailer, Bristol
Ada M. Fry 30, wife married, Bristol