Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Greyhound Princess Victoria Street
1865 – 1921. James Bassett (father & son)
1925 – 40. George Evans
1940 to 1950. William Biggs
1950 – 53. Albert Knowles
1956. Samuel F. Janes
1975. H. J. Niemira
The tenancy of William Biggs commenced on the 18th November 1940, the rent was £50 per annum and the landlord was The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited

Census 1871.
James Bassett 48, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol Clifton
Kate Bassett 48, wife married, Bristol Clifton
Henry Burrows 17, step son unmarried, draper’s apprentice, Bristol Clifton
Frank Burrows 15, step son, clerk, Bristol Clifton
Fanny Bassett 10, daughter, Bristol Clifton
James Bassett 7, son, Bristol Clifton
Lillie Bassett 3 months, daughter, Bristol Clifton
Louisa Lodge 45, nurse widow, monthly nurse, Bristol
Louisa Millman 18, servant unmarried, general servant, Devonshire Torquay
Census 1881.
James Bassett 58, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol Clifton
Catherine E. Bassett 58, wife married, licensed victualler’s wife, Bristol
Fanny Bassett 20, daughter unmarried, licensed victualler’s daughter, Bristol Clifton
James Basset 17, son unmarried, licensed victualler’s son, Bristol Clifton
Lillie Bassett 10, daughter, licensed victualler’s daughter, Bristol Clifton
Eliza Wenborn 33, servant widow, general domestic servant, Gloucestershire Hanham
Census 1891.
James Bassett 68, head widower, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Clifton Bristol
James Bassett 27, son married, licensed victualler’s assistant, Gloucestershire Clifton Bristol
Annie R. Bassett 23, daughter in law married, Gloucestershire Temple Parish Bristol
Henrietta Walker 24, servant single, barmaid, Staffordshire Wolverhampton
Mary Jones 63, servant widow, nurse domestic servant, Gloucestershire Cann
Un-named infant 0, granddaughter, Gloucestershire Clifton Bristol
Census 1901.
James Basset 37, head married, publican, Clifton
Annie R. Bassett 34, wife married, Gloucestershire Clifton
Lillie C. Bassett 10, daughter, Clifton
Ambrose Bassett 8, son, Clifton
Annie Golding 17, servant single, domestic servant, St.George Gloucestershire
Census 1911.
James Bassett 47, head married, licensed victualler, Clifton Bristol Gloucestershire
Annie Rebecca Bassett 43, wife married, assisting in the business, Clifton Bristol Gloucestershire
James Ambrose Bassett 17, son single, bank clerk, Clifton Bristol Gloucestershire
Alexander Charles Bassett 4, son, Clifton Bristol Gloucestershire
Lizzie Clothier 18, servant single, general domestic servant, St.George Gloucestershire