Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Greenbank Hotel Belle Vue Road
1896 – 1934. John Rivers
1935. Executors of John Rivers
1935 – 53. George Jenkins
1956. John H. Evans
1975 – 79. Paul W. Gerrish
The name above the door in this picture is George Jenkins. George’s tenancy commenced on the 12th August 1935, the rent was £175 per annum and the landlord was the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited.

Census 1901.
John Rivers 39, head widower, licensed victualler, Wiltshire Calne
Dora L. Rivers 21, daughter single, Bristol
Ethel B. Rivers 12, daughter, Bristol
Gwendoline Rivers 11, daughter, Bristol
Ellen M. Searle 20, servant single, Bristol
Census 1911.
John Rivers 49, head widower, licensed victualler, Calne Wiltshire
Ethel Beatrice Rivers 22, daughter single, assisting in business, Bristol
Gwendoline Ella Rivers 21, daughter single, assisting in business, Bristol
Florence Thomas 30, servant single, general domestic servant, Bristol