Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Coronation Inn Stokes Croft
Later named the Bristol Tavern

Wine & Spirit dealers
1858 to 1883. Robert Tyler
1884 to 1936. George White & Co
(1901. Amy Lucy White, widow)
(1911. Bertie Moran, manager)
1936. Henry John Banks (proprietor)
Public House (Coronation Inn)
1937 – 60. Henry John Banks
1975. T. Bessell
1858 to 1874 … door No.82
1875 onwards … door No.34

Mathews’ Bristol & Clifton Directory 1865
The pub was named to commemorate the coronation of King George VI 1937, this photograph was taken in the 1950s, the bunting is probably to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. On the 18th April 1902, Amy Lucy White took the lease on No.34 Stokes Croft at an annual rent of £120 payable from the 29th September 1904, the lease was for 21 years and the lessor was Richard Hieron Shrappnell of No.9 Gloucester Road.
In 1902 at the expense of Amy Lucy White, the upper part of No.34 Stokes Croft was rebuilt. What follows is the specification of materials used in the rebuild.
Bricks: Front to be faced with best Cattybrook facing bricks, the rest of the walling to be built with good plastic made stocks.
Bath Stone: Dressings to be of Bath Stone from Monks’ Park or Hartham Park.
Iron Joists: Partitions and walls having no support under, to be carried on rolled steel joists.
Timber: To be good red deal free from defects.
Floors: To be laid with 1″ best white flooring.
Stairs: To have 1¼” moulded treads and ¾” risers.
Skirting: Best rooms to have 9″ x 1¼” moulded skirting and the others 7″ x 1″ torus skirting.
Windows: All the principal rooms to have double hung sashes: the other windows to be 1¾” casements in 4″ x 3″ frames
Doors: The doors to Bar and to Lavatory to be 2″ double moulded sash doors. The other doors to be moulded to Landings and principal rooms, otherwise square framed.
Architects … La Trobe & Weston F.R.I.B.A. 20 Clare Street, Bristol.

Census 1861.
Robert Tyler 32, head married, wine & spirit merchant, employing 2 men and 1 boy, Bristol
Caroline M. Tyler 20, wife married, Bristol
Robert Tyler 1 month, son, Bristol
Sarah Ball 23, servant unmarried, general domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1871.
The Tylers were living at No.41 Fremantle Square.
James Tyler, accountant, was living at Stokes Croft.
Robert Tyler 42, head married, wine & spirit merchant, Bristol
Caroline M. Tyler 30, wife married, Bristol
Robert E. Tyler 10, son scholar, Bristol
Ina Tyler 6, daughter scholar, Bristol
Laura C. Tyler 2, daughter, Bristol
John P. Tyler 2 months, son, Bristol
Martha Clifford 20, servant unmarried, domestic servant, Gloucestershire
Census 1881.
Robert Tyler 52, head married, licensed victualler, Bristol
Caroline Tyler 40, wife married, Bristol
Robert Tyler 20, son unmarried, apprentice to clothier, Bristol
Ina E. Tyler 16, daughter unmarried, Bristol
Laura C. Tyler 12, daughter, Bristol
John P. Tyler 10, son scholar, Bristol
James B. Tyler 8, son scholar, Bristol
Beatrice M. Tyler 6, daughter scholar, Bristol
Ethel M. Tyler 1, daughter, Bristol
Harriet E. Gibbons 16, servant unmarried, domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1891.
House uninhabited at time of census
Census 1901.
Amy L. White 32, head widow, wine & spirit merchant, Somerset Bath
Nora F. White 4, daughter, Bristol
Marjorie T. White 3, daughter, Bristol
Margaret M. Sullivan 24, sister single, Somerset Bath
Census 1911.
Bertie William Thomas Moran 30, head married, Manager for wine & spirit merchant, Bristol
Florence Maud Moran 30, wife married, Bristol
Bertram Mabon Edwards Moran 5, son, Bristol
Frances Doreen Moran 11 months, daughter, Bristol
Louisa Mabel Jane Davies 14, general domestic servant, Bristol