Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Bunch Of Grapes No.29 Old Market Street

1853 – 68. John Griffiths
1869 – 79. William Howell
1881 – 82. Solomon Hale
1883. Thomas Hill
1886 – 89. John Emery
1890 to 1901. Lewis Clutterbuck
1901 to 1902. Charles B. Tovey
1903 – 09. Alfred Taylor
1911. James Crumpton
1914. Walter Jay
1917 – 21. Jane Jay
1925. Frank Cox
1928. Lilly Murley
1931. Albert Murley
1935 – 53. Ernest Shill
1956. Walter J. Price
1975. S. E. Hall
Listed in 1853 as the Old Market Street Porter House. In the late 1970s it and the Don Cafe next door were knocked into one and re-named the Old Market Tavern. This photograph was taken in 1906, could the gent in the doorway be landlord Alfred Taylor?
Among other properties up for auction at the Crown Inn Mangotsfield on Wednesday, 31st August, 1859 was:
At Bristol. Lot No. 5 a messuage, No. 29, in the Old Market Street, occupied by John Griffith, beer retailer, as yearly tenant. This lot is held under the Bristol Charity Trustees for the life of J. B. Emerson, esq., aged 79.
Census 1861.
John Griffiths 34, head married, cabinet maker and beer seller, Bristol
Ann Griffiths 32, wife married, Somerset Taunton
Richard Griffiths 10, son scholar, Gloucestershire Bristol
Ann E. Griffiths 7, daughter scholar, Gloucestershire Bristol
Henry Griffiths 5, son scholar, Gloucestershire Bristol
Census 1871.
William Howell 30, head married, beer retailer, Bristol
Temperance Howell 30, wife married, Bristol
Temperance Howell 4, daughter, Bristol
William Howell 2, son, Bristol
Emma Howell 7 months, daughter, Bristol
Eliza Mountain 20, servant, unmarried, domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1881.
Solomon Hale 42, head married, publican, Gloucestershire
Mary Ann Hale 42, wife married, Gloucestershire
Edith F. Hale 17, daughter unmarried, assistant, Gloucestershire
Bertha A. Hale 14, daughter scholar, Gloucestershire
Clariece N. Hale 11, daughter scholar, Gloucestershire
Allen P. Hale 9, son scholar, Gloucestershire
Mabel A Hale 5, daughter scholar, Gloucestershire
Alice Louise Hale 2, daughter, Gloucestershire
Annis Lotty Hale 12 months, daughter, Gloucestershire
Census 1891.
Lewis Clutterbuck 29, head married, publican, Gloucestershire
Kate Clutterbuck 25, wife married, Bristol
Henry Clutterbuck 3, son, Bristol
Ethel Clutterbuck 3, daughter, Bristol
Edith Clutterbuck 1, daughter, Bristol
Catherine Clutterbuck 30, sister single, mother’s help, Gloucester
Census 1901.
Information kindly provided by Debbie Derrick
Charles B. Tovey 33, publican, Bristol
Florence Tovey 33, wife, Bristol
Charles Tovey 9, son, Bristol
Stanley Tovey 8, son, Bristol
Census 1911.
James Crumpton 57, head maried, beer retailer, Bristol St.Paul’s
Maud Crumpton 34, wife married, Bristol St.Paul’s
James Crumpton 20, son single, hairdresser, Bristol St.Paul’s
Mabel Crumpton 19, daughter from a previous marriage single, Bristol St.Paul’s
Thomas Crumpton 18, son from a previous marriage single, Bristol St.Paul’s
Eliza Crumpton 16, daughter from a previous marriage single, Bristol St.Paul’s
Jack Smith 34, boarder single, doorsman at glass show, Yorkshire