Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Masons’ Arms Old Market Street
Ship & Lighthouse
1841 – 49. William Cann
1851 – 52. Elijah Ackery
Masons’ Arms
1853 to 1871. Elijah Ackery
1872 to 1874. William Ackery
1875 – 79. William Ward
1881 – 86. John Maggs
1887 – 89. Richard Sowden
1891. William Trudgian
1892 – 93. Mary Ann Trudgian
1896 – 99. John Lee
1901 – 04. Edward Gimblett
1906 – 38. Benjamin Charles Arnold
1944 – 56. William Joslin
1975. E. J. Russell

Census 1841.
William Cann 30, chair maker, not born in county
Sarah Cann 25, not born in county
John Cann 1, not born in county
Elizabeth Goodman 40, independent, not born in county
Census 1851.
Elijah Ackery 37, head married, chair maker, Bristol
Mary Ackery 42, wife married, chair maker’s wife, Somerset Ashford
William Ackery 10, son, chair maker’s son, Bristol
Henry Ackery 6, son, chair maker’s son, Bristol
Census 1861.
George Ackery 46, head widower, beer seller, Bristol
William Ackery 18, son unmarried, chair maker, Bristol
Henry Ackery 16, son, chair maker, Bristol
Census 1871.
Elijah Ackery 56, head widower, beer retailer, Oakhill Somerset
William E. Ackery 30, son unmarried, beer retailer, Bristol St.Philip’s
Census 1881.
John Maggs 36, head married, cooper, Gloucestershire St.George
Eliza Maggs 33, wife married, Gloucestershire St.George
Joseph Maggs 13, son, Gloucestershire St.George
Census 1891.
William Trudgian 38, head married, publican, Cornwall
Mary A. Trudgian 34, wife married, Bristol
Peter J. Trudgian 2, son, Bristol
Emma Gardener 15, servant, general domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1901.
Edward Francis Gimblett 57, head married, licensee, Bristol
Ellen Gimblett 48, wife married, Somerset Frome
Edith Frances Gimblett, daughter single, cardboard box maker, Bristol
Georgina Woodward 23, servant single, general domestic servant Bristol
Census 1911.
Charles Arnold 35, head married, publican, St.Philip’s
Elizabeth Arnold 34, wife married, St.Philip’s
Lily Arnold 11, daughter, school, St.Philip’s
Charles Arnold 9, son, St.Philip’s
George Arnold 6, son, St.Philip’s
Florrie Arnold 5, daughter, St.Philip’s
Polly English 27, servant single, St.Philip’s