Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Sportsman’s Arms Wade Street
1878 to 1880. John Bradford Howe
1881 to 1884. William Kendall
1885. William Wiltshire
1886 to 1891. Samuel Wiltshire
1892. James Chivers
1896 – 1901. James Ball
1904 – 06. Francis Webb
1909 – 31. Frederick Harding
1935. Bessie Harding
1937 – 38. Bessie Louise Scapens
1944. Lillian Cockle
1948 – 50. Alfred John Matthews
1953 – 56. Lilian A. Conibear
1975. B. W. Tinmouth
Built in 1877 this building was later the cultural and educational centre of the Bristol Al Baseera movement.

Census 1881.
William Kendall 31, head married, coal miner, St.George Gloucestershire
Caroline Kendall 26, wife married, St.George Gloucestershire
Mary Kendall 10, daughter scholar, Bristol
Harry Kendall 3, son, Bristol
Caroline Prigg 51, boarder widow, no occupation, Bristol
Maria Edwards 62, lodger widow, washerwoman, Trowbridge Wiltshire
Census 1891.
Samuel Wilshire 37, head married, mason, Fishponds Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Wilshire 39, wife married, landlady of beerhouse, Bristol St.Philip’s
Elizabeth Wilshire 10, daughter scholar, Bristol St.Philip’s
Census 1901.
James Ball 39, head widower, licensed victualler, Bristol
Henry Ball 13, brother, general servant, Bristol
Thomas Sims 58, boarder widower, general labourer, Bristol
Census 1911.
Frederick John Harding 30, head married, license holder, St.Phillip’s Bristol
Bessie Louisa Harding 28, wife married, St.Paul’s Bristol
Winifred Beryl Harding 4, daughter, St.Jude’s Bristol
Marjorie Gwendoline Harding 1, daughter, St.Jude’s Bristol
Bessie Harding 24, servant single, general help, St.Phillip’s Bristol