Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Three Horse Shoes Old Market Street
1752. William Streeter
1764. James Pike
1775. Robert Cooper
1794. William Walters
1820. John Coombs
1822 – 23. Dennis Osborne
1826 – 28. John Osborne
1830 – 49. Samuel Osborne
1851 – 52. William Davey
1853 to 1855. William Pring
1855 to 1875. James Pring
1875 to 1882. Amelia Pring
1883 to 1885. Albert Deacon
1886 – 1901. John Sale
1904 – 11. Alice Fothergill
1914 – 28. Arthur Langford
1931. Henry Webley
1935. Reginald Gay
1937 – 38. Keith Marsh
1944 – 50. Norman Tennant
1953 – 56. Thomas Richard Scott
1960. R. S. Dix
1975. W. H. Kimber
Pictured here in 1953 when the Three Horse Shoes was owned by Reading brewers, Simonds Ltd. Later traded under the name of The Long Bar.

Census 1841.
Samuel Osborne 45, publican, born in county
Susannah Osborne 50, born in county
Mary Osborne 14, born in county
Susannah Pugh 30, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
William Davey 53, head married, licensed victualler, Devon Tavistock
Henrietta Davey 48, wife married, licensed victualler’s wife, Devon Plymton
Margaret May 86, mother widow, licensed victualler’s mother, Devon Pilton
Jane Weeks 20, servant unmarried, house servant, Bristol
Joseph Brooks 16, servant unmarried, house servant, Gloucestershire St.George
Census 1861.
James Pring 29, head married, victualler, Somerset Taunton
Amelia Pring 34, wife married, Somerset Bridgwater
Eva Pring 4, daughter scholar, Bristol
Francis W. Pring 1, son, Bristol
Henry Pring 14, brother, apprentice printer, Middlesex London
Emma Ridgeway 16, servant unmarried, nursemaid, Bristol
Elizabeth Hucker 26, servant unmarried, house servant, Somerset Glastonbury
Census 1871.
James Pring 39, head married, publican, Taunton Somerset
Amelia Pring 42, wife married, Bridgwater Somerset
Eva Pring 14,. daughter scholar, Bristol
Frederick J. Pring 9, son scholar, Bristol
Amelia Pring 8, daughter scholar, Bristol
Emily Pearson 27, servant married, domestic servant, Norwich
Census 1881.
Amelia Pring 56, head widow, licensed victualler, Bridgwater Somerset
Frederick J. Pring 19, son unmarried, marble mason, Bristol St.Philip’s
Census 1891.
John Sale 50, head widower, licensed victualler, Glossop
Nellie Sale 19, daughter single, assistant, Brisatol
Rose Sale 17, daughter single, assistant, Bristol
James Sale 11, son scholar, Bristol
Ada Wood 26, servant single, barmaid, Oxford
Census 1901.
John Sale 61, head widower, publican, Manchester
James Sale 21, son single, musician, Bristol
Rose Hachett 26, daughter married, house keeper, Bristol
Queenie Hachett 6, grandaughter, London
Kate Alway 18, servant single, general domestic servant, Bristol
Census 1911.
George Fothergill 37, head married, alehouse keeper, Bristol
Alice Fothergill 37, wife married, licensee and assisting, Bristol
James Reginald Fothergill 9, son, Bristol
George Leslie Fothergill 5, son, Bristol
Doris Fothergill 3, daughter, Bristol
Vera Fothergill 1, daughter, Bristol
Lillian Fothergill 10, niece, Bristol