Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Fourteen Stars Counterslip
1755. John Hill
1764. Thomas Baker
1775 – 1800. Charles Price
1806 – 16. Mary Thomas
1820 – 34. John Hodges
1837. Joseph Clarke
1839 – 57. Robert Allen
On the corner with Hawkins Lane this 17th century inn was pulled down in 1857 to make way for Finzel’s sugar factory. When Courage’s Brewery was extended in 1967 a fermenting block was opened on this site. The Bristol Brewery closed down a few years ago and the site has since been re-developed.
Hawkins Lane led down to the original Countess Slip (Counterslip) opposite St.Peters Church and the ferry to Bristol Castle

Census 1841.
Robert Allen 50, publican, not born in county
Mary Allen 45, not born in county
Robert Allen 11, not born in county
Anna Thomas 90, independent means, not born in county
Mary Richmond 45, independent means, not born in county
J. Cook 23, cooper, not born in county
George Clay 20, labourer, not born in county
Jesse Gillingham 22, not born in county
Anthony Powell 27, not born in county
Jane Fry 20, servant, not born in county
? Wallis 40, labourer, not born in county
Census 1851.
Robert Allen 61, head married, cabinet maker & publican, Cross Somerset
Robert Allen 22, son unmarried, in merchants service, Bristol
Thomas Allen 17, son unmarried, printer & compositor Bristol
William Pascoe 32, visitor unmarried, Artist, Plymouth
Thomas Morgan 20, visitor unmarried, general labourer, Bristol
Joseph Weare 54, visitor married, watchmaker, Somerset Abbiscombe
John Browning 48, visitor unmarried, pork butcher, Gloucestershire Woodchester
Mary Kensall 35, servant widow, house servant, Gloucester