Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Rising Sun Cathay

1836 – 38. Benjamin Williams
1839 to 1847. Sarah Williams
1848 to 1853. George Roe
1854. George Woolcott
1857. William Britton
1859 – 68. Charlotte Warburton
1870 – 76. Henry Hunt
1877 to 1891. Joseph Hawkins
1891. Thomas Baldon
1892 to 1898. Alfred Hussey
1900 – 01. Rose Hussey
1904 to 1922. William Spratt
1923 to 1935. Mary Spratt
1935 to 1937. Catherine Spratt
1937 to late 40s. Ada Drake
1949 – 56. Thomas T. Sayers
Part of an email sent in by Mike Meechem:
Catherine Spratt followed Mary Spratt in 1935 until 1937 when my grandfather sold the pub to the Drake Family. Mrs Ada Drake was the publican until the late 1940’s. It suffered bomb damage during the war and a fire in the roof. Owing to a lack of water at the time attempts were made to control the fire with beer!!!
Census 1841.
Sarah Williams 39, cooper, not born in county
Frederic G. Williams 11, born in county
Louisa M. Williams 9, born in county
Sarah A. Williams 5, born in county
Matilda Williams 3, born in county
Charles Jones 23, cooper, not born in county
Jane Morgan 16, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
George Roe 33, head married, tailor’s cutter, Gloucestershire Newnham
Sarah Roe 45, wife married, London
Frederick G. Williams 20, son in law, cooper, Bristol
Mary L. Williams 18, daughter in law, Bristol
Matrilda Williams 12, daughter in law, Bristol
Charles Jones 12, visitor, London
Sarah Williams 15, daughter in law, Bristol
Census 1861.
Charlotte Warburton 58, head widow, landlady, Bristol
John Warburton 23, son married, brass finisher, Bristol
Census 1871.
Rising Sun
Henry Hunt 33, head married, shipwright, Gloucestershire Bristol
Amelia Hunt 39, wife married, Somersetshire Bristol
Henry B. Hunt 4, son, Somersertshire Bristol
Julia Jeans 14, servant, domestic servant, Gloucestershire Sodbury
Census 1881.
Joseph Hawkins 42, head married, tailor & publican, Somerset Wells
Sophia Hawkins 39, wife married, Gloucestershire Gloucester
William Jones 18, boarder unmarried, tailor’s apprentice, Somerset Bridgwater
Census 1891.
Thomas Baldon 61, head married, publican, Somerset Taunton
Maria Baldon 59, wife married, Bristol Gloucestershire
Alfred White 18, nephew single, publican’s assistant, Bristol Gloucestershire
Louisa Lambert 19, servant single, general domestic servant, Dorset Sherborne
Mary Simmonds 42, mother married, traveller, Lancashire Rochdale
Beatrice Simmonds 7, daughter scholar, Lancashire Rochdale
Census 1901.
Rose Emily Hussey 47, head widow, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Bristol
Alice Emily Hussey 25, daughter single, Somersetshire Bristol
Census 1911.
William Spratt 60, head married, licensee, Bedminster Bristol
Mary Jane Spratt 59, wife married, housewife, Bedminster Bristol
Rose Spratt 33, daughter single, coat machinist at factory, Bedminster Bristol
Mabel Spratt 22, daughter single, assisting at home, Bedminster Bristol
The following information was kindly provided by Ivan Jarman, great great grandson of William Spratt, who was the licensee at the Rising Sun 1904 – 1922.
Schedule of deeds and documents relating to land at Cathay, Redcliffe in the city and county of Bristol.
As to property formerly known as No.40 Cathay
16/2/1735. | INDENTURE OF GRANT | |
26/1/1792. | INDENTURE | Mr. J. F. Smith (1) and Mr. N. Smith (2) |
13/9/1794. | DEED | |
21/4/1803. | LETTER | |
19/7/1802. | INDENTURE | Mr. N. Smith to Mr. T. Webber |
6/10/1804. | FEOFFMENT | Mr. T. Webber to Mr. E. Harvey |
18/10/1819. | COPY WILL of | Mr. G. Hughes |
25/3/1823. | CONVEYANCE | Mrs. C. Hughes to Mr. R. Hull |
3/1/1826. | MORTGAGE | Mr. R. Hull to Mr. D. Gibbs |
14/3/1827. | SURCHARGE | Mr. R. Hull to Mr. D. Gibbs |
4/2/1831. | LEASE | Mr. R. Hull to Mr. J. Willway |
5/2/1831. | APPOINTMENT | Mr. R. Hull to Mr. J. Willway |
5/2/1833. | ASSIGNMENT | Mr. D. Gibbs to Mr. H. Pallin |
2/10/1888. | RECEIPT | |
29/9/1888. | CONVEYANCE | Mr. J. S. Willway to Messrs. S. G. James, R. B. Pierce and A. B. James * |
8/10/1888. | INLAND REVENUE FORM | |
1897. | ABSTRACT OF TITLE (4) | |
20/7/1897. | CONVEYANCE | Mr. F. Moody to Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Ltd. |
24/7/1954. | CERTIFICATE | of redemption of land tax |
27/4/1960. | LOCAL SEARCH | No. 77770 |
17/8/1960. | OFFICIAL SEARCH | No. 666803/60 |
24/8/1960. | CONVEYANCE | Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Ltd. To Bristol Corporation |
* Stephen George James, Robert Bartlett Pierce and Alfred Bartlett James were the proprietors of The Bedminster Brewery.