Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Foresters’ Arms High Street
1881. James Bray
1884 – 1906. Ellen House
1911 – 34. Richard Moore Harris
1934 – 38. Thomas Harris

Census 1881.
James Bray 54, head married, baker and publican, Somerset Frome
Maria Bray 51, wife married, Somerset Frome
Caroline Bray 25, daughter unmarried, Somerset Bath
Henry Bray 17, son unmarried, postman, Somerset Keynsham
Alice Bray 13, daughter, Somerset Keynsham
Edward Bray 10, son scholar, Somerset Keynsham
William Williams 55, lodger married, groom and gardener, Devon Plymouth
Census 1891.
Ellen House 62, head widow, beerhouse keeper, Somerset Keynsham
Harriet House 29, daughter single, assistant, Somerset Keynsham
Ann House 68, sister in law single, living on income, Somerset Nailsea
Census 1901.
Ellen House 75, head widow, beerhouse keeper, Somerset Keynsham
Harriet House 37, daughter single, Somerset Keynsham
Ann House 72, sister in law single, living on own means, Somerset Nailsea
Census 1911.
Richard Moore Harris 48, head married, licensed victualler, Keynsham
Marie Harris 50, wife married, Bristol
Robert Harris 18, son single, grocer’s assistant, Keynsham
Dorothy Harris 17, daughter single, home, Keynsham
Colin Harris 13, son school, Keynsham