Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Lord Nelson Lower Ashley Road

1831 – 44. John England
1847 – 67. Thomas Winterson
1868 to 1874. George Crinks
1875 to 1877. John Smith
1878 – 89. Frederick Green
1891 – 1901. William Samuel Vosper
1901. Mary Ann Vosper
1904 – 06. William Samuel Vosper jnr
1911. Carrie Osborne
1914 – 38. Carrie Butt
1944 – 56. Carrie Condick
On the corner of Magdelene Place, the Lord Nelson closed in the 1960s when it was bought by George Jones & Bros. plumbers, and used to extend their premises.
Census 1841.
John England 70, victualler, not born in county
Mary England 70, born in county
Charlotte England 35, born in county
Elizabeth Gorton 15, servant, born in county
Census 1851.
Thomas Winterson 42, head married, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire St.George
Elizabeth Winterson 36, wife married, Bristol
Mary Ann Burt 5, niece scholar, Berkshire Reading
Celia Poole 15, servant, house servant, Gloucestershire Henbury
Census 1861.
Thomas Winterson 52, head, licensed victualler, St.George Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Winterson 36, wife, Bristol
William Sanders 69, father in law widower, tailor, Honiton Devon
Mary Ann Burt 15, niece scholar, Reading Berkshire
Census 1871.
George Crinks 43, head married, victualler, Bristol
Ann Crinks 41, wife married, Bristol
Henry Crinks 19, son unmarried, clerk, Bristol
John Hill Crinks 13, son scholar, Bristol
William George Crinks 11, son, Bristol
Census 1881.
Frederick A. Green 33, head married, publican, Bristol St.Philip’s
Martha J. Green 34, wife married, Bristol St.Philip’s
Leah E. Green 11, daughter scholar, Bristol St.Philip’s
Clara R. Lake 15, servant, domestic servant, Bristol St.Philip’s
Census 1891.
William S. Vosper 47, head married, licensed victualler, Gloucestershire Tewkesbury
Mary Ann Vosper 45, wife married, Gloucestershire Ledbury
William S. Vosper 23, son single, boot top cutter, Gloucestershire Tewkesbury
Florence A. Vosper 18, daughter single, school teacher, Gloucestershire Tewkesbury
Harriet Vosper 12, daughter scholar, Gloucestershire Tewkesbury
Alice E. Vosper 8, daughter scholar, Bristol
Clara Brett 31, visitor married, forewoman (boot trade) Gloucestershire Tewkesbury
Census 1901.
Mary Ann Vosper 55, head widow, licensed victualler, Ledbury Hertfordshire
Alice Elizabeth Vosper 18, daughter single, Bristol
Elizabeth A. Wagstaff 30, niece single, assistant to licensed victualler, Worcestershire
George F. Wagstaff 25, nephew single, assistant to licensed victualler, Wiltshire Didcott
Census 1911.
Carrie Osborne 28, head single, licensed victualler, Bristol
Millicent Vosper 12, niece school, Bristol
William Vosper 7, nephew school, Bristol
Frederick Vosper 4, nephew school, Bristol
James Simmons 17, assistant single, barman, Bristol