Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Beaufort Arms Beaufort Road
Off license

1878 – 88. Anthony Wyatt Keyes
1894. Thomas Coleman
1895. Edwin Young
1896. Henry Hussey
1901 – 04. Alfred Mitchell
1906. Henry Fear
1911 – 28. Alfred Bryant
1930 – 34. Henry Robert Oaten
1935 – 44. Benjamin Naylor Gresswell
1950. Albert Edward Millard
Benjamin Gresswell’s rent in 1935 was £30 per annum, the landlord was the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited
Census 1881.
Beaufort Arms grocer’s shop with outdoor beer license
Anthony W. Keyes 42, head married, organ builder & grocer, Bristol
Charlotte M. A. Keyes 39, Taunton Somerset
Kate E. Keyes 11, daughter scholar, Bristol
Arthur Keyes 9, son scholar, Bristol
Arnold J. Keyes 3, son scholar, Bristol
Harry W. Keyes 1, son, Bristol
Amelia Hall 51, boarder unmarried, monthly nurse, Bristol
Edward Keyes under 1 month, son, Bristol
Census 1901.
Alfred Mitchell 64, Head married, beer retailer, Somerset Crewkerne
Mary S. Mitchell 49, wife married, Ireland
Census 1911.
Alfred Bryant 38, head married, black powder maker, City & County of Bristol
Emily Bryant 41, wife married, shop assistant general business at home,
Frederick William Bryant 16, son single, errand boy at dye works, City & County of Bristol
Hurbert Bryant 5, son, City & County of Bristol
Mary Eliza May 19, boarder single, chocolate sweet maker at cocoa manufacturers, City & County of Bristol
George William Fisher 19, boarder single, laundry worker, City & County of Bristol