Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Three Crowns John Street
1792 – 94. William Griffiths
1800 to 1823. James Sheat
1824. Elizabeth Sheat
1825 to 1828. Martha Sheat
1829 to 1883. James John Sheat
1884 to 1886. Martha Scrase
1886. Philip Foxwell
1887. Mary Ann Lewis
1888 – 89. George Dunn
1891. Walter G. Hewlett
1892 – 97. Joseph Randall
1899. Henry Sleep
1901 – 04. Julia Gane
1906 – 09. William Daniels
Prior to taking over as licensee, James John Sheat is listed at the Three Crowns as a cooper, later he is listed as maltster and cooper. In 1865 he was a churchwarden at St.Philip & Jacob’s church which was just a stone’s throw from the Three Crowns. John Street ran from Jacob Street to Narrow Plain with Sloper‘s Lane leading through to St.Philip & Jacob’s church. This area was cleared in 1967 to make way for the Temple Way / Old Market roundabout scheme.

Census 1841.
James Sheat 40, publican, born in county
Ann Sheat 50, born in county
James Sheat 12, born in county
Martha Sheat 11, born in county
Sarah Sheat 65, independent means, born in county
Mary Sheat 60, independent means, born in county
Census 1851.
James Sheat 51, Licensed Victualler Bristol St Philips
Ann Sheat 60, Bristol St Philips
James Sheat 22, Bristol St Philips
Martha Sheat 21, Bristol St Philips
Sarah Sheat 75, Sister in Law unmarried Fund Holder Bristol St Philips
Census 1861.
James J. Sheat, head widower 61, victualler, Bristol
Martha Weeks, niece M 39, house keeper, Bristol
Mary Clarke, servant U 14, general servant, Guernsey
Census 1871.
James J. Sheat 71, head widower, land owner and licensed victualler, Bristol
Deoness Davis 60, visitor unmarried (female), Bristol
Mary Ann Oliver 22, servant unmarried, barmaid and domestic servant
Census 1881.
James J. Sheat 81, head widower, licensed victualler, Bristol
Amelia A. Sheat 40, daughter in law married, law clerk’s wife (visitor) Bristol
Mary A. Oliver 30, servant unmarried, barmaid, Bristol
Sarah A. Fussell 18, servant unmarried, housemaid, Bristol
Census 1891.
Walter G. Hewlett 28, head married, publican, Bristol
Annie Hewlett 28, wife married, Bristol
Annie J. Hewlett 6, daughter, scholar, Bristol
Walter G. Hewlett 2, son, Bristol
Census 1901.
Julia Gane 44, head widow, publican, Somerset Keynsham
Mary A. Gane 20, daughter single, barmaid, Bristol
Charles J. Gane 16, son single, plumber’s labourer, Bristol
Emily F. Gane 10, daughter, Bristol
Henry Rawlings 26, son in law married, gas stove fitter, Wiltshire Chippenham
Laura Rawlings 22, daughter married, Bristol
Thomas Rawlings 2, grandson, Bristol
William Cowley 19, boarder single, plumber’s labourer, Gloucestershire Cirencester