Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Victoria Victoria Terrace

1874 – 77. Thomas Williams
1881 – 83. Tembey Wallbridge
1887 – 1909. John Webb
1914 – 35. Henry Cottle
1938 – 44. George Hill
1950. Gilbert Hathway
Known locally as the ‘pig’ the Victoria was situated on the corner of Victoria Terrace and Albert Crescent. This picture was kindly sent in by Jane McCredie.
Census 1881.
Tembey Wallbridge 27, head widower, beer retailer, Powerstock Bridport
Minnie Wallbridge 5, daughter, Bristol
Census 1891.
John Webb 34, head married, beer retailer, Bristol
Ellen Eliza Webb 33, wife married, Bristol
John Webb 12, son scholar, Bristol
Henry Webb 10, son scholar, Bristol
Albert Webb 6, son scholar, Bristol
William Webb 1, son, Bristol
James Colenso 32, visitor married, boot maker, Bristol
Elizabeth Colenso 30, visitor married, shoe binder, Bristol
Florence Colenso 13, visitor scholar, Bristol
Census 1901.
John Webb 44, head married, beer retailer, Bristol
Ellen Webb 43, wife married, Bristol
John Webb 22, son married, barman, Bristol
Mary Webb 21, daughter in law married, Bristol
Henry Webb 20, son single, plumber and gasfitter, Bristol
Frederick Webb 18, son single, engine and machine maker, Bristol
Albert Webb 16, son single, commercial clerk, Bristol
Willie Webb 11, son, Bristol
Ellen Webb 6, daughter, Bristol