Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Bath Pubs
Abbey Hotel Orange Grove
1871. James Downton / 1872. Martha Downton / 1881. Caleb Thomas Davis / 1891. Charles Wicks
Abbey Wine Vaults Stall Street
Later named the Roundhouse
1900 – 19. Walter Herbert Woodford / 1923. Mrs W. Woodford / 1931 – 37. Lucy Ann Whitehead
1947 – 50. C. W. Crawford / 1952. Stephen Hehir
Albert Tavern Union Passage
1871 – 76. Charles H. Fifield / 1881 – 90. Joseph Strickland / 1894. William S. Dunham / 1895 – 1902. Tom Hillman
1906. Hubert Miles / 1911 – 14. Alfred Avis / 1916. Samuel Burge / 1923 – 31. Daisy Burge
1934. James Robert Ward / 1935. John Lloyd
The tenancy of James Ward commenced on the 25th December 1934, the rent was £20 per annum and the landlords were the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited. Prior to taking the Albert Tavern, Mr. Ward was living in Downham Market, Norfolk.
Albion Albion Place, Upper Bristol Road
1822. Peter Evans / 1894. Elizabeth Cambridge
Albion Westgate Street
1839. Thomas Lamont / 1844. Sarah Bigwood / 1856. Edward Hancock & Son
Albion Brewery Corn Street
1861. John Hulbert / 1864. William Tripp / 1872 – 76. James Campbell / 1884 – 90. George Crump
1894 – 1902. Charles Stride / 1906 – 14. Thomas Stride / 1916. George Owen / 1919. Henry Sendall
1923. Arthur Merritt
Ale & Porter Stores Miles Buildings
1856 – 76. Mrs. Ellen Ford / 1884. Phœbe Baker / 1889 – 90. John Ponsford / 1895. Henry Lewis
1900 – 02. Elizabeth Jane Holmes / 1906. Marie Marshall / 1911. Ernest Brooks / 1914. Frederick Holvey
1923 – 37. Thomas R. Heywood / 1950. Albert Neathey
Anchor Twerton
1884. Eli Parsons
Angel New Wells Road
1822. Hannah Williams / 1830. Richard Lovell
Angel Westgate Street
1822 – 30. Robert Rose / 1839 – 44. Sarah Rose / 1849 – 69. Thomas Whittaker Rose / 1876 – 90. Henry Leaker
1894 – 95. Albert Berryman / 1911 – 16. Emmie Therese Howard-Heath / 1923 – 31. George Maher
1950 – 52. Sidney Fussell & Sons
Angel Tavern Holloway
1861 – 64. Mary Lye / 1872. Thomas T. Davis / 1876. George Singer / 1884. Edward Davies
1889 – 1902. George Drew / 1906. Albert W. Clarke / 1911. Mrs. Wickham / 1912. John T. Richardson
1914. Frederick Biggs / 1916. Albert Jarvis / 1923. George Broom / 1930. Frederick Smith
1930 – 39. William Harding / 1945. Frederick Montague Fawcett / 1947. Mrs. E. M. Fawcett
1949. William Stanley Adams / 1950. Mrs. E. M. Fawcett / 1952. William Adams
The tenancy of William Harding commenced on the 20th June 1930, the annual rent was £24 and the landlord was The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited
Atlas Brewery Stores No. 16 Fielding’s Terrace, Lower Bristol Road
1894 – 1902. John Dadge / 1906. Alfred Smith / 1911 – 14. Edwin Coventry / 1916. W. C. Eskett
1923 – 35. Betsy Eskett / 1937. Walter C. Eskett / 1947. Douglas A. Hitchins / 1950. William Miller
1952. William Lavis
Bacchus Corn Street
1861 – 76. William Phipps / 1884. S. McCoombe / 1894. Edward Tom Sheppard
22 Corn Street, same address as the Sumsion Brewery. William Phipps was also a coal merchant
Bargeman’s Tavern Sydney Wharf
1861. Ann Hawkins
Barley Mow Bathwick Street
1856 – 64. Harriett Quigley / 1872 – 90. Enoch Batchelor Tutton / 1894 – 1911. Emma Tutton
1914 – 16. William Shackell / 1931. J. Phillips / 1935 – 52. Francis E. Taylor
Barley Mow Margaret’s Hill, London Road
1830 – 44. Thomas Parsons / 1851 – 56. James Beacham / 1864. George Smith / 1872. John Hulbert
1876. James Burton / 1881 – 84. Charles A. Cavill / 1889 – 1902. Ernest Cavill / 1906. Arthur Doman
1911 – 14. Charles Ridgway / 1916. H. Lilley / 1919 – 23. Samuel Hughes / 1931. Thomas Claridge
1935. Arthur Joyce / 1937. William Loveder
Bath Arms Kingsmead Street
1822. Joseph Ryall / 1830. William Bryant / 1839 – 44. Edward Strange / 1851. Thomas Bartholomew
1856. James Parsons / 1861. Benjamin Bailey / 1864. William O’Brien / 1871 – 72. Henry Day
1876 – 90. William Tutton / 1894 – 95. Frederick Charles Hawes / 1900 – 02. Walter John Cavill
1906 – 14. George Boley / 1916 – 19. George Smith
Bathwick Tavern Sydney Buildings
1861 – 64. John Smith / 1872 – 76. John Chappell
Bazaar Wine Vaults Quiet Street & Queen Street
Bazaar Wine Vaults
1851 – 64. Henry Paget Meredith
1876 – 95. Thomas Toleman
Fuller’s Wine Vaults
1897 – 1937. Henry Fuller
Quiet Street Wine Lodge
1947 – 50. Geoffrey Moore
This business is not recorded on the census, Proprietors never resided at this address, it was Later known as Hatchetts and then the Raven

Bear Wellsway
1822. Edwin Davis / 1830 – 39. Edward C. Davis / 1844. Elizabeth Davis / 1851 – 76. William Edward Davis
1884. Frederick W. Davis / 1889 – 90. Gracious Cole / 1894 – 95. Walter Barnard / 1900. Albert C. Harding
1902. John Hunt / 1906 – 14. John E. Wallace / 1916. John Marks / 1919 – 23. Joseph Wookey
1931 – 35. T. Aston / 1937 – 60. Charles W. Roper
Beaufort Arms Princes Street
Bee Hive Inn Belvedere West
Bee Hive Holloway
1864. Abraham Fisher
Bee Hive Ladymead, Walcot Street
Bee Hive Rush Hill, Odd Down
1861 – 64. Thomas Noad / 1872. Edith Noad
Beefsteak Tavern New Market Row
1822. John Tiler / 1830 – 44. James Morley / 1851 – 64. John Bindon / 1871 – 95. Richard Miles Lovett
1900 – 06. Walter G. Reynolds / 1911. Eli Hutton / 1912. William Robert Lidyard / 1914. F. Taylor
1916. Ernest Hann / 1919 – 23. George McFarlane
Beer Butt Horse Street (Southgate Street)
1822. John Sly / 1830. Moses Beale
Bell Stall Street
1822. George Such / 1830. William Porch / 1844. David Garratt
Bell Rivers Street Place
1861 – 64. Edwin Bright
Bell Ballance Street
1822. W. Alexander / 1830. John Samsion / 1839. Joseph Gaiters
Bell Gloucester Street
1854. Frederick Bowler / 1872. Edwin Bright / 1876. Charles West / 1884 – 90. Frank Eades
1894 – 95. William Barber / 1900 – 02. George Hardingham / 1906 – 37. George O. Bullock / 1947. Charles L. Lloyd
1950. Jack Carey / 1952. William Gunning
Bell Lower Borough Walls
1851 – 56. David Garrett / 1861. Ann Garrett / 1864. Thomas Robbins / 1872. Nathaniel Hooper
1876. Joseph Weston / 1884. G. Troutt
Bell Inn & Brewery Lower Bristol Road
1839. Harriet Hoddinott / 1844. Jane Port / 1850 – 69. Mark Baggs / 1872 – 76. Richard Knee
1884 – 90. Joseph George Reynolds / 1894. Patrick Barrett
The Bell sustained severe damage during the floods of 1894 and was demolished
Bell Cornwell Buildings (Walcot Street)
1822. James Bird / 1830. Charles Dudfield / 1841. Maurice Platt / 1844. George McCormick / 1851. Isaac Dark
1856. Charles Parsons / 1864. John Bath / 1872 – 90. John Willis / 1894. Esther Osborne / 1895. Esther Willis
1900 – 02. Julia Stiff / 1906. George Mills / 1911 – 14. John Stanley / 1916 – 19. Stanley Reynolds
1923. Henry Genge / 1931. Samuel Brickman / 1935. Mrs. Frances Brickman / 1937 – 50. Wilbert George Pardy
1952. Jim Hulbert / 1960. J. E. Bradshaw
Belvedere Hotel Belvedere
1822. George Hulbert
Belvedere Wine Vaults Belvedere
1852. H. P. Hulbert / 1856. John Neely & Co. / 1864. Thomas Rutt / 1876. William Payton / 1884. Elizabeth Payton
1890 – 94. Albert T. Manning / 1895. John Neely / 1900 – 14. Walter William Bone
1916. Mansford & Bailey (G. H. Phipps Manager) / 1931. Horace Willis / 1937. Albert V. Kennard
1947 – 50. Alfred George Parker
Belvoir Castle Victoria Buildings, Lower Bristol Road
Berkeley Arms Berkeley Street, Snow Hill
1889 – 90. Matilda James / 1894 – 95. Edwin Saddler / 1900. Thomas Lavery / 1902. William Dunham
1906 – 16. Mrs Walter G. Woodroff / 1919. Walter George Woodroff / 1923. William Amos
1931 – 37. Herbert H. Fortune / 1947. Kenneth Dowding / 1950. Philip Jones
Bird In Hand Corn Street
1822. John Tippet / 1830. Joseph Claxton / 1839 – 44. John Bracher / 1851. Edmund Atkinson
1856. William Edward Willmore
Bird In Hand Charles Place, Dolemeads
1872. Thomas Sheppard / 1876 – 94. John Stevens
Blacksmiths’ Arms Avon Street
1839. William Dix
Black Dog Walcot Buildings, London Road
1872 – 76. John Raven / 1884. William Love / 1889 – 95. George Strange / 1900. Albert Harry Cavill
1902. James Ford / 1906. Henry Tiley / 1911 – 12. Fred Love / 1914. Frederick Dean / 1916. Alfred Simms
Black Horse Kingsmead Square
1939. John Veal / 1844 – 51. Martha Veal / 1856. Edwin Hyde / 1861. Elias Guze / 1864. Samuel Hellier
1872. Thomas Daniels / 1876. Henry Woods / 1884. James Wood / 1889 – 90. Henry Payne
1894 – 1906. George Brown
Black Swan Broad Street
1822. Thomas Cofield / 1830. William Madley / 1839. Henry Rudge
Bladud Arms George’s Buildings, Lower Swainswick
1851. John Bush / 1861. Sarah Bush / 1864 – 76. Henry Bush / 1884. William Evans / 1889. George Garraway
1890 – 95. Edward Bolwell / 1900 – 35. Arthur H. Thomas / 1937 – 60. William Henry Weston
Bladud’s Head Ladymead, Walcot Street
1822 – 30. Thomas Powell / 1839 – 56. George Powney / 1861 – 89. Isaac Carpenter
1890 to 1894. Henry John Woodward / 1895. John Rubie / 1900. Octavious R. Player / 1902. John Rubie
1906. Benjamin Moon (manager) / 1911 – 14. Henry Selway / 1916 – 19. Joseph Orgill / 1923 – 35. George Fogden
Bladud’s Head Weston
1861 – 76. Lescombe Hawkins / 1884. Thomas Gibbins
Bladud’s Head Catsley’s Place, Larkhall
1861. Isaac Hales / 1864 – 72. John Cooper / 1876 – 94. John Smith / 1900 – 02. George Smith
1906 – 31. Ernest H. Adams / 1956. James Pope / 1960. ? Spanswick
Blathwayt Arms Landsdown
1864. Robert Harris / 1872. Daniel Bryant / 1876. Charles Stoneham / 1884. Mary Hayward
1889 – 90. George Parsons / 1894 – 1900. Alfred Taylor / 1902 – 06. William H. Hendy
1911 – 23. Edith & Florence Hendy / 1931 – 37. Arthur S. Lodge / 1947. Henry William Whiting / 1950. T. Leach
Blucher Horse Street (Southgate Street)
1822. Peter Price / 1830. James Blucher / 1839. Richard Taylor / 1844. Joseph Dredge / 1851. Sem Grant
1856. John Norman / 1864. Henry Burrows
Boat House Bathwick Bridge
1856. James Atkins
Boatman’s Arms Waterloo Buildings
1864. James Lambern / 1872. Samuel Bray / 1876. James Salter / 1884. Peter Clemes
1890 – 1900. George Wilcox / 1906. Sidney Pritchard
Borough Wine Vaults Westgate Buildings
1852. Fred Harris / 1864. William Wilson / 1876. G. & W. Smith / 1884. Smith Brothers
1889 – 1931. Smith Brothers & Co. Ltd. (1916. H. Tanner, manager)
Later known as Smith Brothers, then DYMK, and the Cork & Bottle
Brass Knocker Combe Hill
1839 – 51. John Downey
Brewers’ Arms Upper Camden Place
1844. Richard Vickerage
Bridge Tavern Holloway
1872. William Harding
Bristol Tavern Westgate Street
More recently named Flan O’Brien’s
1830. James Bull
Britannia Inn Piccadilly Place, London Road
Bunch Of Grapes Morford Street
1856. James Smith / 1861 – 64. William Glover / 1872. John Tutton / 1876. Rebecca Tutton / 1884. Henry Tutton
1889. Edward Neal / 1894 – 95. Ida Long / 1900. C. F. Lawday / 1902 – 06. Frederick Pearse / 1914. Ada Marchant
1916. John Davis / 1919 – 35. Ada Davis
Burnt House Inn Odd Down
Butchers’ Arms Boat Stall Lane
1822. James Perrey / 1839. Joseph Robinson / 1844. William Cook / 1851 – 56. John Bracher
1861 – 64. George Perkins
Cabinet Makers’ Arms Trim Street
1856. Mary Ann Pittman / 1861 – 64. Eliza Brown / 1872. John Morley / 1876. William Fussell
1881 – 91. John Morley / 1893. Sidney Stockden / 1894. Mrs Stockden / 1900 – 14. Albert Dabner
1915 – 19. Catherine Sarah Dabner
John Morley was a house decorator and beer retailer. Ex cab driver Sidney Stockden died in 1893, his wife Catherine stayed on at the pub, later marrying Albert Dabner, Catherine was the daughter of Amos Down (see the Corn Street Brewery) Catherine’s sister Aliff Georgina, was the wife of William Wyatt, this couple were at the Lyncombe Brewery in Claverton Street. This information was kindly provided by Charles Down, 3x great nephew of Amos Down, Charles is also a 3x great nephew of Enoch Down who ran several pubs in Warminster, including the Bath Arms Hotel.
Caledonian Albion Buildings, Upper Bristol Road
1839. William Snodgrass / 1844 – 51. Alexander Snodgrass / 1861 – 64. John March / 1872. William H. Fussell
1876. Samuel Fussell / 1884. Thomas Rice / 1890. Sydney Chapple / 1894. William Underwood
1900. Patience Gilbert / 1906. John Thomas Brooks
Caledonian Tavern Trim Street
1841. Alexander Snodgrass / 1856. Charles Francom
Canal (Brewery) Tavern Canal Bridge, Widcombe (Coburg Place)
1851. Charles Lanham / 1864. Thomas Miles / 1872. William Chinnock / 1876. Sarah Hawkins
1884. George Large / 1890. Ben Bishop / 1894 – 95. Samuel Roberts / 1900. Charles Oakley
1906. Albert Hardwell
Carpenters’ Arms Chatham Row, Walcot Street
1822. Thomas Hopkins / 1830. William Willis / 1839. Robert Bagg
Castle Inn Villa Fields, Forester Avenue, Bathwick
1856 – 64. Samuel Scott / 1870 – 76. Andrew Dillon / 1876. Matilda Whittick / 1877 to 1898. George Membery
1898 – 1906. Henry Thomas Osborne / 1911 – 12. H. Waring / 1914. William Banting / 1916 – 23. John Moloney
1931 – 37. Charles Thomas Hosey / 1950. Mrs. G. Hosey
Castle Hotel Northgate Street
1822 – 30. Matthew Temple
1839 – 41. Sarah & George Temple
1844. George, Matthew & Sarah Temple
1851 – 52. Sarah Temple & Son
1856. George Temple
1861 – 1905. John Rubie
1906 to 1924. William Bateman
Dating from around 1808, the Castle Hotel was demolished in 1924

Catherine Wheel Ladymead, Walcot Street
1822. James Davis / 1830. William Mason / 1838 – 44. John Grist / 1851 – 56. George Perkins / 1861. John Beake
1864. John Woodman / 1872. James Mullings / 1876. James Stow / 1884. G. Cox / 1889. William Trout
1890. Harriet J. Trout / 1894 – 95. Alexander Corrison / 1900 – 02. Arthur Townsend / 1906. Elvey Daniel Fishlock
Chandos Arms Westgate Buildings
Charmbury Arms Brook Road
1894 – 1914. William Slip / 1916 – 31. Arthur Tanner / 1937 – 50. Ralph H. Wills
Chatham House Cornwell Buildings
1851 – 56. James Gillen / 1861 – 64. James Gillen jnr / 1872 – 95. Henry Ollis / 1900. Charles J. Sadd
1902. W. Waite / 1906. Alfred Hubber
Chequers Chandos Buildings, St. Michael’s Place
1822. W. Bird / 1830 – 39. Charles Lewis / 1844. John Lewis / 1851. Sarah Burden / 1856. Mrs. Eliza Follett
1861. William Garrett / 1864. Ann Garrett
(Old) Chequers Peter Street
1822. John Eyles / 1830. Ruth Pinnock / 1844. Samuel Newman / 1851. Ebenezer Bull / 1856. Joseph Stickler
1864 – 90. Charles Cavill / 1894. John Hawkins / 1895. Lawrence Wright / 1900. Walter G. Reynolds
1902. Henry Conway / 1906. Edgar Valentine Darby / 1911 – 14. George Davis
Christopher Market Place, High Street
1822. Robert Jesty / 1830. Henry Smith / 1839. Mary Smith / 1844. John Coles / 1851. Mary Ann Hampton
1856 – 61. John Amery / 1876. James Reynolds / 1881 – 95. James Robinson / 1912 – 31. the Misses Robinson
Circus Tavern (Brewery) Circus Place
1856. Robert Hellier Grant / 1861 – 64. Isaac Jones / 1872 – 84. George Marchant / 1889 – 95. Eliza Marchant
1900 – 06. Arthur W. Marchant / 1911 – 19. James Woodward / 1923. Frederick Phillips / 1931 – 37. Alfred W. Mills
Claremont Arms Fairfield Road
Claverton Brewery Claverton Street
1861 – 64. James Broockman / 1884. Selina Nash / 1889. Robert Harding / 1890 – 94. Albert C. Harding
1895. Arthur Harding / 1900 – 23. Elizabeth Ann Plank / 1931 – 37. Edward Haines / 1947. Mrs. B. Haines
1950. Edward Crook
Cleveland Arms Sydney Wharf, Bathwick
1844. Emma Organ / 1851 – 56. William Stockham / 1861 – 76. Mary A. Stockham
1884 – 90. Mary & Charles Stockham (son) / 1894 – 1911. Joseph Phipps / 1912 – 23. Louisa Phipps
Coach & Horses Barton Street
1822. John Melluish / 1830. William Gaze / 1844. Richard Deamon / 1851 – 56. Thomas Moss
1861 – 71. John Hodges / 1872 – 76. Job Chanceller / 1884. H. Butt / 1889 – 90. Charles Bird
1894 – 1923. Sarah Bird
John Hodges was a coachsmith and licensed victualler, in 1861 he employed his two sons and an apprentice
Coachmakers’ Arms Half Moon Street, Snow Hill
Cœur de Lion Northumberland Place
1876. Francis Adams / 1881 – 84. William Tucker / 1889 – 90. Eliza J. Tucker / 1894 – 1916. Elizabeth Lewis
1931 – 37. John Southwood / 1947 – 50. Arthur Williams / 1967. Mr. & Mrs. Winter
Coppers’ Arms Claverton Street
1822. John Bligh / 1830 – 39. George Hansford / 1844. Thomas Hansford / 1851 – 56. Mary Hansford
1861. Maria Bence / 1864. Isaac Gay / 1876. Alfred Styles / 1889 – 90. Albert Styles / 1894 – 95. William Phillips
1900 – 06. Thomas G. Hiscocks / 1911 – 19. Arthur Stiles / 1923. William Shepherd
1931 – 37. James Thomas Gage / 1947. Mrs. F. Gage / 1950. Albert Newman
Corn Street Brewery Corn Street
1851 – 72. Rachael Rebbeck / 1876 – 90. Amos Down / 1894 – 95. Cuno Von Gfug / 1900. Charles Sandbach
1902. George Goddard / 1906. Charles Sidney Speed-Andrews
Cornwell Brewery Cornwell Buildings
1851 – 56. John Wiltshire
County Wine Vaults Westgate Street
1852 – 76. Edward Hancock / 1884 – 90. Ashman & Williams / 1894 – 95. James White
1900 – 12. Henry C. Lavington / 1914. H. Lavington & Son / 1916 – 23. H. Lavington / 1931. W. Ewart
1937. Henry G. Slade / 1947 – 50. Thomas M. Claridge / 1960. W. A. Pink
Country House Circus Mews
1839 – 44. Charles Blake
Cremorne Bathwick
1864 – 84. Thomas Osmond
previously the Folly House
Cricketers’ York Street
1914. Clara Gray
Crispin Tavern Lower Borough Walls
1830 – 44. William Barnes
Cross Hands Twerton Hill
1871 – 76. William Toogood / 1890 – 1900. William Heal
Cross Keys Market Place (Orange Grove)
1822 – 30. Charles Brittan / 1839 – 44. Elizabeth Brittan / 1851. Joseph Goffe / 1856 – 64. Thomas Hartree
1872. Richard Ricards / 1876 – 90. Lionel Stevens
Cross Keys Frome Road, Odd Down
1841. Robert Fennell / 1861. Ann Parfitt / 1864. John Daniell / 1872. Enoch Bryant / 1876. H. Mitchell
1884. James Green / 1889 – 1912. William Weaver / 1914 – 37. Ernest R. Weaver / 1947. Mrs. Jane Weaver
In the 1841 census, Robert Fennell is listed as a farmer and publican, he lived at this address as early as 1829 but it is not known if he was a publican back then. This information was kindly provided by Tony Davis who is a descendant of Robert Fennell.
Crown Inn Bathford
Crown Bathwick Street
1822 – 30. John Lawrence / 1839. Thomas Vincent / 1844. Samuel Morgan / 1851. George Watts
1861 – 64. William Horsell / 1872 – 76. Reuben Horsell / 1884 – 95. William Horselll
1900 – 02. Thomas James Maggs / 1906 – 34. Thomas Robert Howes / 1934 – 35. Alice Howes
1937. Mrs T. R. Howes / 1941 – 50. Julia Rosalie Florence Howes
Crown Claremont Row
1864 – 72. John Ovens / 1876 – 84. Thomas Keeling
Crown Landsdown Place, Upper Weston
1830. William Cadwell / 1839 – 44. John Ralph / 1861. George Mizen / 1864. Ann Mizen / 1876. James Spratt
1884 – 89. Charles Sadd / 1894 – 95. Thomas Orford / 1900. Capt. Thomas R. Corrigall / 1902 – 19. James Merrett
1923 – 31. George Robinson / 1935. Edwin Emery / 1937. Alfred Francis / 1947 – 50. William Stopford Hartley
1960. J. T. Howell
Crown Market Place (High Street)
1822. James Denford / 1830. John Ralph / 1839 – 44. John Little / 1851. Henry Dodds / 1864. Samuel Skevington
1871 – 72. James Evans / 1876. Samuel Lewis
Crown Brewery Inn New Orchard Street
Crown (Brewery) Newbridge Hill
Listed as the New Crown from 1935
1864 – 76. John Beavis / 1894 – 1902. Arthur W. Beavis / 1906. William Withers (George Thornhill manager)
1911. Alfred Beamish / 1912 – 23. Thomas Burridge / 1931 – 37. Sydney Herbert Ball
1947 – 50. Stanley B. Crouch
Crown & Anchor High Street, Weston
Crown & Thistle Avon Street
1839. William Upward
Crystal Palace Abbey Green
Darby & Joan Guinea Lane
1822. S. Davis / 1830. James Chambers / 1839 – 44. James Chapman
Devonshire Arms St.James’s Parade
1851 – 76. George Love / 1884 – 90. James Holder / 1894 – 1906. Henry Tutton / 1911 – 19. John Garner
1923. Henry Porter / 1931 – 37. Albert E. Maggs / 1950. Elizabeth Ellen Davies
Devonshire Arms Wellsway
1856. John North / 1861 – 64. Robert Bush / 1872 – 1900. James Rawlings / 1906 – 14. James Rawlings & Sons
1916. Clifford Rawlings / 1923 – 50. John Henry Symes
Dolphin Broad Street
1822. T. Batchelor / 1830. Thomas Price / 1839 – 80. George F. Price
The Dolphin was demolished in the early 1880’s, making way for the Bath YMCA
Dolphin Brass Mill Lane, Locksbrook Road
1839 – 64. George Griffin / 1872. Elizabeth Wilkins / 1876. J. Leonard / 1884. Austin Baker
1889 – 95. Thomas James / 1900 – 16. Henry Gay / 1919 – 23. Edwin Coventry / 1931 – 37. Thomas Wigmore
1947 – 50. Montague Griffiths / 1960. E. T. Bennett
Don Cossack Cornwell Buildings, Walcot Street
1822 – 30. Richard Deamon / 1844. James Barnes / 1861 – 64. John Wiltshire / 1872. Alfred Hockey
1876. Joseph Hussey / 1884. George Sparrow / 1889. William Foxwell / 1890. James Bothwell
1894 – 95. Charles Foxwell / 1900. Herbert W. Sims / 1902. Francis King / 1906. William Parker
Druids’ Arms Philip Street
1851 – 61. John Rogers / 1864. John Chappell
Duke Of Edinburgh Ladymead
1876. James Cox
Duke Of Cambridge Grove Street
1861. John Orchard / 1864 – 89. William Field / 1894 – 1900. Aubrey G. Tanner / 1906. Alfred John Long
1911. Edward Wake / 1912 – 14. George Vowles / 1916 – 23. Edwin Flower
Duke Of Wellington Lilliput Alley
1830. John Passmore / 1839. Ann Grist / 1844. James Avery
Duke Of Wellington Walcot Street
1822. Nicholas Barnes
Duke Of York Broad Quay
1822. W. Cripps / 1830 – 39. George Dowling / 1844. George Charles
Eagle Bath Street
1872. Stefano Pieroni / 1876. George Ley
East Twerton Hotel St. Peter’s Terrace, Lower Bristol Road
Edinburgh Arms James Street
1884. Elizabeth Meredith / 1890. Robert Hill / 1894 – 95. William Grist / 1900. Emma Frampton
1902. C. Frampton / 1906. Hulbert T. West / 1911. William Willis / 1912 – 16. Charles Urch
34 James Street, at this address previously was the Midland & Derby Arms
Edinburgh Castle Newark Street
1864. Richard Jennings / 1871. Ann Brimble / 1872. James Brimble / 1876 – 1919. William Swaffield
1931. Albert Shobbrook / 1935 – 50. Edward Evans
Elephant & Castle Charles Street / Monmouth Street
1822 – 30. Emma Springford / 1839. John Springford
Engineers Arms Lower Bristol Road
1872. James Reynolds / 1876. George Boulton / 1884. John Hawkins / 1890. Richard Fishlock
1894 – 95. Mary A. Fishlock / 1900. W. Witcomb
Englishcombe Inn Englishcombe Lane
1937. Stroud Milsom / 1947. Frederick Hayward
Exeter Inn Horse Street (Southgate Street)
1822. John Fricker / 1830. James Hill / 1839. John Thatcher / 1844. John Freeman / 1851 – 56. William Osborne
1861 – 64. Richard Osborne / 1871 – 72. Sarah Osborne / 1876. Charles Palmer / 1884. Henry Harding
1889. Henry Rossiter / 1890. John Mullins / 1894. Edwin Charles Minty / 1895. Frederick Millard
1900 – 11. Edward E. G. Palliser