Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Crown Brewery New Orchard Street

1851 – 64. Sarah Ascott
1871 – 1902. George Biggs
1906. Harry A. Biggs (G. Grosvenor manager)
1911 – 23. George Biggs & Sons
1931. Wilfred Penney
1937 – 60. Jack Southcliffe
The Crown Brewery pictured here prior to demolition and re-build around 1900. The Crown closed and was demolished in 1967.
Schedule Of Deeds relating to the Crown Brewery, New Orchard Street, Bath.
This is an extract from a document relating to properties purchased by The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited in 1924 from the trustees of George Biggs (deceased). For other extracts of this document see The Oxford Brewery, Julian Road and Ye Old Farm House, Landsdown Road.
1844 3rd October. Lease for 75 years. The Mayor, Aldermen and burgesses of Bath to Matthias Harris
1854 8th February. Assignment of Nos. 4, 5,& 6 New Orchard Street and No.2 Southgate Street. Matthias Harris to Edgar Matthias Harris
1876 25th March. Assignment of No.4 New Orchard Street. Jemima Slack to John Stone
1876 5th March. Assignment of No.5 New Orchard Street. Jemima Slack to John Stone
1897 10th May. Conveyance of the Crown Inn, Nos. 4 & 5 New orchard Street. John Stone to George Biggs
1898 14th September. Conveyance of No.3 New Orchard Street. Jane M. Asprey to George Biggs
1902 4th October. Agreement of lease of Nos. 3, 4, & 5 New Orchard Street and Nos. 7, 8 & 9 Harris Court. The Lord Mayor and citizens of Bath to George Biggs
1902 26th November. Agreement in respect of projections. George Biggs to Mrs. Frances Ann Coleby
1904 8th June. Counterpart lease of No.5 New Orchard Street. Mrs. Sarah Biggs, George Frederick Biggs and Harry Archibald Biggs to the Bath and County Press Limited
1905 30th May. Lease. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Bath to George Biggs’ executors
1924 19th June. Conveyance. Trustees of George Biggs to The Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited
Census 1851.
William Ascott 31, head married, tailor, Somerset Bath
Sarah Ascott 25, wife married, victualler, Somerset Road
Census 1861.
Sarah Ascott 35, head widow, beer house keeper, Road Somerset
Jane Davis 30, sister unmarried, assistant, Bath Somerset
John Slade 16, servant unmarried, servant, Monkton Combe
John W. Reading (Keading?) 62, lodger widower, general servant, Ireland
Census 1871.
George Biggs 35, head married, brewer & retailer of beer, Gloucestershire Bitton
Sarah Biggs 31, wife married, Gloucestershire Abson
Ann Biggs 38, sister unmarried, barmaid, Gloucestershire Bitton
Thomas White 14, servant, errand boy, Somerset Frome
Census 1881.
Emma Ballett 29, lodger unmarried, barmaid, Dorset Poole
Sydney E. Cox 15, servant, assistant brewer, Glamorganshire Mountain Ash
Census 1891.
Louisa morley 22, servant single, barmaid, Somerset Bath
Emma Ballett 33, servant single, barmaid, Dorsetshire Poole
Census 1901.
Ada M. J. Evry 24, servant single, barmaid, Batheaston Bath
Rose I. M. Adams 19, servant single, barmaid, Somerset Bath

The Crown Brewery shortly after re-build in 1901