Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Redcliff & Temple
Rabbit Warren Temple Street
Railway & Steam Packet Tavern Guinea Street
1853 – 54. Joseph Sweet / 1855 – 58. Edward Johnson / 1860 – 66. John Farnsworth / 1867. Elizabeth Williams
Railway House Pipe Lane
1853. James Coat (haulier & beer retailer)
Railway Tavern Avon Street
1847 – 49. Joseph Crinks / 1853 – 54. Richard Sharp / 1855 – 57. S. Blackmore
Railway Tavern Temple Street
1851 – 63. Ann Challenger / 1871 – 74. Albert Deacon / 1875 to 1878. William Taylor / 1879. Thomas Sweet
1882. William Turner / 1883 to 1886. Alfred Hall / 1887. Thomas Zelley / 1889 – 96. Thomas Gove
1897 – 1906. Sydney Bryant / 1909. Henry Hickory / 1914. Alice Remnant / 1921. Kate Sparks
1925 – 28. John Potter / 1931 – 38. Henry Ripley / 1944 – 53. Mary Ann Russell
Rainbow Tavern Temple Street
1841 – 53. James Hailstone / 1856. Mary Anne Hailstone / 1860 – 72. Margaret Farmer / 1874 – 91. Ann Price
1892 – 96. George Hobbs / 1901. Ellen Barry
Redcliff Tavern Guinea Street
1861 – 67. Richard Preston / 1868. Emma Preston
Red Horse Colston Street
1842. Robert Watson / 1847 – 53 Lydia Watson / 1855 – 57. Charles Smith / 1858. John Stevens
1860 – 61. George Bird / 1863. James Bailey / 1865. James Barter / 1866. Ann Barter / 1867 to 1868. John Allen
1869 to 1875. William Little / 1876 to 1891. John Prewett / 1892 – 99. Robert Giles / 1901. Amy Giles
1906. Rose Bennett / 1909 – 21. Tom Bond / 1925 – 31. Daniel Sixsmith
Red Lion Avon Street
1867. Joseph Summers / 1868. William Summerly / 1869. W. Baker / 1871 – 72. James Woodman
1874 – 76. Charles Woodman / 1876 to 1877. William Toghill / 1877 to 1882. William Dodge / 1883. John Dodge
1886 – 87. Mary Dodge / 1889 – 91. John Stafford / 1892 – 93. Alfred Hunt / 1896. James Buffin
1897. Jane Tucker / 1899. William Hall / 1901. William Ford / 1904 – 06. Tom Biddle
Red Lion Redcliff Street
Red Lion Temple Back
1832. John Gillett
Ring Bell Temple Street
1775. Sarah Dyer
Ring Of Bells Thomas Street
1764. Richard Murford / 1775. Samuel Speir / 1792. James Taylor / 1794. James Chappel / 1800. Philip Tanswell
1806. William Rawle / 1816. James Stone / 1820 – 32. James Stone jnr / 1837 – 40. John Pollard
1842 – 44. John Richards / 1847 – 49. R. Huxtable / 1851 – 52. William Wilson / 1853 to 1855. John James Parker
1856. John Thomas / 1861. Samuel Longman / 1865. Daniel Dyer / 1866. William Pearce / 1867 – 68. ? Patch
1871 – 82. William Nippers / 1883. George Brown / 1886 – 87. Mary Wallis / 1889 – 1901. Mary Ann Henley
1904. G. T. Ball
Rising Sun Cathay
Rising Sun Pipe Lane / Temple Back
1839 – 66. John Hodgeson / 1867 – 69. Ann Hodgeson / 1871 – 77. Richard Tovey / 1879 – 91. Frank John Clifford
1892 – 96. Farnham Padfield / 1899. Julia Derrick / 1901. Caroline Macey / 1901. Charles Macey
1904 – 06. Harriett Hucker / 1909. Hannah Underdown / 1911 – 25. Mary Ann Withy
Rising Sun Bath Parade
1851. Herman Hitt / 1853. Charlotte Hitt / 1855. J. Dinham / 1856 to 1876. Jane Jones
1877 to 1886. William Carter / 1887 – 89. Ellen Adams / 1891. William Hooper / 1892. Daniel Wiltshire
1896. John Coombes / 1899 – 1906. Thomas Fox / 1909. Henry Partridge / 1914. William Davis
1917. Frederick Biggs / 1921 – 38. Charles Scragg
Rising Sun Temple Street
1764 – 94. James Hill / 1800 – 06. William Timberman / 1816. William Parsley / 1822. T. Morris
Rising Sun Redcliff street
1775. John Perrins
Robin Hood & Little John Redcliff Street
1853. James B. Frail / 1854. John Longdon
Rose Temple Street
1755 – 64. Richard Sloper / 1800 – 20. John Sloper / 1822. Henry Sloper / 1823 – 32. Ann Sloper
1834 – 40. Henry Sloper / 1842 – 44. James Griffiths / 1847. Ann Tucker / 1848 to 1852. John Price
1853 to 1855. Thomas Frewing / 1856 – 63. William Green / 1865. Charles Haper / 1866 – 69. Frederick Green
Rose Thomas Street (No. 49)
1775. Ann Sloper
Rose Thomas Street (No. 81)
1775. John Gillard
Rose & Crown Pipe Lane
1832. William Ellis / 1855 – 57. William Claxton / 1857. Luke Dash / 1858. D. Phelps / 1865 – 66. William Shaw
1866 to 1868. John Stephenson / 1869. Thomas Young
Rose & Crown Counterslip
1753. John Bones / 1754. Catherine Lawrence / 1764. Catherine Jones / 1775. Francis Smith
Rose & Thistle Hillsbridge
1848. Thomas Webb
Royal Ann Wapping, Bathurst Basin
1794 John Wilkins / 1806. William Andrews / 1816 – 23. John Poor / 1826 Henry Cothay / 1828 – 56 John Allen
1858 Joseph Bryant / 1860 – 76 Joseph Brunt
Royal Arms Wapping
1792 George Wilkins
Royal Arms Tavern Pipe Lane
1848 – 53. George Derrett / 1853. William Derrett / 1854 to 1856. John Clatworthy / 1857. Charles Good
1857 to 1865. George Castle / 1866 to 1878. Sarah Castle / 1879 – 83. Mary Ann Penny
1885 – 86. Thomas Vickery / 1887 to 1888. Mark Rodburn / 1889. Henry Powell / 1891 – 1901. John Butler
1904. S. Rowe / 1906. Louisa Ciley
Royal Oak Avon Street
1871 – 72. Charles Barker / 1874. George Hunt / 1875 – 83. Henry Jones / 1886. S. Gamlin
Royal Oak Redcliff Street
1752. John Harrell / 1794. Elizabeth Lewis / 1800. Thomas Justice
Royal Oak Somerset Street
1853 – 63. John Slee / 1865 – 66. L. Payne & Elizabeth Gillings / 1867 – 74. Elizabeth Gillings
1876 – 78. Martha H. Gillings / 1879 – 89. William Gillings / 1891. William Edwards / 1892 – 96. Thomas Hall
1899. Thomas Hookway
Royal Oak Thomas Street
1860 – 72. George Gardener / 1874 – 75. Charles Truman / 1876 to 1878. Edwin Holloway / 1879. George Brain
1881 – 83. John Lewis / 1886 – 89. Thomas Read / 1891. James Tayor / 1892 – 94. William Wall / 1896. D. C. Salter
1899. Alfred Buckler / 1901. George Fay
Royal Standard Mitchell Lane
1840. Robert Bright
Sailor’s Return Guinea Street
1840 – 47. Sarah Dibble
Sailor’s Return Long Row
1816. John Harvey
Sailor’s Return Redcliff Hill
1800. William Wilkinson
Sailor’s Return Temple Street
1839 – 42. P. Barry / 1847 – 49. Augusta Cook / 1853. Joseph Jones
Salutation Redcliff Hill
1800. Samuel Stanmore / 1806. John Sheridan
Saracen’s Head Temple Gate
Seven Stars Thomas Lane
Shakespeare Temple Street (Victoria Street)
Shepherd & Shepherdess Water Lane
1792 – 1800. William Wine
Shepherds’ Rest No. 29½ Redcliff Hill (later No. 113)
1867 – 68. Thomas Thomas / 1870 – 75. William Sage / 1876 – 79. Charles K. Parker / 1881 – 83. Joseph Sidaway
1886. Mrs. Sidaway / 1887. S. Hatherly / 1889. Walter Jones / 1891 – 96. Samuel Hale
1899 – 1904. Betsy Browning / 1906 – 09. James Taylor
Sherwood Tavern Clarence Road (corner of Somerset Street)
1866. S. Gibson / 1867 to 1871. James Fifoot / 1872 to 1874. Ann Maria Old / 1875. Elizabeth Haesler
1876. Ann Maria Old / 1877. F. Moon / 1879. Henry Gillings / 1881 – 82. Augustus Tyson / 1883. Val. McEnright
1885 – 89. William Grimsby / 1891 – 92. Elizabeth Langford / 1892 – 94. Elizabeth Rose / 1896. J. Sheppard
1899. Frederick Simmons / 1901 – 14. George Smith / 1915. Frederick Henry William Pidgeon
1917 – 38. Alice Mary Stenner / 1940 – 44. John Hares / 1950. Gordon Malpas / 1953 -56. Charles F. Hardy
1975. W. E. Durbin
The tenancy of John Hares commenced on the 10th September 1940, the rent was £36 per annum and the landlord was the Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Limited. Information on Frederick Pidgeon was kindly provided by his great grandson John Pidgeon
Ship Avon Street
1806. Philip Tanswell / 1816 – 30. Joseph Bright / 1832 – 39. Philip Marks / 1842 – 49. John Gotley
1851 – 52. James Gotely / 1855 – 60. Charles Vowles / 1863. William Bush / 1865 – 77. John Hole
Ship Inn Cathay
Ship Pile Street
1837. Samuel Bayley / 1839 – 40. Ann Bayley
Ship Redcliff Hill
Ship & Castle Pile Street
1800 – 06. James Jennings / 1816 – 20. James Farthing / 1822 – 23. Richard Wheeler / 1832. Catherine Day
1853 – 89. Emanuel Hibbs / 1891. F. Thomas / 1892. James Witcombe / 1896. John Edwards
Ship On Launch Wapping
1858 – 67 Thomas Brinton Lonnen / 1868 – 71 William Lloyd
The 1861 census lists this pub as the ‘Alligator’. William Lloyd was a master ship builder and publican
Shipwrights’ Arms Redcliff Square
1794. Sarah Taylor
Shipwrights’ Arms Redcliff Street
1867. Martha North
Somerset House No. 1 Langton Street (Off license)
1851 – 54. Elizabeth (Betsy) Roy / 1855 – 65. Thomas Spurl / 1870 – 1872. George Cornwall
1873 – 79. George Miller / 1881 – 85. James Wright / 1885 to 1888. Arthur Deverell / 1889. John Edwin Stibbs
1890. William Clark / 1891 – 1914. Robert Wills / 1916 – 37. Annie Elizabeth Wheeler / 1938. Isaac William Hutton
1943 – 50. Harriett Ann Gay / 1956. Frederick Box
Thomas Spurl was also a ship rigger and haberdasher
Somerset House Redcliff Street
1775. Thomas Reeves
Sportsman’s Arms Pipe Lane
1832. Joseph Hillman / 1839 – 40. William Kingston / 1855 – 60. Richard Horsington / 1865 – 69. Mary Horsington
Star Redcliff Hill
Star Tower Street
1837 – 39. Thomas Hobbins
Steam Packet Tavern Bathurst Parade
Sugar Loaf Redcliff Street
1844. William Deeble / 1853. Susan Galley
Sugar Loaf Tucker Street
1775. Charles Wright
Swan Temple Street
1806 – 32. James Stone / 1834 – 40. John Scudamore / 1841 to 1865. Francis Hilliar / 1866 to 1868. William Cates
1869. Richard Adams / 1871. Charles Doble / 1872 – 82. William Norris
Swindon Tavern Phippen Street
1851. Sarah Dowling / 1852. Isaac Dowling / 1853 – 55. J. Morrish / 1860. Thomas Baker
1863 – 68. Samuel Potter / 1869 to 1875. George Francis / 1876 – 79. James Atkins / 1881. Jane Atkins
1883 – 91. Mark Radford / 1892. Betsy Browning / 1896 – 1909. Harry Peet / 1914. George Winmill
Talbot Inn (And London Tavern) Bath Street
1806. Thomas Holloway / 1820 – 31. James Clifton / 1833 – 37. Nancy Clifton / 1839 – 40. Edward Thatcher
1842 – 48. Joanna Fry / 1851 – 61. Michael Batt (proprietor) / 1863 – 65. Henry Weaving
1868 – 69. Robert Comer / 1871 – 75. James Collins / 1877. Miss Linfield (manageress) / 1878. T. C. Stock
1881 – 96. James Reynolds / 1899 – 1917. Grenville Flower
Talbot Vaults Bath Street
1871. William Mattick
Talbot Redcliff Hill
1792. Lawrence Boucher / 1794. William Oldfield / 1800 – 06. Thomas James / 1816. William Sargeant
1820 – 34. Ann Pillinger / 1837 – 52. Ann Sinnett / 1853. George Sinnett / 1853. George Burgess
1854. George Crook / 1855 to 1874. John Crook / 1875 to 1877. Sarah A. Crook / 1878 to 1888. William Tudball
1889. James Nash / 1891. William Eades / 1891 – 94. Ellen Eades / 1896. Arthur Hulbert / 1897. Charles David
1899 – 1904. Sarah Cox David / 1909. Ellen Jane Gray
Talbot Tavern Redcliff Street
1794. James Sewell
Taliesin Tavern Commercial Road
1860. Elizabeth Rich / 1861 to 1865. George Parry / 1866 to 1871. Joseph Parry / 1872 to 1875. Robert Chubb
1876 to 1877. Jane Larkham / 1878. Francis Quartly / 1879 to 1881. George Fryer / 1882. J. Harding
1883. R. B. Baker
Tennis Court Redcliff Hill
1752. Mary Lukins / 1775. John Gamblin / 1792 – 94. John Ball / 1794. William Ball
Temple Hotel Temple Back
1879 – 94. Matthew Whiting / 1901. Alexander Higgs / 1904 – 09. Albert Seward / 1914. William Gillard
1917 – 38. William Collins / 1944 – 50. Albert Collins / 1953 – 56. William George Hooper
Previously known as the Bear Tavern. Alexander Higgs also worked as a glass beveller.
Temple Hotel Temple Gate
1874 – 75. Jane Lifely / 1876. Mary Ann Vickery / 1877 – 81. Thomas Gould
Terminus Hotel Bath Parade, Temple Gate
Terminus Tavern Bath Parade, Temple Gate
1847 – 48. John Folland
1849 – 51. Mary Folland
1854 – 63. William Francis Morris
1865 – 77. Catherine Jane Morris
1879. Elizabeth Clarke
1880. Lavinia E. Clarke
1881. Alice Backhouse
1885 – 88. Henry Robert Appleton
1889. Esther Lloyd Crosbie
1890. Charles Watkins
1891 – 94. Edward Miller
1896. Walter L. Jefferies
1897 – 99. William Charlston
1901 – 02. Alice Boughton
1904. A. H. Dudley
1906 – 09. Minnie Butcher
Pictured here in 1905, the Terminus Tavern was next door to the Victoria Hotel.

Three Blackbirds Temple Back
1755. John Gorton / 1764. Edward Day / 1775. ? Day / 1792 – 94. Robert Tayler / 1800. Thomas Lewis
1831 – 34. George Vernum / 1837 – 42. William Lonsdale
Three Boars’ Heads Redcliff Street
1775. William Lendon
Three Cups (& Salmon) Tucker Street
1755. Robert Hicks / 1764. Elizabeth Appleby / 1775. James Seabourn
Three Cups & Salmon Redcliff Street / Lower Colston’s Parade
Three Horse Shoes Thomas Street
1800. Joseph Pratten / 1816. John Ricketts / 1820 Joseph Wall / 1822. Richard Wilks
Three Jolly Porters Temple Street
1755. Thomas Lively
Three Kings Thomas Street
Three Kings Bristol Bridge / Tucker Street
1752. Robert Allen / 1754 – 55. Hester Allen / 1764. Francis Earle / 1775. James Wood
Three Queens Thomas Street
1752. Thomas Vesey / 1775. Betty Powell / 1792 – 1806. Thomas Hodge / 1816 – 25. James Stallard
1826. Hugh Brine / 1828 – 32. John Hammans / 1834 – 37. James Stone / 1839 – 42. Thomas Stephens
1843. James Fuller / 1844. Samuel Fuller / 1848 – 49. M. Fuller / 1850. Barnabus Butters / 1851. Thomas Flower
1851. Maria Lott / 1853. Thomas Bennett / 1855 – 63. Robert Middleweek / 1865 – 83. Frederick Irwin
1886 – 87. M. Flower / 1889 – 94. Sarah Ann Hore / 1896 – 1921. John King / 1925 – 31. John Burnell
1935 – 38. Laura Lillian Wyatt
Thomas Stephens was also a horse dealer & mule purveyor, the Three Queens was bombed in the war
Three Sugar Loaves Redcliff Street
1822 – 32. John Clark / 1840. Robert Jesty / 1842 – 44. William Deeble / 1846 to 1847. W. E. Wookey
1848. Charlotte Birkmyre / 1849. Isaac Solomon / 1853 – 77. Henry Spencer Willett / 1879. James Holdin
Three Tuns Temple Street
1755. William Wilmot / 1764. Joseph Vidall / 1764. William Harrison / 1775. John Hayman
Three Tuns Temple Street
1853. Joseph Luckwell / 1854. William Luckwell / 1856. Simeon Pearce
Tiger Redcliff Street
1848 – 49. Mark Kelson
Two Anchors Guinea Street
1792. Edward Cridland / 1806 – 16. Richard Bounds / 1820. Thomas Young / 1822. Richard Brain
1823. James Warbutton / 1826. J. Allen / 1828 – 37. Richard Weaver / 1839 – 44. Thomas Price
1847 – 56. James Wall / 1857. ? Prewett / 1858 – 61. Thomas Bull / 1862. John Charles Stephens
1862 – 63. Edward Parrish / 1865 – 67. Charles Triggel / 1868. James Toombs / 1869 to 1878. Rees Miles
1879. John Daniel / 1881. William Mitchell / 1882. H. Mitchell / 1883. W. Baker / 1886. Richard Esell
1887 to 1888. Esther Newman / 1889. George Browning / 1891 – 94. Samuel Morris / 1897. George Harding
Two Anchors Redcliff Street
1775. Sampson Sutton
Two Blue Posts Temple Street
1792. John Gibbons / 1794. John Gibson
Union Brewery (Tavern) Union Place, Ship Lane
1831 – 37. James Oram / 1841. Thomas Bishop / 1851 – 53. John Staple / 1855. William Cann
1857 – 58. James Filer / 1860 – 65. James Freestone / 1865 to 1867. Mary Freestone / 1868 – 69. ? Spiller
1871 – 74. Eliza S. Spilling / 1876. Eliza Simmonds / 1882 – 88. George Britton Harris / 1889. Albert Daunton
1892. Charlotte Chappell / 1896. Henry Dent / 1899 – 1906. Rachael Edwards / 1909. Thomas George
Velindra Hotel Commercial Road
Victoria Hotel Bath Parade
1871 – 76. Sarah Jane Tongue
1881 – 88. Felix Bailey
1891. William H. Newport
1892. George Westacott
1901 – 04. Alfred J. Butcher
The Victoria Hotel was next door to the Terminus Tavern, Alfred Butcher’s name is displayed on the Victoria, and Minnie Butcher has her name on the Terminus Tavern.

Victoria Hotel Bath Street
1844 – 51. John Giraud
Victoria Hotel Thomas Street
Victoria Tavern Guinea Street
Victoria Tavern Hillsbridge Parade (Clarence Road)
1866. Ellen Cable / 1867 – 69. William Felstead / 1871. Charles Seal / 1872 to 1875. William Jones
1876 to 1878. Thomas Powell / 1879. John Hilliery / 1881 – 1909. Robert Vicary / 1914. Henry Partridge
1917 – 21. William Rimand / 1925 – 28. James Sanders
Waggon & Horses Bath Street
Waggon & Horses Bottom of Thomas Street
1816. James Pearce
Waggon & Horses Redcliff Hill
Warwick Arms Pipe Lane
1851. Joseph Cox / 1853 – 54. Charles Cleves / 1858. Charles Good / 1863 – 77. Clement Padfield
Waterloo Arms Waterloo Place, Thomas Street
1853. Thomas Short Davis / 1857. Charles Gray / 1860. John Galliford / 1861 – 63. James Moss Tarsey
1865 – 72. George Charley / 1874. W. Arthur / 1876. Edward Field / 1877. R. Voisey / 1878. H. Mills
1879 – 83. George Mills
Weavers’ Arms Temple Street
1755. Richard Barrett / 1764. John Phillips / 1775. Edward Cuddeford / 1792. Samuel Lacy
1800. James Challenger / 1806. Edward Melsom / 1816 – 32. Warren Hopkins / 1834 – 48. John Thorne
1849. O. Southan / 1852. Sarah Meash / 1853. Henry Challenger / 1854. William Cutts / 1856 – 58. J. Hewitt
1861 – 63. James Carver / 1865 – 67. Richard Adams / 1868 – 69. Caroline Chapman
The Weavers’ Arms was lost in 1870 when Victoria Street was cut through Temple Street
Weavers’ Arms Tower Street
1842 – 48. William Ponsford
Western Tavern Bath Parade
1857. F. Carey / 1861 – 72. Charles Light
Wheatsheaf Thomas Street
White Bear Guinea Street
1775. John Howell
White Hart Avon Street
1816. Thomas Evans / 1820. John Cribb
Home of the Odd Fellows Lodge No. 4, meeting Tuesday evenings at 8 o’clock
White Hart Thomas Street
1851 – 54. Francis Horler / 1855. Job Hoddinett / 1857 – 61. George Bush / 1863. Frederick Butland
1865 & 1866. T. Harvey / 1865 & 1867. Thomas E. Wookey / 1868 to 1876. Thomas Vaughan
1877. George Plumley / 1878 – 79. John Boddy / 1881. William West / 1882 – 83. Thomas Foxwell
1886 – 87. Eliza Bigg / 1889. Charles Giles / 1891. William Cole / 1892 – 94. George Darrell / 1896. Arthur Hunt
1897. Charles Hend / 1899. Mrs. M. A. Fram / 1901. William Howe
White Hart Temple Street
1764. William Hone / 1775. William How / 1840. ? Parry / 1844. Henry Baker / 1847. J. W. Curren
1848. Henry Brownjohn / 1849. Henry Brown / 1851 – 56. Joseph Brown / 1858 – 75. James Pritchard
White Hart Redcliff Hill
1763 – 75. John Wright
White Horse Harford Street / Somerset Street
1837 – 44. Thomas Reed
White Horse Inn Redcliff Street
1775. Robert Powell
White House Redcliff Mead
1800 – 06. Christopher Phillips
White Lion Thomas Street (Victoria Street)
White Lion Temple Street
1792. – 94. Richard Gay / 1800. Grace Gay / 1820. Thomas John / 1822 – 23. Jacob Withey / 1828. E. M. Payne
1831 – 32. Robert Pippin / 1839 – 40. ? Bryant / 1842. Thomas Joyse / 1848 – 49. William Eames
1855. Henry Power / 1857. Caroline Green / 1858. William Dymond / 1863. Thomas Riddiford
1865 – 69. Henry Riddiford / 1871. Benjamin Rowe / 1872. J. Bright / 1874 – 77. Thomas Doble / 1878. E. Curry
1882 – 89. James Wood / 1891. James Druce / 1894. John Wich / 1896. John Davis / 1899 – 1904. Harry Wood
White Lion Tucker Street
1775. Edward Nail
William IV Temple Street
1832 – 34. Thomas Rees
Woolpack Pile Street
1866 – 69. John Stephens / 1870 to 1877. Mary Ann Stephens
The Woolpack was previously named the Jolly Nailers
Worm Tub Thomas Street
1764. William Wood
York House (And Railway) Tavern Phippen Street
Young Neptune Temple Street
1792. William Horn