Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Gaiety Christmas Steps
The Gaiety was previously named the Three Sugar Loaves
Game Chicken All Saints Street
1849 William Lockett
Garrick’s Head Broad Quay
Garrick’s Head King Street
Garrick Hotel Park Row
Later named the Prince’s Hotel
General Blakeney Quay
1762 – 1775 Robert Watts / 1792 – 94 Thomas Bones
Blakeney’s Head in 1762
George Back Street
1752 Ann Stone / 1754 Katherine Stone / 1755 – 62 Guiliam Jones / 1775 William Jones
George Narrow Wine Street
1752 John Heart / 1764 John Wincell / 1775 John Wills / 1806 Charles Bessell / 1816 – 20 John Wills
1822 – 37 Mary Wills / 1839 – 56 Thomas Wills / 1858 – 60 William Davis / 1861 – 69 Henry Allen
1871 – 86 Richard Hooper / 1887 to 1888 James Nash / 1889 Walter White / 1891 – 97 Stephen Ansell
1899 – 1909 Arthur Ansell / 1914 Georgina Ansell / 1917 – 35 Arthur Ansell / 1937 Herbert Burgess
1938 Alfred Jones
The lease on the George Hotel was bought by James Lockley, brewer of Lewin’s Mead on 25th January 1889 and was one of 22 leases sold to the Bristol United Breweries Limited by James Lockley on 25th March 1892 for a total of £11,000.
George Prince Street
1752 – 55 James Ball / 1763 John Dowlis
George III Rosemary Lane
1775 William Sanders
George III St.James’s Back
1775 William Bowman
George (& Dragon) Castle Street, corner of Queen Street
1753 John Woolfe / 1792 – 1800 Richard Cox / 1826 – 31 John Gifford / 1834. J. S. Rowe / 1837 M. Hazeldine
1839 – 48 John Shave / 1849 John Downing / 1851 Caroline Neale / 1853 – 55 William Kirk
1856 – 60 William P. Tapp / 1863 Sarah Nichols / 1865 W. Miles / 1866 William Griffiths
1867 – 68 Richard Mallard / 1869 Frederick Clark / 1871 – 76 Frederick Rees / 1877 to 1885 Rueben Stephens
1886 – 1904 Michael Clune / 1906 James Russell / 1909 Charles Godfrey / 1914 Alfred Caines
1917 Lily May Caines / 1921 Thomas Quigley / 1925 – 28 George Tyler
George & Dragon Gravel Street
1869 Francis Quartley / 1871 – 77 Thomas Bicknell
George & Dragon Leek Lane
1868 William Widgery
Gilders’ Arms Lower Arcade
Previously known as the Shepherds’ Return
1876 Charles Collins / 1877 Samuel Jones / 1879 John Lund / 1881 – 83 Henry Wendt / 1885 Joseph Scott
Glasgow Arms Quay
1755 James Knox / 1755 Robert Wallis
Globe Baldwin Street
1748 Thomas Coslet
Globe Lower Castle Street
1867 – 79 Henry Blackburn / 1881 – 83 Caroline Rue / 1885 Priscilla Ann Trengrove
Globe Milk Street
1754 – 64 William Fear
Globe St.James’s Back
1754 William Baker
Globe Cellar Nicholas Street
1754 – 55 George Rawlinson / 1755 William Watts / 1762 John Acraman / 1794 Thomas Richfield
1800 – 06 William Jenkins (capt.) / 1816 Mary Jenkins / 1820 – 51 Charles Pudgsley / 1851 – 60 Francis Rooks
1863 – 67 Maria Rooks / 1868 William Catlin / 1869 – 83 Robert Ball / 1885 – 96 Frederick Flower
1897 Annie Lessimore
Glo’ster Tavern No.14 Horsefair
1863 John Deeves / 1868 – 69 Thomas Baker / 1876 William Webb / 1877 John Milley / 1878 Patrick Burns
1879 Mary Bendall / 1881 – 82 William Butler / 1883 – 99 James Bicker / 1901 – 06 Joseph Bicker
1909 Mrs. H. Walker / 1914 – 17 Richard Court
Gloucestershire House (Tavern) Broad Quay
1822 John Edmonds / 1823 Deborah Landers / 1826 J. Bastow / 1828 G. Gulley / 1830 – 32 Charles Hillier
1833 Richard Bendon / 1834 George Tavener / 1837 – 40 Henry Matthews / 1844 – 47 David Thomas
1848 – 49 Robert Burns / 1851 – 60 Thomas Head / 1863 – 71 Thomas Green / 1872 to 1878 Vincent Casella
1879 William Wallace
Gloucestershire House Castle Ditch
1775 John Martin
Goat Baldwin Street
1752 John Walker / 1754 – 55 George Langdon
Goat King Street
1775 Luke Fieldhouse
Goat Quay (possibly the Goat In Armour)
1755 Joseph Beckford / 1762 Catherine Beckford
Goat In Armour Narrow Quay
Golden Bottle Welsh Back
Golden Butts Barton Street
1854 Grace Bowers
Golden Cross Baldwin Street
1752 – 55 Jeremiah Davis / 1775 Christopher Shenfield
Golden Fleece Broad Quay
1822 Elizabeth Williams
Golden Fleece Marsh Street
1775 Thomas Frene
Golden Heart Quakers Friars
1792 Thomas Reed / 1848 – 49 Samuel Pidgeon / 1851 – 63 Mary Pidgeon
Golden Lion Horsefair
1775 John Truscott / 1794 – 1800 Philip Vaughan / 1806 William Belcher / 1816 Ann Long / 1820. George Freeland
1822 T. King
Grand Turk Horsefair (same address as the Glo’ster Tavern)
1870 – 71 Richard Walker / 1871 Sarah Ann Walker
Grapes Barton Alley
1775 Thomas Saunders
Grapes Hotel High Street Market
Great Britain Lewin’s Mead
1847 J. McCarthy / 1849 – 53 Joseph Howard
Great Western Frogmore Street
1840 – 42 Josia Crouch / 1847 – 55 George Bishop
Greenwich Arms No.27 King Street
Formerly known as the Sailor’s Return
1855 – 56 William T.Weal / 1857 – 58 William Adamson
Green Dragon Redcross Street
1775 John Edmunds
Green Fields Of Erin Merchant Street
Was later named the Britannia
1871 George Harris / 1872 James Davis / 1872 to 1873 John Stockham / 1874 Thomas Dufty / 1875 R. Davis
Greyhound Broadmead
Greyhound Lewin’s Mead
1800 Mary Close
1806 James Gregory
1816 Joseph Baker
Pulled down in the early 1880s to make way for the rebuild of the Lewin’s Mead Brewery (later Bristol United Breweries Ltd.)

Greyhound Quay Street
1752 – 64 John Morgan / 1775 Jane Bowls / 1800 John Beaven / 1806 John Coleman / 1816 Joseph Bullock
1820 William Jones / 1823 – 28 Joseph Burrows / 1830 Elizabeth Burrows / 1831 to 1833 Robert Ross
1834 James Seward / 1837 – 48 John Mortimer / 1849 to 1868 George Mortimer / 1869 to 1874 Michael Clune
1875 John Tilley / 1876 Ann Tilley / 1877 W. Belcher / 1878 G. Attenborough / 1879 Ellen Clements
1881 Mary Hopkins / 1882 Fanny Wise / 1883 Frederick Lovett / 1885 – 86 Elizabeth Frankham
1887 – 94 Emma Syston / 1896 Elizabeth Bucknell
Greyhound St.James’s Back
1848 E. J. Lacey
Gridiron St.James’s Back
1754 Eliza Fox / 1764 Benjamin Phillips
Griffin Horsefair
1775 – 1806 James Palmer
Griffin Colston Street / Trenchard Street
Griffin Griffin Lane (Lower Park Row)
Grove Tavern Grove
Guildhall Hotel Broad Street
Haberfield Arms Barrs Street
1853 James Poole
Happy Man Tavern Milk Street
1854 Richard Lane / 1855 Mary Ann Lane / 1856 Robert Burns
Harford Tavern Harford Street (off Lower Maudlin Street)
1871 – 87 William Eastman / 1888 – 89 Albert Goldsworthy / 1891 – 1901 Isaac Niblett / 1904 – 09 Martha Niblett
1914 Elizabeth Cooney / 1917 – 21 James Edwin
Harp St.James’s Back (also listed as Tower Lane and Bridewell Street)
1847 – 51 Joseph Braddick / 1866 C. Maney / 1867 – 74 Michael O’Neil
Harp & Crown Quay
1755 Thomas Smith / 1762 Peter Tinbrook / 1775 ? Leard (widow)
Harp & Crown Quay Street
1775 James Williams
Hatchet Inn Frogmore Street
Haymarket Tavern Broadmead
1828 S. Mifflin / 1839 – 40 James Croome / 1841 – 44 John Croome
Haymarket Tavern Horsefair
Haymow Tavern Horsefair
1853 – 57 Thomas Jones
Heart & Crown Prince Eugene Lane
1794 Robert James
Hen Roost Back
1752 – 1762 William Watts
Hen & Chickens Back Street
1755 George Pratt / 1762 Elizabeth Pratt / 1775 James Strickland
Hibernia Arms Host Street
1847 – 51 Patrick Welsh / 1853 – 57 ? Connell / 1860 – 61 John Hansson
Hit Or Miss Elbroad Street
1837 John Davey
Hit Or Miss St.John’s Bridge
1833 John Dailey
Hole In The Wall Grove
Previously known as the Coach & Horses
1975 C. J. Smith (manager)
Hole In The Wall Upper Maudlin Street
1849 William Holder
Hole In The Wall Prince Street
Hop Pole Back Street
1806 Ann Wesson / 1822 – 23 Richard Briffett / 1826 James Cawthorn / 1828 E. Davis
1830 – 32 Samuel Stephens / 1833 to 1834 Elizabeth Stephens / 1835 to 1845 James Cantle
1847 F. Harris / 1849 T. E. Wookey / 1850 George Ellis / 1851 F. Burleton / 1853 William Welsh
1854 William Mofey / 1855 – 56 Henry Lloyd / 1858 to 1860 T. E. Wookey / 1861 to 1866 William Pobjoy
1867 – 69 Eliza Pobjoy / 1871 – 78 Edward Grigg
Edward Grigg was a carpenter and innkeeper
Hope Moon Street
1832 John Isaac / 1833 – 40 William Blizard / 1842 – 44 Edward Rogers / 1847 – 49 S. Rogers / 1851 J. Cavil
1853 Alexander McKelvie / 1854 – 56 Mary Giddings / 1861 – 78 Ann Thompson / 1879 John Vincent
1881 Elizabeth Usher / 1882 – 83 William Usher / 1885 William Bamber / 1886 – 89 John Percival
1891 – 96 Clara Bailey / 1897 Louisa Greenaway / 1899 – 1901 John Waters / 1904 Walter Smith
1906 Francis Plenty
Hope St.John’s Bridge
1839 – 42 John Dancey
Hope & Anchor Back Street
1847 John Dunn / 1848 W. Blackmore
Hope & Anchor Jacob’s Wells Road
Hope & Anchor Quay Head
1800 James Thomas
Horse & Groom Limekiln Lane (St.George’s Road)
1816 – 23 John Cripps / 1826 H. Howard / 1828 T. Swift / 1830 Gottlief Schubert / 1831 – 34 Samuel Stocker
1837 – 47 Evan David / 1848 to 1856 Ann Highman / 1856 J. Brooks / 1858 – 60 Evan David
1863 – 69 Mary Ann David / 1871 – 75 Frederick Webb / 1876 to 1887 Frederick Kohler / 1888 David Avery
1889 – 94 Walter Simmons / 1896 Alfred Lewis / 1897 – 1904 Timothy Pugh / 1906 George Brooks
1909 Frederick Luffman / 1914 Theodore De Cokele / 1917 – 21 Adolpus Duchemin
1925 – 28 Mildred Violet Phillips / 1931 Howard Herniman / 1935 – 44 Ernest Johnson / 1950 Frances Johnson
1953 – 56 Matthew Baldwin
Horse & Jockey Broadmead
1783 George Corner / 1792 – 1816 William Wright / 1820 Sarah Wright / 1823 – 26 Joseph Gainey / 1828 S. Mifflin
1830 – 34 Henry Richardson / 1839 Robert Bullen / 1840 Robert Gibbs / 1842 T. Gregory / 1844 John Gregory
1847 – 52 Henry Barber / 1853 to 1859 William Moseley / 1860 Thomas Jones / 1861 to 1865 Henry Bessel
1866 to 1867 W. James / 1868 Jane Terrell / 1869 William James / 1872 Richard Jones
Joseph Gainey was also a waggon warehouse keeper at No.60 Broadmead (the Horse & Jockey was at No.15) during the tenure of William Moseley the Horse & Jockey was known as the Target Inn & Spirit Vaults
Horse & Jockey Frogmore Street
1752 – 55 William Radford / 1764 Elizabeth Radford / 1775 Ann Gingell / 1816 James Langford
1820. George Fowler / 1822 – 23 William Parsons / 1826 – 33 Thomas Osman / 1834 to 1848 Rebecca Osman
1849 to 1853 Thomas Osman / 1854 to 1859 Henry Bevan / 1861 – 63 Edward Bucknall / 1866 John Marshman
1867 – 72 John Ellicott / 1874 – 78 William Roue / 1879 Henry Bishop / 1882 – 83 Raymond Dike
1885 Giles G. Hockey / 1886 to 1887 Frederick Cruwys / 1888 to 1889 George Osken
1890 to 1896 Thomas Albert Wookey / 1897 – 99 George Haskins / 1901 – 09 Joseph Knight
1914 – 17 Isabell Mary Knight / 1921 – 60 Edward Binding / 1975 T. McHugh
Horse & Jockey Quay
1775 Edward Cuddiford
Inkerman Tavern St.John’s Bridge (Rupert Street)
Isaak Walton Hotel Broadmead
1904 – 06 Charles Franklin
Jack Of Newbery St.James’s Back (Pithay)
1754 Nathaniel Griffith / 1755 Anthony Griffith / 1764 – 75 William Threelore (Treloer) / 1816 James Long
John Bull Tavern Bridge Street
1820 William Virrier
No.35 Bridge Street, listed under wine merchants from 1820 until about 1920
Jolly Coombers Back Lane
1794 Richard Cook
(Three) Jolly Coopers St.James’s Back
Later named the Coopers’ Arms
1822 – 26 James Baker / 1828 – 30 Thomas Reed / 1831 – 34 John Reed / 1837 – 42 Robert Gorrell
Jolly Crispin Maudlin Lane
1839 Robert Toleman
Jolly Crispin Sims’ Alley
1833 – 34 William Curry
Jolly Maltsters St.Augustine’s Place
1834 James Hobbs / 1839 Sarah Hobbs / 1840 Sarah Clements / 1842 William Wallen / 1844 W. Jervis
1847 Francis Tarr
Jolly Metre Queen Street (Castle Precinct, St.Peter’s)
1794. Elizabeth Herapath / 1816 – 22. Abraham Newton / 1823 – 34. Samuel Bailey / 1837 – 48. Mark Oatway
1849. J. Wilkins / 1851. William Pring / 1853 – 61. Robert Burnell / 1863 Thomas Burnell / 1865 – 78. Robert Lovell
1879 – 89. William Parker / 1891. George Mills / 1892 – 96. William John Windows
1897 – 1906. William Alfred Lloyd
Jolly Sailor Broad Quay
1800 Thomas Williams
Jolly Sailor near Mud Dock, Grove
1800 – 20 Mary Bones / 1822 Joshua Guppy / 1823 William Henry Vaughan / 1826 W. Williams / 1828 E. Trayes
1831 – 37 George Nock / 1839 Mary Ann Nock / 1840 – 44 John Knight / 1847 – 55 Samuel Tripp
1856 to 1874 Samuel Tutton / 1875 – 76 John Tutton
The 1841 census gives John Knight’s occupation as mariner, his wife Mary Ann is listed as publican
Jolly Sailor Lewin’s Mead
1832 – 37 Richard Pope
Jolly Sailor Marsh Street
1832 John Keef
Jolly Sailor Trenchard Street
1853 John Longbar
Jolly Waterman Lewin’s Mead
1831 – 34 John Maggs
Juverna Hanover Street
1852 – 53 Mary Howells / 1856 Joshua Tavener / 1871 – 72 Francis Cox