Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Tailors’ Arms St.James’s Back
1851 Edward Corbett
Talbot Penn Street
1863 – 68 Joseph Hall / 1869 P. J. Hall
Target Inn & Spirit Vaults Broadmead
1853 to 1859 William Moseley
See the Horse & Jockey
Thatched House Tavern Thatched House Lane (St.George’s Road)
1764 Anne White / 1775 James Veaynel / 1792 Thomas Floyd / 1794 Thomas Llewellin / 1806 Thomas Floyd
1816 William Stacey / 1822 – 33 Thomas Harris / 1834 B. Harris / 1837 – 40 William Chambers
1841 Sarah Williams / 1844 George Williams / 1850 Thomas Floyd / 1851 – 54 William Canniford
1856 – 58 William Beer / 1859 John Power / 1861 – 68 George Cook / 1869 to 1878 George Southcott
1879 – 89 Edward Wood / 1891 – 1904 George Bosisto
See the Friendship, St.George’s Road
Theatre Tavern King Street
Theatre Wine Vaults Park Row
1869 – 79 Frederick Applin / 1882 – 83 Robert Iles / 1885 – 89 Maude Iles / 1891 – 1901 Samuel Cowlin
1904 William Evans
Thetis Frigate Tower Lane
1839 – 44 Peter Jones / 1847 – 53 Ann Jones / 1853 to 1857 Frederick Cottrell / 1858 H. Civil / 1860 Richard Lewis
1861 to 1866 Jeremiah Jordan / 1867 to 1868 Stephen Whittaker / 1869 Jesse Quail
Three Blackbirds Baldwin Street
1762 Moses Harris / 1775 Susannah Harris
Three Boars’ Heads Horsefair
1754 – 55 Charles Hemmings / 1764 Robert Hughes / 1775 William Jones / 1794 – 1806 Mary Jones
1816 William Thomas / 1822 Mary Bartlett / 1823 Richard Walter / 1826 J. Marshall / 1828 Mary Marshall
1830 – 34 Richard Walter / 1837 – 40 John Walter / 1842 – 57 Richard Walter / 1858 – 74 Samuel Hearn
William Thomas was also a cabinet maker
Three Compasses Pithay (bottom of Union Street)
1752 Mr. Coombes / 1764 Widow Coombes / 1794 – 1806 Mary Leach / 1816 William Holder
1820 – 22 Thomas Andrews / 1823 to 1840 Thomas Boardman / 1841 – 44 Richard Culverwell
The Three Compasses had livery stables in Duck Lane
Three Crowns Broad Weir
1792 – 94 Thomas Isles
Three Crowns Narrow Weir
1754 William Liddall / 1755 – 64 John Liddall / 1775 Edward Roxworthy / 1800 Thomas Lock
1806 George Stantiall / 1816 John Church / 1820 Nathaniel Briffett
Three Crowns Old King Street
1775 William Jones / 1794 Thomas Andrews / 1800 Joseph Taylor / 1806 Aaron Bateman / 1816 William Burt
1822 – 23 Philip Pritchard / 1826 William Snow / 1828 – 39 John Mountjoy / 1840 – 42 James Bevan
1844 R. Gorrell / 1847 – 55 Thomas Freeman / 1856 C. Pearce / 1857 Joseph Davis / 1858 C. Thompson
1859 Henry Bird / 1861 – 65 Thomas Hennis / 1866 – 83 Susan Hennis / 1885 – 86 James Perrett
Three Cups Back (Welsh Back)
1752 – 1762 Edward Phillips / 1775 James Hill / 1792 – 94 Thomas Lewis / 1800 – 06 John Pritchard
1816 David Davis / 1820. James Davis / 1828 – 30 William Rees / 1831 to 1833 Sarah Rees
1834 – 37 Emanuel Todd / 1839 – 40 Sarah Todd / 1840 – 42 James Boswell / 1844 George Edmunds
1847 – 52 Jacob Demery / 1853 Peter Old / 1854 George Bryant / 1856 L. Bryant
John Pritchard was also a wharfinger
Three Cups & Salmon Castle Street
1851 – 67 James Fisher / 1868 to 1883 Samuel Stanmore / 1885 – 89 John Clark / 1891 – 96 Arthur Chapman
1897 Albert Sampson / 1899 James Thomas / 1901 Jesse Thomas / 1904 James Attwood / 1906 William Rogers
1909 Jessie Maxwell Taylor / 1914 – 25 William Peters / 1928 – 35 Samuel Warren / 1937 – 38 Annie Warren
Three Doves Tower Lane
1752 – 64 John Porter
Three Kings Quay Head
1762 Alice Stacey / 1775 John Unkless / 1794 William Perrin
Three Legs Of Man Marsh Street
1775 Christian Collins
Three Mariners Quay
1775 Hannah Fage
Three Sugar Loaves Marsh Street
1755 James Owen / 1762 Elizabeth Owen / 1775 John McFarland / 1794 – 1823 John Broadrick
1826 – 34 Richard Power / 1837 James Moss / 1839 ? Rees / 1840 – 42 William Timberlake
1847 – 58 Thomas Pound / 1860 John O’Connor
Three Sugar Loaves Merchant Street
1754 David Dee / 1755 Widow Dee / 1764 Morgan Morris / 1775 Abraham Lewis
Three Sugar Loaves Milk Street
1755 John King / 1775 James Dyer
Three Sugar Loaves Queen Street (Christmas Steps)
The Three Sugar Loaves was later named The Gaiety
Three Tuns No.18 Barton Street
1833 John Conneybeer
Three Tuns Castle Ditch (Lower Castle Street)
1754 – 55 Isaac Littlemore / 1764 John Chantry / 1775 James Roberts / 1792 William Bartlett
Three Tuns Corn Street
1775 Jasper Hawkins
Three Tuns Old King Street
1754 – 55 Gabriel Rymer / 1764 William Jones / 1775 Robert Belchier / 1792 John Vagg / 1794 Jolin Vagg
1806 James Marman / 1816 – 20 Ann Marman / 1822 – 34 James Williams / 1837 – 42 Samuel Sharp
1844 – 48 John Hart / 1849 to 1855 William Penduck / 1856 to 1857 Joseph Jefferies / 1858 – 59 Thomas Webb
1865 George Alpass / 1866 J. Long / 1867 – 68 R. Thorne
Three Tuns Lewins Mead
1752 – 55 Martha Clift (Cliffe) / 1764 Widow Miller / 1775 Matthew Dunn / 1792 – 1806 George Rogers
1816 James Bull / 1820. James Digby
To be sold at auction, at the Commercial rooms, on Thursday the 31st of October, at one o’clock in the afternoon. Lot 4 … A messuage or dwelling house, formerly a public house, and known by the sign of the Three Tuns, situate in Lewin’s mead, now occupied by Isaac Whiting, as yearly tenant, at a rent of £26. This lot is held by lease of the Feoffees of St.Nicholas, dated the 27th of July, 1802, determinable with one life, aged 36 or thereabouts, at the yearly rent of £3. This from the Bristol Mirror, Saturday, October the 5th, 1822
Three Tuns Limekiln Lane (St.George’s Road)
Three Tuns Prince Street
1792 Ann Sampson / 1794 Edward Cook
Three Tuns Quay
1775 Alice Washer
Three Tuns St.Augustine’s Back
1775 Caleb Knight
Three Tuns St.James’s Back
1754 – 55 Joshua Holland / 1764 Ralph Crock / 1775. Thomas Williams
Travellers’ Rest Lewin’s Mead
1858 – 68. John Fox / 1869. James Peters / 1871 – 77. John Fox / 1878. H. Walker / 1882 – 86. George Stainer
Triangle Tavern Triangle West
1871 – 72. Joseph Bryman / 1874. Samuel Wolfe / 1875. George Wilcox / 1876 G. H. Whittard / 1877. Jane Symes
1878 – 79. Eliza Oatway / 1882. C. J. Battle
Trout Tavern Cherry Lane
Trout Frog Lane
1863. Daniel Butters / 1871 – 72. Henry Hobbs / 1874 – 78. Edward Phelan
True Briton Narrow Wine Street
1866. W. Perryman
Turk’s Head corner of Bridewell Lane
1806 Thomas Stacey
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Baldwin Street
1854 – 58 John Vowles
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Lower Castle Street
1854 – 55 William Clark
Unicorn Frog Lane
1752 Samuel Phillips / 1755 Widow Phillips / 1764 Mary Phillips / 1775 Lewis Casteels
Unicorn Lewin’s Mead
1853 John Cross
Union All Saints’ Street
1831 – 32 Thomas Hill / 1833 – 34 James Davis / 1837 G. Parsons / 1839 – 42 John Morgan
1844 – 49 Elizabeth Morgan / 1851 – 68 Thomas Fisher / 1869 to 1877 Elizabeth Sheppard
1878 – 89 Samuel Jenkins / 1891 Elizabeth Lovell
Union Marlborough Street
Union Nicholas Street
1800 Ann Tranthern / 1806 – 20. John Frew / 1822 – 34 William Ham / 1852 – 56 Sarah Stewart
1859 George Their / 1860 to 1861 J. Wilcox / 1861 to 1871 John Leach / 1872 James Warr / 1874 – 75 ? Tilley
In 1806 and 1816, the Union was also listed as an Eating-House. The Union was later named the Alexandra
Union Quay
1832 – 59 Thomas Lovering
Union St.James’s Back
1851 – 53 George Mansfield
Union Cellars Union Street
1800 John Nichols / 1816 Samuel House / 1822 Sarah Fear / 1826 – 30 George Godfrey / 1831 David Jones
1832 Thomas Hayton / 1833 – 34 Richard Culverwell / 1837 Charles Blake / 1839 – 44 Francis Dyer
1847 – 48 G. Thomas / 1849 Charles Norris / 1851 to 1854 Robert Burns / 1855 to 1856 Christopher Garraway
1857 ? Boulton / 1858 G. Vickery / 1859 Joseph Cox / 1860 James Bowditch
George Godfrey was also a mason & “effectual curer of smokey chimneys”
Venice Frigate Marsh Street
1775 Richard Farrell
Victoria Wine Vaults Bond Street
1871 – 74 Isaac Jones / 1876 – 78 Edward Weight / 1879 Edmund Weight
See the Brandy Cask, Bond Street
Victory Lewin’s Mead
1831 – 34 John Pugsley
Victory Tavern Narrow Wine Street
Volunteer Merchant Street
1866 – 68 William Hill
Volunteer Milk Street
1826 – 34 Philip Gane / 1837 – 44 Mary Gane / 1847 – 48 Joseph Randell / 1849 George Thomas
1851 – 53 William Watts / 1854 William Smith / 1855 – 58 James D. Llewellin / 1860 – 61 John Harris
1863 Thomas Rossiter / 1865 – 66 Joseph Miliere / 1866 John Smeerden / 1867 John Hawkins
1868 – 69 Joseph Quarman / 1871 William Norman / 1872 Henry Parker / 1874 – 75 Joseph Charles Holbrook
1876 William Sparkes / 1877 – 78 A. Porter / 1879 William Hill / 1882 ? Bateman / 1883 John Furber
1885 – 86 Henry Rogers / 1887 John Rogers / 1888 Elizabeth Rogers / 1889 – 97 James Curry / 1899 Mrs E. Miles
1901 David Cronin / 1904 – 09 William Lewis
Waggon & Horses Peter Street
1764 Edward Field / 1775 John Tillage / 1792 William Ralph / 1794 William Hawkins / 1800 Thomas Adams
Waiters’ Arms Baldwin Street
1877 – 78 John Gillingham
Warrior’s Arms Lower Castle Street
Previously named the Balmoral Castle
1869 – 86 William Featherstone / 1887 – 89 Mary Ann Featherstone / 1891 Alfred Featherstone
1892 to 1893 Lambert Sale / 1894 – 1906 George Atkinson / 1909 – 21 Florence Purshouse
1925 – 37 Samuel Tooze / 1938 James Bushnell
Waterman’s Arms Little King Street
1794 William Thomas / 1800 Ann Thomas / 1806 Elizabeth Cosens / 1837 – 55 Isaac Morgan
1856 Elizabeth Morgan
Elizabeth Morgan was also a marine stores dealer (junk shop). The Waterman’s Arms was later known as the St.Michael’s Arms
Wellington House All Saints’ Street
1816 John Widdicombe
Wellington 51 Broad Quay
Later known as the Barnstaple Arms
1853. James Ely
Welsh Harp Quay
1775 Stephen Anstice
West Of England All Saints’ Street
1856 – 78 William Horwood Freame / 1881 – 82 Sarah Hall / 1883 Robert Ridler / 1885 – 89 William Burman
1891 Thomas Vickery / 1892 to 1993 Alfred Draper / 1894 – 97 Sarah Mills
West Of England Tavern Broad Quay
1828 James Huckman / 1830 A. B. la Bigne / 1831 to 1832 Thomas Willcocks / 1833 – 37 John Harvey (capt.)
1839 George Baker / 1840 William German / 1842 – 43 John Jones / 1844 – 47 John Sampson
1848 – 49 Thomas Boatswain / 1851 – 60 William Thomas
James Huckman also traded as a butcher at this address. William Thomas was also a sail and ship’s colours maker in Grove Avenue. In August 1859, the West of England Tavern and Wine and Spirit Vaults, was advertised … “to let in consequence of the decease of the Landlady, the above old established and very excellent house, to which there is a really good business. The household furniture, brewing utensils, &c. to be taken at a valuation. For all particulars apply to Mr. Alexander, appraiser, 49 Broad Street, Bristol”.
The West of England Tavern was afterwards a temperance hotel and dining rooms, manager James Speller.
West India Tavern Narrow Quay
1826 Mary Corcoran / 1828 Thomas Lovering / 1863 Thomas Price / 1865 George Morrall / 1866 Henry Hallett
1867 Robert Waters / 1868 W. Galesworthy / 1869 – 79 Sarah Langdon / 1882 J. Bullock / 1883 James Morgan
Wheatsheaf Horsefair
1800 – 06 James Thompson / 1816 Sarah Barker / 1820 – 37 John Waite / 1839 – 40 T. Kilby / 1842 Thomas Allen
1844 William Luxton / 1847 William Pullen / 1848 to 1866 Samuel Morgan / 1867 Mary Ann Morgan
1869 – 78 Joseph Drew / 1879 to 1891 Robert Mallett / 1892 Thomas Lethbridge / 1894 Thomas Totterdill
1896 Julia McCoy / 1897 – 1901 Joseph Thomas / 1904 Albert Tulliett / 1906 John Evans / 1909 William Phillips
1914 – 28 George Wigens / 1931 – 38 Frederick Pearce
Wheatsheaf Callowhill Street / Leek Lane
1794 William Snellgrove / 1800 Mary Francis / 1806 Joseph Trenaman / 1816 Samuel Smith
1820 – 22 John French / 1823 Isaac Crocker / 1826 – 34 William Watts / 1837 Thomas Rossiter
1839 – 40 Henry James / 1841 – 44 John Hathaway / 1847 Edwin Redding / 1848 George Read
1849 Samuel Fussell / 1851 – 56 William Martin / 1857 – 58 Eliza Martin / 1860 – 68 James Harding
1869 Mary Ann Roberts / 1871 – 77 James Harding
Wheatsheaf Merchant Street
1775 John Matthews
Wheatsheaf Nelson Street
1975 M. Lawrence
One of a row of shops built at the same time as the new magistrates’ courts in the early 1970s. Named after the Wheatsheaf Hotel on the corner of Christmas Street, one of the buildings demolished to make way for this development
Wheatsheaf Hotel Christmas Street
Wheatsheaf St.George’s Road
1865 – 66 Mary Heath / 1871 – 79 Alfred Collier / 1883 – 86 Frederick Hiles / 1887 – 89 James Parker
1891 Frederick Brown / 1893 Thomas Allsopp / 1894 Mary Farrow / 1897 Octavius Hares
1899 – 1901 Mary Jane Hares / 1904 – 09 Mrs. E. G. King / 1914 – 21 Bessie Evans / 1925 – 31 Elizabeth Allen
1935 – 38 William Davey
Previously named the Morning Star, the Wheatsheaf was lost when the chemist’s shop next door took a direct hit during the war
Wheatsheaf Queen Street
1794 William Tucker
Wheatsheaf Lower Maudlin Street
1886 – 87 Ellen Howland / 1888 Thomas George Hanniford / 1889 Eliza Draper / 1891 – 94 Stephen Jolly
1897 Charles Dommett / 1899 – 1904 Annie Dommett / 1906 Sarah Jane Hartley
Wheelwrights’ Arms Cross Street (Penn Street)
1842 – 47 William Moss / 1848 to 1853 James Moss / 1854 to 1856 John Bryant / 1857 G. Kendall
1858 to 1860 Henry Cook / 1861 – 63 William Parker / 1865 Benjamin Thomas
Wheelwrights’ Arms Welsh Back
1854 – 56 William Bush / 1861. Eliza Graves / 1863 – 65 Elizabeth Bull / 1871 F. Graffunder
White Bear Earl Street
1764 Ralph Mattoks / 1775 Mary Gough / 1794 Edward Powell / 1800 – 06 William Leech / 1811 William Dawson
1816 David Jones / 1820 William Bevan / 1822 – 23 William Hoare / 1826 – 28 T. Crossman
1830 – 32 James Daniel / 1833 – 34 Nathaniel Stocker / 1837 William Stocker / 1839 – 40 Thomas Jefferies
1842 John Pocock / 1844 – 47 William Edwin Lewis / 1848 J. Stowe / 1849 Thomas Jefferies / 1851 Edward Jukes
1853 Thomas Harcourt / 1854 to 1857 Richard Wensley (jnr) / 1858 Charlotte Allen
1859 M. Coleman / 1860 James Price / 1861 – 63 John Gullick / 1865 – 69 Samuel Harris / 1871 Sarah Bodley / 1872 Robert Gazzard / 1874 – 75 John Morgan / 1876 to 1877 John Williams / 1878 H. Tripp
1879 to 1888 William Pile / 1889 Arthur Gillett / 1891 William Davies / 1892 Frank Horsey / 1894 Frederick Horsey
1897 – 1901 Daniel Organ / 1904 A. H. Plummer / 1906 Edward O’Connell / 1909 Henry Gibbs
White Hart Avon Street
1792 – 94 John Banfield
White Hart Welsh Back
1752 – 62 Walter Morgan / 1775 Thomas Nicholas / 1800 – 16 William Williams / 1822 – 31 Thomas Williams
1832 – 34 John Thomas / 1837 Elizabeth Thomas / 1839 – 40 Thomas Workington / 1842 ? Westcott
1843 William Hart / 1844 W. Scull / 1847 – 48 John Smith / 1850 Joseph Bartan / 1851 Bethel Kitson
1851 to 1859 Jacob Demery / 1860 William Dunning / 1863 Jacob Demery / 1865 – 66 Sarah Clibbens
1867 Caroline Mary Tilling / 1868 – 69 Edmund Frayley / 1871 – 75 James Goulding / 1876 to 1877 Francis Quartley
1878 F. Payne / 1879 to 1880 George Tailor / 1881 to 1885 Edward Barter / 1886 Alfred Tuck
1887 to 1888 Emily Greenland Gaves / 1889 – 1901 Eliza Gaves / 1904 – 06 George Gammie / 1909 Clara Dursley
1914 – 17 Luke Dursley / 1921 Frederick Leigh / 1925 George Blyth / 1928 Frederick Leigh / 1931 Grace Jameson
1935 – 37 Ernest Barton
William Williams also worked as an accountant in King Street Hall
White Hart Lewin’s Mead
White Hart Lower Maudlin Street
White Hart Upper Maudlin Street
White Hart Broad Street
1752 William Atkinson / 1752 Mr. Williams / 1752 Ann Marling / 1764 John Winter / 1775 William White
1792 – 94 George Poston / 1800 – 06 John Turner / 1816 Henry Porter / 1820 John Jarvis / 1822 – 56 Harriet Jarvis
1858 – 63 Charles Smith
White Hart Frog Lane
1775 Sarah Cutting
White Hart Lamb Street
1775 Stephen Seagar
White Hart Limekiln Dock
1806 Samuel Smith
White Hart Marsh Street
1775 William Lane
(Ye Olde) White Hart Park Row
1849 ? Perrin / 1851 S. Gillett / 1853 William Lewis / 1854 – 56 Benjamin Bridgeman / 1863 – 65 John Ellicott
1867 – 94 Thomas Blissett / 1896 William Stanhope / 1897 – 1909 William Puddy / 1914 – 21 William Hopkin
1925 – 28 Charles Gregory / 1931 – 35 John Luff / 1937 – 38 Charles Spiring / 1944 William Curry
1950 – 56 George Francis Wainwright / 1975 C. Edwards
Much extended, the Ye Olde White Hart is still trading
White Hart St.James’s Back
1752 John Riley / 1754 William Price / 1755 Benjamin Price / 1764 Thomas Axington / 1775 James Bevin
White Horse Barrs Street / Horsefair
White Horse Queen Street (Christmas Steps)
1855 – 57. A. White
1862 – 67. James Pritchard
1868. W. Pegler
1872 – 77. William Amos
1879. John Hill
1881 – 83. Henry Bryson
1885 – 86. Arthur Whittard
1887. Paul Kautz
1888 – 89. Frederick Griffin Cantle
1891 – 94. Percy Lyddon
1896. Elizabeth Simmons
1897 – 1906. Ada Palmer
1909. Sarah Ann Bates
Margaret Leach was a granddaughter of Elkanah Wookey, one time proprietor of the King’s Head, Back Street. Her second husband was Paul Herman Eugene Kautz, a German seaman. They had the White Horse in 1887, and moved to the Theatre Tavern, King Street, in 1888. Paul died and in 1896 Margaret became the landlord. She married for a third time to David Lynch, a self-employed boatman, and we see her as landlord under her new name in 1900. This information was kindly provided by Peter Robinson.

White Lion St.James’s Back (Bridewell Street)
1792 – 94 Thomas Morgan / 1800 John Neal / 1806 William Ham / 1816 James Bate / 1820 – 33 William Rennison
1834 – 49 James Baker / 1851 – 58 Daniel Williams / 1860 Richard Cowle / 1863 – 77 Robert Smart
1878 – 83 Luke Bartlett / 1885 – 89 Jesse Whiting
William Ham also traded as a timber dealer & turner. The White Lion was demolished in 1894 for an extension to Bridewell police station
White Lion Earl Street
1852 Edward Jukes
White Lion Quay Head (Colston Avenue)
White Lion Broad Street
1752 John Lane / 1775 Richard Bowsher / 1792 William Carr / 1794 – 1816 Thomas Luce / 1822 – 55 Isaac Niblett
1856. Niblett & Taylor / 1858 Isaac Niblett / 1860 ? Smith / 1861 – 65 James Hilliar / 1872 George Thompson
White Lion St.James’s Churchyard
White Lion Vaults (Grand Hotel) Lion Chambers, Broad Street
1874 – 77 James Steven / 1878 – 79 James Waddell / 1882 – 83 William Brownlee / 1885 Thomas Oxenham
1888 – 89 Joseph Swanger / 1891 Charles Hancock / 1892 Elizabeth Burn / 1893 Edward Burn
1899 Millie Le Page / 1901 Ella Hewett / 1904. Mrs. C. Owen
White Swan Back Street
1752 – 54 James Brookers / 1755 Edwin Dowdin / 1775 ? Lester
White Swan Broad Street (Cider house Passage)
1752 John Barber / 1792 – 94 Richard Linington / 1800 – 11 John Hall / 1816 – 26 William Cottrell
1828 – 40 James Doughty / 1841 Edmund Phillips / 1844 Simeon Perry / 1847 – 49 John Doggett
1851 – 72 William Andean / 1874 – 78 Edward Barnett / 1879 William Parsley / 1882 Blacker Brothers
1883 Emma Ash / 1885 – 99 Henry Boulton
White Swan Penn Street
1863 Joseph Hall / 1868 – 72 Abel Wilton / 1874 Matilda Lewis / 1875 S. Stone / 1876 – 92 Thomas Webb
1896 William Feltham / 1899 – 1911 Elizabeth Hall / 1914 Joseph Hall / 1917 – 28 Michael Broderick
White Swan St.Stephen Street
1849 – 56. Richard Cann / 1860 – 63. John Nott / 1866 – 67. G. Coombe / 1869 – 72. Richard Tilley
White Swan Upper Maudlin Street
1863 James Hughes / 1871 – 76 Henry Burt / 1877 – 83 William Crawford / 1885 – 86 William Berry
1888 Henry William Hewlett / 1889 William Lawson / 1890. Sidney Sturgis / 1890 – 91 James Hewitt
1892 – 94 Herbert Keen / 1896 Albert Ashwin / 1897 John Williams / 1899 William Clemetts
1900 Susan Brooks / 1901 Annie Bidmead
William III Little King Street
1861 – 76 Thomas Stephens / 1877 – 97 William Bull
Thomas Stephens was at this address as early as 1844, trading as a cooper and vat maker
William IV Bridewell Lane (strong beer & Dublin porter warehouse)
1831 – 34 Michael O’Hara Nash / 1839 S. Baker / 1840 – 44 William Brown
William IV Brandon Street
1831 – 32 William Burgess
Wiltshire House St.James’s Back
1831 – 34 James Harding
Wine Pipe Newmarket Avenue
1956. Lily Jones
Windsor Castle Back Street (Queen Charlotte Street)
Woodwell House Woodwell Crescent (St.George’s Road)
1855 – 63 Richard Edwards / 1865 William Otway / 1866 Robert Marsh / 1867 James Meluish / 1868 C. Chevasse
1871 – 76 John Bartram / 1879 – 81 Francis Lewin / 1883 – 85 John Bartram / 1886 – 89 William Davis
1891 William Hall / 1892 Charles Lotinga / 1894 John Lindsey / 1896 Jane Bowden / 1897 John Fram
1899 J. Westlake / 1904 Henry Clark / 1906 Albert Smith
In the 1871 census John Bartram is listed as a tailor’s cutter, his wife Anna is listed as beer retailer
Ye Grotto Exchange Avenue