Bristol’s Lost Pubs
Bacchus Lower Castle Street
1816 William Veale / 1820 Richard Morgan / 1822 – 31 John Edwards / 1832 to 1833 Elizabeth Edwards
1834 William White / 1837 – 40 Mary Williams / 1842 – 44 George Nicholls / 1847 – 56 Thomas Sherborne
1857 – 69 M. Dunlop & Co. / 1871 – 85 Gilbert Patterson / 1886 – 96 William Methven Brownlee
1904 Castle & Ball Brewery Co. / 1906 – 09 Arthur Cavell / 1911 William George Webb
1914 Frank Phipps (manager) / 1917 William Lock (manager) / 1921 – 28 Agnes Mabel Smith / 1931 Ivor King
1935 Arthur Young / 1937 William Crandon / 1938 Rowland Wright
The Bacchus was lost in the blitz
Back Hall Tavern New market Steps (Nicholas Street)
1800 – 06 John Campbell / 1816 Adam Barton / 1820 – 22 Edward Roche / 1823 William Ferris
1826 Joseph Chapple / 1828 Thomas Whittington / 1831 – 33 Mary Tutt / 1837 Jane Long / 1839 John Nibbs
1840 Richard Morgan / 1842 John Frost / 1844 H. Frost / 1847 – 49 Joseph Goff / 1851 – 52 William Carter
1853 – 63 Henry A. Newman / 1865 – 77 Edward Bucknall / 1878 George Taylor / 1879 Francis Sherwood
1880 Barrett Smith
Thomas Whittington was also an appraiser, auctioneer and agent for letting public houses
Balmoral Castle Lower Castle Street
Later named the Warrior’s Arms
1863 – 66 Felix Davies / 1867 John Rochford / 1868 Perry Page
Bank Hotel Bridge Street
1853. Elizabeth Hellings
1854 – 68. James William Tapson
1871 – 72. R. H. & J. Williams
1874. A. M. Williams
1876 – 91. Elizabeth Date
1892. Charles Venning Walter
1893 to 1896. Mrs Mary & Charles Venning Walter
1897. M & E Walter
1901. Mesdames M & E Walter
1904 – 16. Mrs E. Walter
1917. Representatives of the late Mrs E. Walter
1925 – 40. W. R. Margrate

The Bank Hotel was at the top of Bridge Street, the hotel was one of many buildings lost during the Blitz on the evening of the 4th November 1940, this area was never rebuilt, and now forms part of Castle Park.
Bank Tavern John Street
Barley Mow Harford Street
1831 – 34 John Harris
Barley Mow Host Street
1816 Edward Royal / 1820 Thomas Thomas / 1822 John Millar / 1848 Charles Iles / 1849 Ann Bowen
Barley Mow St.James’s Back
1851 – 53 Joseph Gillham / 1853 William Burston
Barnstaple Arms 51 Broad Quay
Previously named the Wellington
1857 – 61 Hugh Pollard / 1863 Robert Hugh Pollard / 1865 R. Horsington / 1866 to 1867 Margaret Horsington
1868 Richard Silk / 1869 to 1871 William Arthur / 1872 Edward Williams / 1874 – 78 Carlos Ferrer
Barrel Limekiln Lane
Also listed as Barrel & Bottle and Bottle & Barrel
1752 – 64 Robert Read
Barrel Lamp Lower Maudlin Street
Barrel Marsh Street
1755 Sarah Linthorn / 1762 Abraham Clayton
Barrel Lamp Rosemary Street
1856 Lewis Moore / 1863 – 68 George Hurford / 1871 – 83 John Cottrell / 1885 – 88 George Ponsford
1893 Charles Allen / 1896 – 1902 Samuel Forster / 1904 Charles Hewys / 1906 – 09 Samuel Suller
John Cottrell was also a horn, glue & metal merchant
Basket Makers’ Arms Pipe Lane
1855 – 57 Thomas Bass / 1859 – 63 Elija Meacham / 1865 – 69 Philip Driscoll
Batchelors’ Arms (Hall) Charles Street
1858 – 59 John Johns / 1860 – 61 Charles Batt
Bath Arms Lower Maudlin Street
The Bath Arms was previously named the Stag & Hounds
1863 – 78 John Vincent / 1879 to 1882 Edwin Brookman / 1883 Charles Taylor / 1887 – 88 Charles Stevens
1891 James Stevens / 1892 to 1893 John Stevens / 1894 James Woods / 1896 – 97 Arthur Hudd / 1899 A. Bennett
1901 S. Humphries / 1902 – 06 James Harris
Bath Arms Milk Street
Bath Barge Queen Street (Castle Precinct, St.Peter’s)
1775. Thomas Palmer / 1820 – 22. Sarah Bishop / 1823. Benjamin Williams / 1826. E. Williams
1828. Joseph Mathias / 1830 – 34. William Burbidge / 1837 – 56. John Chapman / 1857 – 69. Robert H. Pring
1871 – 72. George Pearce / 1874 – 76. George Charles Thorne / 1877 – 78. George Gillard
1879 to 1887. Edward Gillard / 1888 to 1891. Edward Parkhouse / 1892 – 97. Richard Williams
1899 – 1901. William Smith / 1904. Arthur Hudd / 1906 – 09. Levi Barrett
Bath Chair Quay
1792. Elizabeth Macfarlane
Bath Tavern Ropewalk
1853 – 55 Joseph Knight
Bay Horse Lewin’s Mead
Bazaar Shades St.George’s Road
1863 Henry Tilling
Bear Quay
1755 William Newton / 1762 John Powell
Bear & Rugged Staff Little Peter Street
Beaufort Arms Nelson Street
1856 William Baker / 1861 John Bush / 1863 – 68 William Stevens / 1869 James Salvidge
1871 – 72 Elizabeth Jones / 1874 – 76 Joseph Harding / 1875 Robert Halford / 1877 Joseph Harding
1878 – 83 John Williams / 1885 – 87 Sarah Williams / 1888 Richard Exell / 1889 James Giles / 1891 – 96 Harry Hobb
1897 – 1906 William Saddler / 1909 Catherine Jordan
Bee Hive Sims’ Alley (Horsefair)
1868 – 72 Edwin Tamblin / 1874 – 78 Stephen Bendall / 1880 – 88 Susannah Williams
Bee Hive Inn Lower Montague Street
1878 – 87 John Treble / 1888 – 99 Edward Treble / 1901 – 21 Clara Treble
Bell Back (Welsh Back)
1755 – 62 John Williams / 1775 Mary Williams / 1792 Thomas Skenfield / 1800 Mary Reynolds / 1806 John Pugh
1816 John Cook / 1820 – 30 James Rossiter / 1831 – 32 John Reed / 1834 Henry Amos Smart
1837 – 55 John Reed / 1856 to 1859 George Benden / 1860 J. Rees / 1861 – 83 Clement Rees
1885 – 88 Hannah Pitfield Nelson / 1889 Louisa Augusta Flower / 1891 – 1914 William Craig
1917 Mary Ann Boulton / 1921 Thomas Ross / 1925 Edward Leigh / 1928 Samuel Large / 1931 Emma Neal
Bell Back Street
1752 James Perry
Bell Baldwin Street
1754 – 62 Widow Bell
Bell Barton
1754 – 62 Widow Payne (Pyne)
Bell Broadmead
1754 Thomas Philips / 1755 Widow Astles / 1764 – 75 Thomas Hare
Bell Broad Street
1752 Guy Thompson / 1775 John Winter / 1792 Margaret Morgan / 1794 Richard Morgan & William Taylor
Bell Broad Quay
1806 William Smith / 1816 – 37 William Leaker / 1840 – 52 Richard Power / 1853 to 1856 John O’Connor
1857 to 1859 Mary Ann Power / 1860 – 63 Charles Townsend / 1865 – 66 William Lancaster
1867 to 1868 Richard Bellamy / 1869 Frank Beard / 1871 John Flint / 1871 Thomas Carey
1874 – 78 William Carey / 1879 – 80 Jeremiah Searle / 1882 James Blake / 1883 James Poolman
Bell Broad Weir
1754 Thomas Evans / 1755 Widow Evans / 1775 William Jones / 1792 Elizabeth Hock / 1794 Thomas Read
1800 – 06 Benjamin Button / 1816 – 33 John Prowlin / 1834 – 44 Margaret Prowlin / 1847 – 49 John Baylis
1851 – 55 Samuel Fussell / 1856 – 60 Philip Bevan / 1863 Josiah Reynolds / 1865 – 66 Thomas Hardy Gover
1867 – 69 John Sharland
New Bell 1867 – 69
Bell Castle Green
1752 Gabriel Nicholas
Bell Earl Street
1755 – 64 Abraham Lewis / 1775 William Lewis
Bell King Street
1755 Roger Randall
Bell Limekiln Lane (St.George’s Road)
1755 Richard Thomas / 1764 Rowland Plant / 1800 John Slater / 1806 Johannah Clatworthy / 1816 James Tuttle
1820 – 23 Richard Parsons / 1826 S. Skinner / 1828 Micheal O. Nash / 1831 John Bryant / 1832 Thomas Speed
1833 Joshua Frost / 1837 R. Kitheroe / 1839 – 49 Robert Fish / 1851 – 52 Gregory Fish junior
1853 to 1856 George Tipper Hassell / 1857 Elizabeth Tebb / 1858 – 59 George Gallop / 1865 – 69 Isaac Jones
Bell Merchant Street
1806. George Tidcomb
Bell Narrow Wine Street
1863 John Chamberlain / 1867 ? Gayler / 1868 – 69 J. Vaughan / 1871 Joseph Parkes / 1872 James Beaver
1874 Charles Marpole / 1875 Jeremiah Stiles / 1876 Eliza A. Symes / 1877 F. Brandt / 1878 W. Sainsbury
1879 to 1880 Henry Lamdon / 1881 John Reed / 1882 Frederick Webber / 1883 Amelia Blake
1886 – 88 Patrick Hartigan / 1891 Henry Graves / 1892 Catherine McMahon / 1894 Dennis Denman
1896 C. Green / 1897 – 99 Jane Roberts / 1901 William Murphy
The 1871 census lists Joseph Parkes’ occupation as moulder, and his wife Susan as beer retailer
Bell Nicholas Street
1752 John Rogers / 1754 – 55 Nicholas Austin
Bell Old King Street
1754 – 55 Thomas Boucher (Butcher) / 1775 John Thomas / 1792 William Young / 1794 – 1806 Samuel Baker
1816 – 22 Richard Davis / 1823 – 28 Thomas Hill / 1831 – 44 Richard Davis / 1847 George Offer / 1848 Silas Merritt
1849 Eliza Davis / 1851 J. Peach / 1852 Ezra Tucker / 1853 to 1855 James Baker / 1856 to 1857 Robert Holley
1858 William Barker / 1860 Elizabeth Herman / 1861 William Crocker / 1863 John Thomas / 1866 – 69 J. Collings
1871 – 74 Sarah Sowden / 1875 J. Voyce / 1876 Samuel Pearson / 1877 Thomas Gray / 1879 – 87 John Salter
1888 Arthur Jones Noad / 1889 Jacquier Squires / 1891 – 94 Sarah Ann Knight / 1896 Capt. Knight
1897 Herbert Coombs / 1899 Frank Mitchell / 1901 – 06 Sarah Cross / 1909 Florence MacDonald
Bell Pithay
1752 Mr Dove / 1764 William Glandenning / 1775 William Glendoning / 1800 Thomas Wilkins / 1806 James Ewins
1816 – 23 William Styles / 1826 – 28 William Forse / 1830 – 33 Henry Hodges / 1834 – 49 William Rooks
1851 – 52 Thomas Boardman / 1853 to 1866 Joseph James / 1867 – 77 James Bicker / 1879 – 80 Daniel Organ
(Blue) Bell Quay Lane (Alderskey Lane)
1775 Jacob Beer / 1794 William Hamell / 1800 William Davis / 1806. John Welch / 1820 James Jones
1822 Sarah Jones / 1823 ? Bowden / 1826 B. Higgins / 1828 H. Mills
Bell St.James’s Back
1794 Margaret Evans
Bell Wine Street
1752 George Causlett
Bell & Compass Broad Street
1775 James Parsley
Bell & Compasses Merchant Street
1794 Evan Watkins
Ben Johnson’s Head College Street
1792 John Ducket
Berkeley Arms Silver Street
1847 – 48 William Horwood
Bewdley Trow Fishmarket
1755 Stephen Joyner
Bird Cage Broadmead
1755 George Mittins
Bird In Hand Cider House Passage (Broad Street)
1816. Thomas Williams
Bird In Hand Merchant Street
1868 – 74 Thomas Daniels / 1875 John Stacey / 1876 James B. Thomas / 1877 – 83 Thomas White
1885 – 88 Francis John Treasure / 1891 – 96 Henry Pacey / 1899 – 1914 Elizabeth Showering
Blackbird Back
1754 Thomas Watkins / 1755 Moses Harris
Blackbirds St.Augustine’s Terrace (Butts)
1851 – 56 Daniel Wilkins / 1863 Joseph Colbourne / 1871 T. Harris / 1872 to 1875 S. Harris
1876 to 1877 T. Harris / 1878 – 83 Edward Willcox / 1885 – 91 Joseph Puddy
Black Boy Fishmarket
1762 William Hitch
Black Boy Lewin’s Mead
1752 – 55 Abel Fouracres
Black Boy Narrow Weir
1872 Sarah Ann Reece / 1874 – 87 William Parsons / 1888 – 96 William Widgery / 1899 – 1902 Mary Jane Hampton
1904 – 31 Silas Balkwill / 1935 Joseph Dunston / 1937 Florence Annie Griffiths
Black Boy Philadelphia Street
1871 – 77 Joseph Allen
Black Boy Prince Street
1794 John Adams / 1816 Sarah Williams / 1820 John Cook / 1823 George Edmunds / 1826 – 28 H. Green
1830 – 31 Richard Partington
Black Boy Quay
1755 Robert Haskins / 1762 Hester Haskins
Black Boy Quay
1755 Edward Fry
Black Boy Steep Street
1752 William Cheshire / 1764 Wiliam Jones
Black Horse Lower College Green (College Square)
1752 – 55 Samuel Edwards / 1764 Sarah Edwards / 1775 Margaret Thomas / 1792 Margaret Grenier
1794 George Knox / 1800 Robert Mills / 1806 Thomas Payne / 1816 – 28 Elizabeth Payne / 1830 – 33 John King
1834 Mary King / 1839 – 40 William Maby / 1842 James Chambers / 1844 Charles Evans / 1847 – 48 Michael Green
1849 George Neale / 1851 – 54 James Bellamy / 1855 Mary Withers / 1856 Mary Carter / 1857 Joseph Lawrence
1858 to 1860 John Flinn / 1860 to 1862 Isaac Morgan / 1862 – 63 Thomas Barrow
Black Horse Callowhill Street
1775 Sarah Rossiter
Black Horse Marsh Street
1755 – 75 John Aveline
Black Horse Moon Street
1855 George Kimber
Blue Anchor Back Street
1752 – 55 Patrick Hennison
Blue Ball Marsh Street
1775 James Connelly
Blue Bowl Horsefair
1752 – 55 Nathaniel Tippett
Blue Bowl Pithay
Blue Bowl St.Michael’s Steps
1752 Jean Pidgeon / 1755 Joan Pidgeon / 1764 William Hughes
Blue Leg Shambles
1752 Francis Colebatch
Boar’s Head & Salmon Limekiln Lane
1752 Widow Newman / 1755 Charles Sandford / 1764 Margaret Taylor / 1775 John Boy
Boar’s Head Limekiln Lane / College Place
1752 – 55 Abraham Parfitt / 1762 – 64 Mary Parfitt / 1775 – 92 Robert Andrews / 1794 William Mullis
1794 – 1800 John Whitcomb / 1806 William Newsom / 1816 Richard Parsons / 1820 – 22 John Griffiths
1823 Mary Crook / 1826 – 34 James Rouse / 1837 William Price / 1839 – 40 Thomas Jones
1842 – 49 Thomas Clarke / 1851 – 52 Mary Clarke / 1854 – 57 John Thayer / 1858 to 1860 Henry Hill
1861 to 1867 David Griffiths / 1868 to 1890 Frederick Wookey / 1891 – 94 David Avery / 1896 George Green
1899 – 1906 Thomas Dark / 1909 Ernest Palmer
Boar’s Head St.Nicholas Street
1754 E. Wyatt / 1762 – 64 John Trapnill / 1794 James Weson / 1800 John Williams / 1816 – 23 William Gibbs
1826 – 28 J. Cook / 1830 – 34 James Davis / 1839 ? Hudson / 1840 to 1841 William Jutson
1842 – 44 Abraham Cresswell / 1847 John Price / 1848 Matthew Sayer / 1849 to 1851 Nathan Sayer
1852 to 1889 William King Price / 1890 John McKintosh / 1890 to 1915 Richard Maxwell
1916 to 1920 Louisa Maxwell
In 1816 the Boar’s Head was also listed as an ‘Eating-House’
Boatswain & Call Marsh Street
1755 James McGuire
Boatswain & Call St.James’ Back
1755 Henry Parr / 1762 Cain Mahoney
Boot Mary-Le-Port Street
1752 John Lewis
Boot Rivetters’ Arms Charles Street
1868 T. Milsted / 1869 – 77 Matthew Appleby
Bottle & Glass Merchant Street
1775 John Thomas
Brandy Cask Barton Alley (Bond Street)
1830 – 39 Robert Davis / 1844 Mrs. M. Davis / 1848 George Savage / 1852 Daniel Parsley / 1853 Sarah Haydon
1856 William Kirkpatrick / 1859 – 63 Mary Ann Crudge / 1865 – 66 Samuel Palmer / 1871 – 74 Isaac Jones
1876 – 78 Edward Weight / 1879 Edmund Weight / 1881 – 83 Charles Miles / 1885 M. J. Nyhan
1886 – 89 Esther Morse / 1891 Abraham Levy / 1892 – 96 James Duncan / 1897 – 1901 Alfred Green
1904 William Bristow / 1906 Imlah Hewys / 1909 Charles Hewys / 1914 Mrs. Jessie Hatch / 1917 – 25 Ada Morse
1928 – 31 Reginald Snook / 1935 George Gray
Also listed as the Barrel, the Brandy Cask was known as the Victoria Wine Vaults between 1871 and 1879. On the 25th March 1889 the Brandy Cask was taken on a 14 year lease at a rent of £50 per annum by James Lockley, brewer of Lewin’s Mead. The lease was one of 22 sold by James Lockley to the Bristol United Breweries Limited on the 25th March 1892 for the total sum of £11,000.
Brandy Cask Broad Street
1832 – 39 Thomas Murch / 1840 B. Murch / 1841 – 48 Hester Murch / 1851 – 61 John Leach
1863 Sarah Ann Roberts / 1865 – 68 John Hunt / 1869 – 78 William Stevens / 1880 – 83. Charles Solman
1885 – 88 John Agate / 1888 – 89 Albert Davis
Brandy Cask Broadmead
Brandy Cask Narrow Quay
Brighthelmestone Town Prince Street
1755 Nicholas Pockock / 1762 Mary Peacock (listed as Bright Helme)
Bristol Castle Castle Street
Also named the Castle Street Ale & Porter Stores
1863 Edward Mee / 1865 R. Mee / 1871 – 74 Alice Tilley / 1876 George Smith / 1877 to 1878 George Croot
1879 to 1886 Henry Biggin / 1887 – 96 Mary Ann Biggin / 1899 – 1909 Mary Ann Playle / 1914 – 17 John Cuff
Bristol Arms No.13 Milk Street
1866 William Edward Brown
Bristol Fashion Haymarket
1975 W. de Lago
Bristol Tavern Small Street
1794 James Gurner
Bristol Volunteer Bridewell Lane
1806 Bernard Jeffery
Britannia James Street
1842 – 47 James Long
Britannia King Street
1775 John King / 1826 William Knapp / 1828 R. Canton / 1831 – 33 William Turner / 1834 John Shattock
1837 William Jenkins / 1840 – 41 Robert Canter / 1842 William Butson Pearse / 1844 Thomas Brown
1845 to 1857 Joseph Henry Packer / 1858 to 1859 William Simpkin / 1860 to 1866 Joseph Vowles
1867 James Matthews / 1868 – 69 Clara Ann Young / 1871 Henry Robbins / 1872 Mrs. R. Cotton
1873 Robert Cotton / 1874 Richard Snook / 1875 to 1876 Samuel Tutton / 1877 Robert Cotton / 1878 T. Watkin
1879 to 1882 Jane Hale / 1883 to 1885 Ellen Dilke / 1886 T. Skinner / 1887 Mary Milden
1888 – 89 Stephen Barton Perrett / 1891 Thomas Davis / 1892 – 93 John Andrews / 1896 William Riley
1897 David Smith / 1899 Frederick Husse / 1901 – 06 William Burton / 1909 – 17 Sarah Alice Burton
1921 Edward Smethurst / 1925 Walter Gollop / 1928 – 31 Thomas Ross / 1935 – 38 Kate Elizabeth Ross
The Britannia was bombed in the war, for a glimpse see the Cardigan Arms
Britannia Marsh Street
1775 James Maguire
Britannia Merchant Street
Was previously named the Green Fields Of Erin
1876 – 81 Philip Evans / 1882 to 1884 Frederick Orchard / 1885 to 1888 Philip Evans / 1889 John Lewis
1890 John Rivers / 1891 Elizabeth Humphries / 1892 Joseph Kelly / 1892 – 96 R. Milton
1899 – 1901 Mrs. L. Milton
Britannia St.James’s Back
1837 – 47 Lawrence Lewis / 1848 Robert Barnes / 1849 Thomas Bromage / 1851 Joseph Bowman
1852 John Hooper / 1853 John Allen / 1854 – 56 Mrs. Anne Allen / 1858 – 59 Joseph Bellamy
1863 Charles Morgan / 1865 Thomas Read / 1867 – 69 James Turner / 1871 – 72 Alfred Stinchcombe
1874 – 77 Edward Daley
Britannia St.Nicholas Street
1830 Charles Read / 1856 – 78 Dunlop, Mackie & Co. / 1880 John Steven / 1888 – 92 Ivy Mackie Dunlop
1899 – 1901 David Morrison
Britannia All Saints’ Street
1826 Gregory Cole / 1828 J. Cluett / 1830 Thomas Davey / 1832 Thomas Whittington / 1834 – 44 John Osgathorpe
Brockway Boat Back
1751 – 55 Richard Shingler / 1762 Mary Sandford
Bull Broadmead
1775 John Lewis
Bull High Street
1762 – 64 George Rawlinson / 1775 John Godwin
Bull Merchant Street
1775 John Lewis
Bunch Of Grapes Broadmead
1852 – 53 William Warren / 1855 John Finnemore / 1856 to 1857 John Counsell / 1858 to 1859 James Garlick
1860 William Price / 1861 Mary Maggs / 1863 John Richardson / 1869 – 77 Elizabeth Evans
Bunch Of Grapes Denmark Street
Bunch Of Grapes Milk Street
Bunch Of Grapes Prince Street
1762 James Ball
Bunch Of Grapes St.Nicholas Street
Later named Seamus O’Donnell’s
1823 – 32 Peter Ashmead / 1840 E. Ashmead / 1842 – 44 Sarah Thomas / 1852 Henry Stabbins
1853 – 63 George Stephens / 1865 – 78 Mary Ann Stephens / 1879 – 89 Frederick Stephens
1891 – 1914 Arthur Gillett / 1917 Augusta Gillett / 1921 Harry Hopkins / 1925 William Shipp / 1928 Alfred Legge
1931 – 35 Albert Fleming / 1937 Reginald Windows / 1944 Francis Wakeman / 1950 – 53 Kenneth Powell
1956 Terrance J. Smith / 1998 to 2008 John Morton (Seamus O’Donnell’s)
Bunch Of Grapes King Street
Bunch Of Grapes St.James’s Back
1831 John Crocome / 1832 – 34 William Lonsdale / 1837 Robert Strickland / 1847 – 49 William Grey
1869 Elizabeth Evans
Bunch Of Grapes Union Street
1831 James Day / 1837 Joseph Earl / 1839 Owen Davis
Bunch Of Grapes Upper Montague Street
1865 – 69 E. Renshaw / 1871 – 72 James Phillips / 1874 Samuel Stone / 1875 Maria Lewis / 1876 – 77 John Little
1879 – 80 George Speed / 1882 – 83 Samuel Maundrell
Bush Broadmead
1764 Charles Wedmore
Bush Halliers Lane
1752 Mr. Jones / 1764 George Skinner
Bush Inn & Tavern Corn Street
1775 – 1800 John Weeks / 1806 James Anderson / 1820 – 22 John Townsend / 1823 W. B. Smith
1825 Townsend & Stokes / 1826 – 44 Samuel Stokes
in 1823 John Townsend is listed thus: Bush Coach Office, Corn Street,; residence 19 St.James’s Place, Kingsdown
Butcher St.James’ Back
1754 William Tippett
Butchers’ Arms Marsh Street
1762 Thomas England / 176? Thomas Blewett
Burchers’ Arms Milk Street
1871 W. J. Balmer / 1872 William Chapple / 1874 John Perrett / 1876 Mary Ann Fear / 1879 Mary Ann Williams
1883 J. Bowerman / 1885 – 86 Henry Tout / 1887 – 1906 Elizabeth Stephens
Butchers’ Arms Narrow Weir
1853 – 58 William Lewis / 1859 Ann Lewis / 1861 – 68 Joseph Gingell / 1869 John Dean / 1871 – 77 C. Baker
1879 Thomas Perry / 1880 Frederick Thomas / 1881 – 82 Peregrine Thomas / 1885 – 92 William Lucy
1896 David Burns / 1899 David Turner / 1901 Charles Grant / 1904 – 09 Luke Dursley
Butchers’ Arms Shambles
1752 Solomon Phillips / 1764 John Harris
Byron House Byron Place, Triangle
Later a restaurant & bar named Baroque
1848 – 63 James Putney / 1865 – 69 Harriet Putney / 1871 – 92 Francis Webber / 1899 F. Piper
1901 – 14 Samuel Jenkins / 1917 Elizabeth Jenkins / 1921 – 31 Harry Faux / 1935 Frances Faux
1937 – 38 Frances Ellen Webber / 1944 – 50 Frederick Pearce / 1953 – 56 Cameron Henry Chamberlain
1975 E. J. A. Greening